tree: df8b6aef7a94c85a02fc901b93f3df465c5aca9c [path history] [tgz]
  1. config/
  2. gradle/
  3. lib/
  4. subprojects/
  5. test-apps/
  6. .gitignore
  7. build.gradle
  9. gradlew
  10. gradlew.bat
  12. NOTICE.txt
  14. RELEASE_NOTES.html
  15. s4
  16. settings.gradle

Apache S4


S4 is a general-purpose, distributed, scalable, partially fault-tolerant, pluggable platform that allows programmers to easily develop applications for processing continuous unbounded streams of data.

S4 0.5.0 is a complete refactoring of the previous version of S4. It grounds on the same concepts (partitioning inspired by map-reduce, actors-like distribution model), but with the following objectives:

  • cleaner and simpler API
  • robust configuration through statically defined modules
  • cleaner architecture
  • robust codebase
  • easier to develop S4 apps, to test, and to use the platform

We added the following core features:

  • TCP-based communications
  • state recovery through a flexible checkpointing mechanism
  • inter-cluster/app communications through a pub-sub model
  • dynamic application deployment
  • toolset for creating nodes, adding


For the latest information about S4, please visit our website at:

and our wiki, at:

Currently the wiki contains the most relevant and up-to-date documentation.

Source code is available here:

How to build

This only applies if you checkout from the source repository or if you download a released source package.

You need a 6+ JDK.

We use gradle as the build system.

  • From the root directory of the S4 project:

./gradlew install

This will build the packages and install the artefacts in the local maven repository.

  • Then, build the tools:

./gradlew s4-tools:installApp

This will build the tools so that you can drive the platform through the “s4” command.

Directory structure

  • If you have a source package:

    • root directory contains build and utility scripts, as well as informative files
    • config/ directory contains configuration files for source code formatting
    • doc/ directory contains the javadoc
    • gradle/ directory contains libraries used by the gradle build tool
    • lib/ directory contains some other gradle libraries
    • subproject/ directory contains the plaftorm subprojects: base, comm, core, tools, as well as example (example is not fully ported to 0.5.0)
    • test-apps/ directory contains some examples (some of them very trivial are used in regression tests)
  • If you have a binary package:

    • root directory contains the s4 utility script as well as informative files
    • doc/ directory contains the javadoc
    • lib/ directory contains :
      • the platform libraries (prefixed with “s4”)
      • the dependencies