Release Process

Here is our release process.

Before you begin

Check out the latest version of the develop branch, run the tests. This should be done on a checked out version of the code that is not the one you are developing on (ideally, a clean VM), to ensure that you aren‘t releasing a slightly modified version of your own, and that you haven’t accidentally included passwords or other test run details into the build resource tree.

The slider-funtest functional test package is used to run functional tests against a running Hadoop YARN cluster. It needs to be configured according to the instructions in testing to create HBase and Accumulo clusters in the YARN cluster.

Make sure that the functional tests are passing (and not being skipped) before starting to make a release

Step #1: Create a JIRA for the release, estimate 3h (so you don't try to skip the tests)


Step #2: Check everything in. Git flow won't let you progress without this.

Step #3: Git flow: create a release branch

export SLIDER_RELEASE=0.5.2

git flow release start slider-$SLIDER_RELEASE

Step #4: in the new branch, increment those version numbers using (the maven versions plugin)[]

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=$SLIDER_RELEASE

Step #5: commit the changed POM files

git add <changed files>
git commit -m "$SLIDER_RELEASE_JIRA updating release POMs for $SLIDER_RELEASE"

Step #6: Do a final test run to make sure nothing is broken

In the slider directory, run:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

Once everything is built- including .tar files, run the tests

mvn test

This will run the functional tests as well as the slider-core tests.

It is wise to reset any VMs here, and on live clusters kill all running jobs. This stops functional tests failing because the job doesn't get started before the tests time out.

As the test run takes 30-60+ minutes, now is a good time to consider finalizing the release notes.

Step #7: Build the release package


mvn clean site:site site:stage package -DskipTests

Step #8: validate the tar file

Look in slider-assembly/target to find the .tar.gz file, and the expanded version of it. Inspect that expanded version to make sure that everything looks good -and that the versions of all the dependent artifacts look good too: there must be no -SNAPSHOT dependencies.

Step #9: Build the release notes

Create a a one-line plain text release note for commits and tags And a multi-line markdown release note, which will be used for artifacts.

Release against hadoop 2.4.0, HBase-0.98.1 and Accumulo 1.5.1 artifacts. 

The multi-line release notes should go into slider/src/site/markdown/release_notes.

These should be committed

git add --all
git commit -m "$SLIDER_RELEASE_JIRA updating release notes"

Step #10: End the git flow

Finish the git flow release, either in the SourceTree GUI or the command line:

git flow release finish slider-$SLIDER_RELEASE

On the command line you have to enter the one-line release description prepared earlier.

You will now be back on the develop branch.

Step #11: update mvn versions

Switch back to develop and update its version number past the release number

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=$SLIDER_RELEASE
git commit -a -m "$SLIDER_RELEASE_JIRA updating development POMs to $SLIDER_RELEASE"

Step #12: Push the release and develop branches to github

git push origin master develop 

(assuming that origin maps to; you can check this with git remote -v

The git-flow program automatically pushes up the release/slider-X.Y branch, before deleting it locally.

If you are planning on any release work of more than a single test run, consider having your local release branch track the master.

Step #13: ### Release on github small artifacts

Browse to

Create a new release on the site by following the instructions

Files under 5GB can be published directly. Otherwise, follow step 14

Step #14: For releasing via an external CDN (e.g. Rackspace Cloud)

Using the web GUI for your particular distribution network, upload the .tar.gz artifact

After doing this, edit the release notes on github to point to the tar file's URL.

Example: Download slider-0.10.1-all.tar.gz

Step #15: Announce the release

Step #16: Finish the JIRA

Log the time, close the issue. This should normally be the end of a sprint -so wrap that up too.

Step #17: Get back to developing!

Check out the develop branch and purge all release artifacts

git checkout develop
git pull origin
mvn clean