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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Launches a yarn service
This is as work in progress project to build as new launcher script for
any Hadoop service
A key feature here is that the configs are defined in JSON files -
files that are read in the order passed down, and merged into each other.
The final merged file is used to define the java command to execute
-and hadoop XML files.
It uses a JSON config file
--jfile configuration file (JSON format)
-class classname
-Dname=value -arbitrary value to pass down to the JVM
--java: any JVM arg
-javaX: javaX value
after an -- , all following commands are passed straight down to the invoked process.
# -xJ name=value JVM options. No: this is just another param
-xF file file to load next. Files are loaded in order.
-xD name=value again, values are loaded in order
-xU undefine
-xX main class, 'eXecute'
-- end of arguments
import sys
# see :
# and install w/ easy_install simplejson
import simplejson
KEY_DEF = "-xD"
KEY_EXEC = "-xX"
KEY_ARGS = "--"
def debug(string) :
print string
def pop_required_arg(arglist, previousArg) :
Pop the first element off the list and return it.
If the list is empty, raise an exception about a missing argument after the $previousArgument
if not len(arglist) :
raise Exception, "Missing required parameter after %s" % previousArg
head = arglist[0]
del arglist[0]
return head
def parse_one_jfile(filename) :
read in the given config file
parsed = simplejson.load(open(filename, "r"))
return parsed
# hand down sys.argv:
def extract_jfiles(args) :
""" takes a list of arg strings and separates them into jfile references
and other arguments.
l = len(args)
stripped = []
jfiles = []
index = 0
while index < l :
elt = args[index]
index += 1
if KEY_JFILE == elt :
# a match
if index == l :
raise Exception("Missing filename after " + KEY_JFILE)
filename = args[index]
debug("jfile " + filename)
index += 1
else :
return jfiles, stripped
def extract_args(args) :
Take a list of args, parse them or fail, generating a dictionary of actions
Return: dictionary and all leftover arguments
jfiles = []
execs = []
defs = []
remainder = []
while len(args) :
# the next call cannot fail, because of the len(args)
arg = pop_required_arg(args, "")
if KEY_JFILE == arg :
jfiles.append(pop_required_arg(args, KEY_JFILE))
elif KEY_DEF == arg :
defs.append((KEY_DEF, pop_required_arg(args, KEY_DEF)))
elif KEY_UNDEF == arg :
defs.append((KEY_UNDEF, pop_required_arg(args, KEY_UNDEF)))
elif KEY_EXEC == arg :
execs.append(pop_required_arg(args, KEY_EXEC))
elif KEY_ARGS == arg :
remainder += args
args = []
else :
#build the action list
actions = {
KEY_JFILE : jfiles,
KEY_EXEC : execs,
KEY_DEF : defs,
KEY_ARGS : remainder
#end of the run, there's a dictionary and a list of unparsed values
return actions
def get(conf, key, defVal) :
if conf.has_key(key) :
return conf[key]
else :
return defVal
def merge_json(conf, json) :
""" merge in a json dict with the existing one
in: configuration dict, json dict
out: configuration'
for (key, val) in json.items() :
if key in conf :
#there's a match, do a more detailed merge
oldval = conf[key]
if type(oldval) == dict and type(val) == dict :
# two dictionary instances -merge
merge_json(oldval, val)
else :
conf[key] = val
else :
conf[key] = val
return conf
def merge_jfile(conf, filename) :
json = parse_one_jfile(filename)
return merge_json(conf, json)
def merge_jfile_list(conf, jfiles) :
""" merge a list of jfiles on top of a conf dict
for jfile in jfiles :
conf = merge_jfile(conf, jfile)
return conf
def split_to_keyval_tuple(param) :
Split a key=value string into the (key,value) tuple
* an exception is raised on any string "=value"
* if there is no string: exception.
