Implementation of the K-Means Algorithm in S4

The k-means algorithm can be used for unsupervised clustering of multivariate data. In this example we use a data set to predict forest cover type. There is also a paper published for the author of this work (PDF)

The Forest Cover Data Set

Here are the steps I used to prepare the data files. They are located under src/main/resources/

# Download data set and uncoompress.

# Remove some columns and put the class label in the first column.
gawk -F "," '{print $55, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10}'  >

# Randomize data set.
sort -R >

# Check number of data points.
wc -l covtype-*
#  581012
#  581012

# Create a train and a test set.
tail -100000 >
head -481012 >

wc -l covtype-{train,test}.data
#  481012
#  100000
#  581012 total

Application Graph

To estimate the centroids of the clusters using k-means, we need to follow these steps:

  • Initialize the centroids by picking k vectors at random from the data set.
  • Inject the observation data vectors.
  • Compute the euclidean distance between each observation and the centroids.
  • Select the id of the cluster with the smallest distance (the hypothesized class for that observation).
  • Repeat for all the vectors in the data set and compute the average distance for the data set.
  • Reestimate the centroids by computing the mean for each clusters using the observations and their hypothesized class.
  • Repeat the whole process by reinjecting the data until the average distance converges.

Clearly, estimating the k-means centroids requires batch processing. That is we pass the same data through the application several times and we know exactly how many observation vectors we have available. With this knowledge we design the following application graph:

S4 Counter

We choose to use the same EventType to communicate across Processing Elements:

The event is immutable and can only be created using the constructor. The fields are:

  • obsVector is the observation vecotr. The size of the float array should be the same for all the vectors.
  • distance is the euclidean distance between the vector and the centroid.
  • index is a unique identifider for the event.
  • classId is the true class for the vector as it was labeled in the original data set.
  • hypId is the hypothesized class for the vector after using the classification algorithm.