blob: 23d1e266e07d7c57714b67632d3decbe3b5b02ae [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <chrono> // NOLINT(build/c++11)
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include "tmb/id_typedefs.h"
#include "tmb/priority.h"
namespace tmb {
namespace internal {
// All of the key structs in this file have a uint32_t 'key_type' at offset 0.
// This value can be checked to determine the type of a key in order to allow
// casting to the appropriate type to allow inspecting the other fields.
// Per-client records. Associated values are arrays of message_type_id, which
// are the types for which a client is registered as a receiver.
static constexpr std::uint32_t kLevelDBKeyTypeClient = 0;
struct LevelDBClientKey {
const std::uint32_t key_type = kLevelDBKeyTypeClient;
client_id client;
static_assert(offsetof(LevelDBClientKey, key_type) == 0,
"LevelDBClientKey.key_type not at offset 0 as expected.");
static_assert(sizeof(LevelDBClientKey) ==
+ sizeof(LevelDBClientKey::client),
"LevelDBClientKey is larger than the sum of its parts (i.e. the "
"compiler has inserted gaps/padding between members because of "
"alignment requirements). Explicit zero-initialized padding "
"should be added.");
// Sender directory. Each client has an entry for each type for which it is
// registered as a sender. Mapped values are empty.
static constexpr std::uint32_t kLevelDBKeyTypeSenderDirectory = 1;
struct LevelDBSenderDirectoryKey {
const std::uint32_t key_type = kLevelDBKeyTypeSenderDirectory;
client_id client;
message_type_id message_type;
static LevelDBSenderDirectoryKey MinKeyForClient(const client_id client) {
LevelDBSenderDirectoryKey key;
key.client = client;
key.message_type = std::numeric_limits<message_type_id>::min();
return key;
static LevelDBSenderDirectoryKey LimitKeyForClient(const client_id client) {
return MinKeyForClient(client + 1);
static_assert(offsetof(LevelDBSenderDirectoryKey, key_type) == 0,
"LevelDBSenderDirectoryKey.key_type not at offset 0 as "
static_assert(sizeof(LevelDBSenderDirectoryKey) ==
+ sizeof(LevelDBSenderDirectoryKey::client)
+ sizeof(LevelDBSenderDirectoryKey::message_type),
"LevelDBSenderDirectoryKey is larger than the sum of its parts "
"(i.e. the compiler has inserted gaps/padding between members "
"because of alignment requirements). Explicit zero-initialized "
"padding should be added.");
// Receiver directory. Each client has an entry for each type for which it is
// registered as a receiver. Mapped values are empty. Note that this is ordered
// on 'message_type' BEFORE 'client_id', so that all of the receivers for a
// particular message type can be found quickly.
static constexpr std::uint32_t kLevelDBKeyTypeRecieverDirectory = 2;
struct LevelDBReceiverDirectoryKey {
const std::uint32_t key_type = kLevelDBKeyTypeRecieverDirectory;
message_type_id message_type;
client_id client;
static LevelDBReceiverDirectoryKey MinKeyForMessageType(
const message_type_id message_type) {
LevelDBReceiverDirectoryKey key;
key.message_type = message_type;
key.client = std::numeric_limits<client_id>::min();
return key;
static LevelDBReceiverDirectoryKey LimitKeyForMessageType(
const message_type_id message_type) {
return MinKeyForMessageType(message_type + 1);
static_assert(offsetof(LevelDBReceiverDirectoryKey, key_type) == 0,
"LevelDBReceiverDirectoryKey.key_type not at offset 0 as "
static_assert(sizeof(LevelDBReceiverDirectoryKey) ==
+ sizeof(LevelDBReceiverDirectoryKey::message_type)
+ sizeof(LevelDBReceiverDirectoryKey::client),
"LevelDBReceiverDirectoryKey is larger than the sum of its "
"parts (i.e. the compiler has inserted gaps/padding between "
"members because of alignment requirements). Explicit "
"zero-initialized padding should be added.");
// Messages. For now, this is merely a sequence of ids which map to empty
// values or, if a message is cancellable, to an array of
// LevelDBQueuedMessageKeys. Actual message contents are stored in the
// queued message range.