* a key only definition maps to (key, None)
* a "key=" definition maps to (key, "")
if not len(param) :
raise Exception, "Empty string cannot be a key=value definition"
equalsPos = param.find("=")
if equalsPos < 0 :
return param, None
elif not equalsPos :
raise Exception, "no key in argument %s" % param
else :
key = param[:(equalsPos - 1)]
value = param[(equalsPos + 1) :]
return key, value
def recursive_define(conf, path, value) :
if not len(path) :
#fallen off the end of the world
entry = path[0]
if len(path) == 1 :
#end of list, apply it.
conf[entry] = value
else :
#there's 1+ elements below, yet there's a subdir here.
if conf.has_key(entry) and type(conf[entry]) == dict :
#it's a subdir, simple: recurse.
recursive_define(conf[entry], path[1 :], value)
else :
#either there is an entry that isn't a conf, or its not there. Same outcome.
subconf = {}
conf[entry] = subconf
recursive_define(subconf, path[1 :], value)
def recursive_undef(conf, path) :
if not len(path) :
#fallen off the end of the world
entry = path[0]
if len(path) == 1 :
#end of list, apply it.
del conf[entry]
else :
#there's 1+ elements below, yet there's a subdir here.
if conf.has_key(entry) and type(conf[entry]) == dict :
#it's a subdir, simple: recurse.
recursive_undef(conf[entry], path[1 :])
else :
#either there is an entry that isn't a conf, or its not there. Same outcome.
def apply_action(conf, action, key, value) :
Apply either a def or undef action; splitting the key into a path and running through it.
keypath = key.split("/")
#now have a split key,
if KEY_DEF == action :
recursive_define(conf, keypath, value)
elif KEY_UNDEF == action :
recursive_undef(conf, keypath)
def apply_local_definitions(conf, definitions) :
Run through the definition actions and apply them one by one
for defn in definitions :
# split into key=value; no value -> empty string
(action, param) = defn
if KEY_DEF == action :
(key, val) = split_to_keyval_tuple(param)
apply_action(conf, KEY_DEF, key, val)
return conf
#def parse_args(conf, args) :
# """
# split an arg string, parse the jfiles & merge over the conf
# (configuration, args[]) -> (conf', stripped, jfiles[])
# """
# (jfiles, stripped) = extract_jfiles(args)
# actions = extract_args(args)
# jfiles = actions[KEY_JFILE]
# conf = merge_jfile_list(conf, jfiles)
# return conf, actions
def print_conf(conf) :
""" dump the configuration to the console
print "{"
for (key, val) in conf.items() :
if type(val) == dict :
print key
else :
print "" + key + " => " + str(val)
print "}"
def list_to_str(l, spacer) :
result = ""
for elt in l :
if len(result) > 0 :
result += spacer
result += elt
return result
def list_to_hxml_str(l) :
return list_to_str(l, ",")
def export_kv_xml(output, key, value) :
line = "<property><name>" + key + "</name><value>" + str(value) + "</value>\n"
print line
def export_to_hadoop_xml(output, conf) :
""" export the conf to hadoop XML
dictionaries are skipped.
for (key, value) in conf.items() :
if type(value) is list :
# list print
export_kv_xml(output, key, list_to_hxml_str(value))
else :
if type(value) is dict :
print "skipping dict " + key
else :
export_kv_xml(output, key, value)
def start(conf, stripped_args) :
start the process by grabbing exec/args for the arguments
ex = conf["exec"]
args = []
jsonargs = get(ex, "args", [])
classname = get(ex, "classname", "")
if not len(classname) :
raise Exception, "No classname supplied"
classname = get(ex, "classname", "")
commandline = ["java"]
classpath = []
jvmargs = []
commandline.append(list_to_str(classpath, ":"))
print "ready to exec : %s" % commandline
def main() :
# (conf, stripped, jfiles) = parse_args({}, sys.argv[1 :])
actions = extract_args(sys.argv[1 :])
jfiles = actions[KEY_JFILE]
conf = merge_jfile_list({}, jfiles)
apply_local_definitions(conf, actions[KEY_DEF])
exec_args = actions[KEY_ARGS]
# if len(stripped) > 0 :
#got an output file
# filename = stripped[0]
# print "Writing XML configuration to " + filename
# output = open(filename, "w")
# export_to_hadoop_xml(output, conf["site"])
start(conf, exec_args)
if __name__ == "__main__" :