RIPPLE-99 Updated emulation for Vibration API

The Vibration API has added two new native functions: vibrateWithPattern
and cancelVibration.  The vibrateWithPattern function takes an array of
integers and alternately waits and then shakes by the indicated number of
milliseconds.  The cancelVibration function stops the current vibration
action, either initiated by the old vibrate function or

Formally vibrateWithPattern requires the shaking to occur for a specific
period of time, rather than just "N shakes".  It's not critical that we
get that exactly right, but it is necessary that the shaking not go on
too long as that can cause two shaking patterns to run into one another.
Accordingly I changed the estimate that one shake will last 160 ms
rather than 100 ms.

This closes #72
2 files changed
tree: db6e738de799606688b315ac0092bd06130ee7f1
  1. assets/
  2. bin/
  3. build/
  4. doc/
  5. lib/
  6. targets/
  7. test/
  8. thirdparty/
  9. .bowerrc
  10. .csslintrc
  11. .gitignore
  12. .jshintignore
  13. .jshintrc
  14. bower.json
  15. configure
  18. Jakefile
  20. NOTICE
  21. package.json

Apache Ripple(tm)

A browser based, platform agnostic mobile application development and testing tool.

Build Requirements

  • Common

    • nodejs (v0.12.0 or higher)
    • npm (v2.5.1 or higher)
    • python (v2.7.3 recommended, v3.x.x is not supported)
  • OSX / Linux

    • make
    • A C/C++ compiler toolchain, e.g. GCC
  • Windows

    • Visual Studio 2010
      • The setup instructions can be found here
    • msysgit
      • Ripple uses Bower for js libraries managing. In order to use Bower on Windows, msysgit must be installed in a proper way - see Bower's

Getting Started

If you plan to dive into the source, be sure to check out the HACKING file.

To get started, you need to setup a few things, first- run (in the project root):


This script will pull down the needed npm packages and initialize the submodules.

Build Commands


This will build ripple to the pkg/ folder. In that folder there are various targets that can be used.

jake -T

This will describe all the available commands for building and running the tests, etc.

Running Inside Other Web Browsers

Ripple is (by-design) browser agnostic, and should be able to run inside any web browser.

If you want to run it inside other browsers, you will need to use the pkg/hosted target, paired with the CLI's emulate command.

Ex (using the NPM package):

ripple emulate --path to/my/app

# or

ripple emulate --remote

Then navigating to (your app's html file):


CLI & NPM Package

There is a command line interface that can be paired with the client (UI).

It can be used for various things, such as statically hosting an application, and running a local (cross origin) XHR proxy.

To install:

npm install -g ripple-emulator

This will install a global script called ripple. To see usage, run:

ripple help


If you like the project, and want to contribute code, please issue a pull request (on GitHub) into the master branch.

Note: You will need to submit an Apache ICLA (Individual Contributor License Agreement) for your contribution to be accepted.

Code Guidelines

  • 4 spaces per editor tab.
  • jake lint, no new lint errors introduced.
  • All unit tests are green.

Reference Material & Community