static constexpr std::uint32_t kLevelDBKeyTypeMessage = 3;
struct LevelDBMessageKey {
const std::uint32_t key_type = kLevelDBKeyTypeMessage;
// Alignment requirements on many 64-bit architectures will put a 4-byte
// gap between 'key_type' and 'message_id'. We explicitly fill this gap with
// zeroes so that LevelDB will not use uninitialized bytes when computing
// CRC32 checksums or Bloom filters.
const char _padding[sizeof(std::int64_t) - sizeof(std::uint32_t)] = {};
std::int64_t message_id;
static_assert(offsetof(LevelDBMessageKey, key_type) == 0,
"LevelDBMessageKey.key_type not at offset 0 as expected.");
static_assert(sizeof(LevelDBMessageKey) ==
+ sizeof(LevelDBMessageKey::_padding)
+ sizeof(LevelDBMessageKey::message_id),
"LevelDBMessageKey is larger than the sum of its parts (i.e. "
"the compiler has inserted gaps/padding between members because "
"of alignment requirements). Explicit zero-initialized padding "
"should be added.");
// Messages queued for individual receivers. Ordered by receiver's ID, then
// in descending order of priority, then by expiration time (messages with no
// expiration time come last), and finally by the message ID. The effect of
// this ordering is that the next message which should be received by a
// particular client is the first-ordered message with that client's ID that is
// not yet expired. Mapped values are messages concatenated with
// MessageMetadata (see tmb/internal/message_metadata.h).
static constexpr std::uint32_t kLevelDBKeyTypeQueuedMessage = 4;
struct LevelDBQueuedMessageKey {
const std::uint32_t key_type = kLevelDBKeyTypeQueuedMessage;
client_id receiver;
Priority priority;
// As with LevelDBMessageKey above, we add explicit zero-padding so that
// LevelDB doesn't read uninitialized bytes.
const char _padding[
- sizeof(Priority)] = {};
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> expiration_time;
std::int64_t message_id;
static LevelDBQueuedMessageKey MinKeyForClient(const client_id client) {
LevelDBQueuedMessageKey key;
key.receiver = client;
key.priority = std::numeric_limits<Priority>::max();
if (std::numeric_limits<
::is_signed) {
// If ticks are signed, this is the point furthest in the past. Most
// sensible C++ standard library implementations are like this.
= std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock>::min();
} else if (std::numeric_limits<
::is_integer) {
// If ticks are unsigned integers, go one after the epoch (which
// represents no expiration time and is ordered AFTER messages which can
// expire).
= std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock>(
} else {
// Ticks are an unsigned floating-point type (WEIRD!). Use the smallest
// nonzero number of ticks.
= std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock>(
key.message_id = std::numeric_limits<std::int64_t>::min();
return key;
static LevelDBQueuedMessageKey LimitKeyForClient(const client_id client) {
return MinKeyForClient(client + 1);
static_assert(offsetof(LevelDBQueuedMessageKey, key_type) == 0,
"LevelDBQueuedMessageKey.key_type not at offset 0 as expected.");
static_assert(sizeof(LevelDBQueuedMessageKey) ==
+ sizeof(LevelDBQueuedMessageKey::receiver)
+ sizeof(LevelDBQueuedMessageKey::priority)
+ sizeof(LevelDBQueuedMessageKey::_padding)
+ sizeof(LevelDBQueuedMessageKey::expiration_time)
+ sizeof(LevelDBQueuedMessageKey::message_id),
"LevelDBQueuedMessageKey is larger than the sum of its parts "
"(i.e. the compiler has inserted gaps/padding between members "
"because of alignment requirements). Explicit zero-initialized "
"padding should be added.");
} // namespace internal
} // namespace tmb