blob: a1e50e330c4de47928af38a57da17b050c0c62b5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Apache S4 Application Build File
* Use this script to build and package S4 apps.
* Run 'gradle install' on the s4 project to publish to your local maven repo.
* TODO: This should probably be distributed as an s4 plugin for Gradle.
* TODO: There seem to be to be similarities with the war and jetty plugins. (war -> s4r, jetty -> s4Run).
* We should make it easy to test the app from this script by a running a test task that starts and stops
* an s4 server. See:
* This is an interesting discussion:
project.ext["s4AppInstallDir"] = hasProperty('appsDir') ? "$appsDir" : "/tmp/appsDir"
project.ext["s4Version"] = '0.5.0-SNAPSHOT'
description = 'Apache S4 App'
//defaultTasks 'installS4R'
project.ext["archivesBaseName"] = "$"
project.ext["distRootFolder"] = "$archivesBaseName-${-> version}"
// Append the suffix 'SNAPSHOT' when the build is not for release.
//version = new Version(major: 0, minor: 0, bugfix: 0, isRelease: false)
group = 'org.apache.s4'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin:'application'
/* The app classname is set automatically from the source files. */
def appClassname = ''
/* Set Java version. */
sourceCompatibility = 1.6
targetCompatibility = 1.6
repositories {
mavenRepo name: "gson", url: ""
/* Add lib dir as a repo. Some jar files that are not available
in a public repo are distributed in the lib dir. */
flatDir name: 'libDir', dirs: "$rootDir/lib"
/* All project libraries must be defined here. */
project.ext["libraries"] = [
// for instance, adding twitter4j 2.2.5 will be:
//twitter4j_core: 'org.twitter4j:twitter4j-core:2.2.5'
// is a good source
// if you need to use a different repository, please specify it in the above "repositories" block
// you always need the s4 libraries for building your app
s4_base: 'org.apache.s4:s4-base:'+ s4Version,
s4_comm: 'org.apache.s4:s4-comm:'+s4Version,
s4_core: 'org.apache.s4:s4-core:'+s4Version
dependencies {
/* S4 Platform. We only need the API, not the transitive dependencies. */
compile (libraries.s4_base)
compile (libraries.s4_comm)
compile (libraries.s4_core)
// if you need to use the twitter4j lib defined above, you must reference it here as a dependency
// compile (libraries.twitter4j_core)
/* Set the manifest attributes for the S4 archive here.
* TODO: separate custom properties from std ones and set custom properties at the top of the build script.
provider: 'gradle',
'Implementation-Url': '',
'Implementation-Version': version,
'Implementation-Vendor': 'Apache S4',
'Implementation-Vendor-Id': 's4app',
'S4-App-Class': appClassname, // gets set by the s4r task.
'S4-Version': s4Version
project.ext["appDependencies"] = ( configurations.compile )
/* This task will extract all the class files and create a fat jar. We set the manifest and the extension to make it an S4 archive file. */
// TODO: exclude schenma files as needed (not critical) see:
task s4r(type: Jar) {
if (rootProject.hasProperty("appName")) {
archiveName= "$appName"+".s4r"
dependsOn jar
from { appDependencies.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
from { configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.collect { zipTree(it) } }
manifest = project.manifest
// check -PappClassName, need to refer to rootProject to check property, see
if (!rootProject.hasProperty('appClass') || !"$appClass") {
/* Set class name in manifest. Parse source files until we find a class that extends App.
* Get fully qualified Java class name and set attribute in Manifest.
sourceSets.main.allSource.files.each { File file ->
if (appClassname =="" || appClassname == "UNKNOWN") {
// only execute the closure for this file if we haven't already found the app class name
appClassname = getAppClassname(file)
if(appClassname != "") {
manifest.mainAttributes('S4-App-Class': appClassname)
} else {
manifest.mainAttributes('S4-App-Class': "$appClass")
if (appClassname == "UNKNOWN") {
println "Couldn't find App class in source files...aborting."
/* List the artifacts that will br added to the s4 archive (and explode if needed). */
s4r << {
appDependencies.each { File file -> println 'Adding to s4 archive: ' + }
configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.each { println 'Adding to s4 archive: ' + }
task cp << {
description='Dumps the classpath for running a class from this project, into a \'classpath.txt\' file in the current directory'
new File("classpath.txt").write(sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath)
/* Install the S4 archive to the install directory. */
task installS4R (type: Copy) {
dependsOn s4r
from s4r.archivePath
into s4AppInstallDir
/* Parse source file to get the app classname so we can use it in the manifest.
* TODO: Use a real Java parser. (This is not skipping comments for example.)
def getAppClassname(file) {
def classname = "UNKNOWN"
def lines= file.readLines()
def packageName = ""
for(line in lines) {
def pn = line =~ /.*package\s+([\w\.]+)\s*;.*/
if(pn) {
packageName = pn[0][1] + "."
def an = line =~ /.*public\s+class\s+(\w+)\s+extends.+App.*\{/
if (an) {
classname = packageName + an[0][1]
println "Found app class name: " + classname