Building Slider

Here's how to set this up.

Before you begin


The network on the development system must be functional, with hostname lookup of the local host working. Tests will fail without this.


You will need a version of Maven 3.0+, set up with enough memory

MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true

Important: As of October 6, 2013, Maven 3.1 is not supported due to version issues.


You need a copy of the protoc compile

  1. OS/X: brew install protobuf
  2. Others: consult (Building Hadoop documentation)[].

The version of protoc installed must be the same as that used by Hadoop itself. This is absolutely critical to prevent JAR version problems.

Building a compatible Hadoop version

Slider is built against Hadoop 2 -you can download and install a copy from the Apache Hadoop Web Site.

During development, its convenient (but not mandatory) to have a local version of Hadoop -so that we can find and fix bugs/add features in Hadoop as well in Slider.

To build and install locally, check out apache svn/github, branch release-2.4.0, and create a branch off that tag

git clone git:// 
cd hadoop-common
git remote rename origin apache
git fetch --tags apache
git checkout release-2.4.0 -- 
git checkout -b release-2.4.0

For the scripts below, set the HADOOP_VERSION variable to the version

export HADOOP_VERSION=2.4.0

or, for building against a pre-release version of Hadoop 2.4

git checkout branch-2

To build and install it locally, skipping the tests:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

To make a tarball for use in test runs:

#On  osx
mvn clean install package -Pdist -Dtar -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true 

# on linux
mvn clean package -Pdist -Pnative -Dtar -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true 

Then expand this

pushd hadoop-dist/target/
gunzip hadoop-$HADOOP_VERSION.tar.gz 
tar -xvf hadoop-$HADOOP_VERSION.tar 

This creates an expanded version of Hadoop. You can now actually run Hadoop from this directory. Do note that unless you have the native code built for your target platform, Hadoop will be slower.

building a compatible HBase version

If you need to build a version of HBase -rather than use a released version, here are the instructions (for the hbase-0.98 release branch)

Checkout the HBase trunk branch from apache svn/github.

git clone git://
cd hbase
git remote rename origin apache
git fetch --tags apache


git checkout -b apache/0.98


git checkout tags/0.98.1

If you have already been building versions of HBase, remove the existing set of artifacts for safety:

rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/hbase/

The maven command for building hbase artifacts against this hadoop version is

mvn clean install assembly:single -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

To use a different version of Hadoop from that defined in the hadoop-two.version property of/pom.xml:

mvn clean install assembly:single -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dhadoop-two.version=$HADOOP_VERSION

This will create an hbase tar.gz file in the directory hbase-assembly/target/ in the hbase source tree.

export HBASE_VERSION=0.98.1

pushd hbase-assembly/target
gunzip hbase-$HBASE_VERSION-bin.tar.gz 
tar -xvf hbase-$HBASE_VERSION-bin.tar
gzip hbase-$HBASE_VERSION-bin.tar

This will create an untarred directory containing hbase. Both the .tar.gz and untarred file are needed for testing. Most tests just work directly with the untarred file as it saves time uploading and downloading then expanding the file.

(and if you set HBASE_VERSION to something else, you can pick up that version -making sure that slider is in sync)

For more information (including recommended Maven memory configuration options), see HBase building

For building just the JAR files:

mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dhadoop.profile=2.0 -Dhadoop-two.version=$HADOOP_VERSION

Tip: you can force set a version in Maven by having it update all the POMs:

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=0.98.1-SNAPSHOT

Building Accumulo

Clone accumulo from apache;

git clone

Check out branch 1.5.1-SNAPSHOT

In the accumulo project directory, build it

mvn clean install -Passemble -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true \

The default Hadoop version for accumulo-1.5.1 is hadoop 2.4.0; to build against a different version use the command

mvn clean install -Passemble -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true \
 -Dhadoop.profile=2  -Dhadoop.version=$HADOOP_VERSION

This creates an accumulo tar.gz file in assemble/target/. Unzip then untar this, to create a .tar file and an expanded directory


This can be done with the command sequence


pushd assemble/target/
gunzip -f accumulo-$ACCUMULO_VERSION-bin.tar.gz 
tar -xvf accumulo-$ACCUMULO_VERSION-bin.tar 

Note that the final location of the accumulo files is needed for the configuration, it may be directly under target/ or it may be in a subdirectory, with a path such as target/accumulo-$ACCUMULO_VERSION-dev/accumulo-$ACCUMULO_VERSION/


Configuring Slider to locate the relevant artifacts

You must have the file src/test/resources/slider-test.xml (this is ignored by git), declaring where HBase, accumulo, Hadoop and zookeeper are:


    <description>HBASE Home</description>

    <description>HBASE archive URI</description>
    <description>Accumulo Home</description>

    <description>Accumulo archive URI</description>
    <description>Zookeeper home dir on target systems</description>

    <description>Hadoop home dir on target systems</description>

Debugging a failing test

  1. Locate the directory target/$TESTNAME where TESTNAME is the name of the test case and or test method. This directory contains the Mini YARN Cluster logs. For example, TestLiveRegionService stores its data under target/TestLiveRegionService

  2. Look under that directory for -logdir directories, then an application and container containing logs. There may be more than node being simulated; every node manager creates its own logdir.

  3. Look for the out.txt and err.txt files for stdout and stderr log output.

  4. Slider uses SLF4J to log to out.txt; remotely executed processes may use either stream for logging


  1. The actual test log from JUnit itself goes to the console and into target/surefire/; this shows the events happening in the YARN services as well as (if configured) HDFS and Zookeeper. It is noisy -everything after the teardown message happens during cluster teardown, after the test itself has been completed. Exceptions and messages here can generally be ignored.

This is all a bit complicated -debugging is simpler if a single test is run at a time, which is straightforward

mvn clean test -Dtest=TestLiveRegionService

Building the JAR file

You can create the JAR file and set up its directories with

 mvn package -DskipTests

Development Notes

Git branch model

The git branch model uses is Git Flow.

This is a common workflow model for Git, and built in to Atlassian Source Tree.

The command line git-flow tool is easy to install

brew install git-flow


apt-get install git-flow

You should then work on all significant features in their own branch and merge them back in when they are ready.

# until we get a public JIRA we're just using an in-house one. sorry
git flow feature start BUG-8192

# finishes merges back in to develop/
git flow feature finish BUG-8192

# release branch
git flow release start 0.4.0

git flow release finish 0.4.0

Attn OS/X developers

YARN on OS/X doesn't terminate subprocesses the way it does on Linux, so HBase Region Servers created by the hbase shell script remain running even after the tests terminate.

This causes some tests -especially those related to flexing down- to fail, and test reruns may be very confused. If ever a test fails because there are too many region servers running, this is the likely cause

After every test run: do a jps -v to look for any leftover HBase services -and kill them.

Here is a handy bash command to do this

jps -l | grep HRegion | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -9


Slider uses Groovy 2.x as its language for writing tests -for better assertions and easier handling of lists and closures. Although the first prototype used Groovy on the production source, this was dropped in favor of a Java-only production codebase.

Maven utils

Here are some handy aliases to make maven easier

alias mci='mvn clean install -DskipTests'
alias mi='mvn install -DskipTests'
alias mvct='mvn clean test'
alias mvnsite='mvn site:site -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true'
alias mvt='mvn test'