blob: d89a529c4cd04938fe3962ac8bae58d8608a189f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "catalog/CatalogTypedefs.hpp"
#include "compression/CompressionDictionary.hpp"
#include "compression/CompressionDictionaryLite.hpp"
#include "storage/CompressedBlockBuilder.hpp"
#include "storage/StorageBlockLayout.pb.h"
#include "storage/StorageErrors.hpp"
#include "storage/TupleIdSequence.hpp"
#include "storage/TupleStorageSubBlock.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/ComparisonID.hpp"
#include "types/TypedValue.hpp"
#include "utility/Macros.hpp"
#include "utility/PtrMap.hpp"
namespace quickstep {
class CatalogRelationSchema;
class ComparisonPredicate;
class Tuple;
class TupleStorageSubBlockDescription;
class ValueAccessor;
/** \addtogroup Storage
* @{
* @brief Abstract base class which implements common functionality for
* CompressedPackedRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock and
* CompressedColumnStoreTupleStorageSubBlock.
class CompressedTupleStorageSubBlock : public TupleStorageSubBlock {
const CatalogRelationSchema &relation,
const TupleStorageSubBlockDescription &description,
const bool new_block,
void *sub_block_memory,
const std::size_t sub_block_memory_size);
virtual ~CompressedTupleStorageSubBlock() {
* @brief Get a long value for a comparison of a truncated attribute with a
* literal TypedValue. If the literal is a Float or Double with a
* fractional part, the value will be adjusted so that the comparison
* will still evaluate correctly.
* @param comp The ID of the comparison being evaluated (the order is
* 'attribute comp literal'). Must be kLess, kLessOrEqual, kGreater,
* or kGreaterOrEqual (kEqual and kNotEqual are not supported).
* @param right_literal A literal of a numeric type (Int, Long, Float, or
* Double) to get the effective truncated value for.
* @param right_literal_type The specific concrete Type that right_literal
* belongs to.
* @return The value of right_literal as a long, adjusted as necessary so
* that the specified comparison still evaluates correctly.
static std::int64_t GetEffectiveLiteralValueForComparisonWithTruncatedAttribute(
const ComparisonID comp,
const TypedValue &right_literal,
const Type &right_literal_type);
bool supportsUntypedGetAttributeValue(const attribute_id attr) const override {
return !truncated_attributes_[attr];
bool supportsAdHocInsert() const override {
return false;
bool adHocInsertIsEfficient() const override {
return false;
bool isEmpty() const override {
if (builder_.get() == nullptr) {
return *static_cast<const tuple_id*>(sub_block_memory_) == 0;
} else {
return builder_->numTuples() == 0;
bool isPacked() const override {
return true;
tuple_id getMaxTupleID() const override {
return *static_cast<const tuple_id*>(sub_block_memory_) - 1;
bool hasTupleWithID(const tuple_id tid) const override {
return tid < *static_cast<const tuple_id*>(sub_block_memory_);
InsertResult insertTuple(const Tuple &tuple) override {
return InsertResult(-1, false);
bool insertTupleInBatch(const Tuple &tuple) override;
tuple_id bulkInsertTuples(ValueAccessor *accessor) override;
tuple_id bulkInsertTuplesWithRemappedAttributes(
const std::vector<attribute_id> &attribute_map,
ValueAccessor *accessor) override;
bool canSetAttributeValuesInPlaceTyped(
const tuple_id tuple,
const std::unordered_map<attribute_id, TypedValue> &new_values) const override {
return false;
void setAttributeValueInPlaceTyped(const tuple_id tuple,
const attribute_id attr,
const TypedValue &value) override {
FATAL_ERROR("Called CompressedTupleStorageSubBlock::setAttributeValueInPlaceTyped(), "
"which is not supported.");
// This override can more efficiently evaluate comparisons between a
// compressed attribute and a literal value.
TupleIdSequence* getMatchesForPredicate(const ComparisonPredicate &predicate,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const override;
bool isCompressed() const override {
return true;
// NOTE(chasseur): The methods below, with the prefix "compressed", are
// intended for use by IndexSubBlock implementations which are capable of
// using compressed codes directly. They can be accessed by checking that
// isCompressed() is true, then casting to CompressedTupleStorageSubBlock.
* @brief Check if the physical block has been built and compression has been
* finalized.
* @return true if the physical block has been built by a call to rebuild(),
* false if building is still in progress.
bool compressedBlockIsBuilt() const {
return builder_.get() == nullptr;
* @brief Check if an attribute may be compressed in a block which is not yet
* built.
* @warning This method can only be called if compressedBlockIsBuilt()
* returns false.
* @note Even if this method returns true, the attribute specified might
* still be uncompressed when the block is built if compression fails.
* @param attr_id The ID of the attribute to check for possible compression.
* @return true if the attribute specified by attr_id might be compressed
* when rebuild() is called, false if no compression will be
* attempted.
bool compressedUnbuiltBlockAttributeMayBeCompressed(const attribute_id attr_id) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(builder_.get() != nullptr);
return builder_->attributeMayBeCompressed(attr_id);
* @brief Check if an attribute is dictionary-compressed.
* @warning This method can only be called if compressedBlockIsBuilt()
* returns true.
* @param attr_id The ID of the attribute to check for dictionary
* compression.
* @return true if the attribute specified by attr_id is dictionary-
* compressed, false otherwise.
inline bool compressedAttributeIsDictionaryCompressed(const attribute_id attr_id) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(builder_.get() == nullptr);
return dictionary_coded_attributes_[attr_id];
* @brief Check if an attribute is trunctation-compressed.
* @warning This method can only be called if compressedBlockIsBuilt()
* returns true.
* @param attr_id The ID of the attribute to check for truncation.
* @return true if the attribute specified by attr_id is an Int or Long which
* is truncated, false otherwise.
inline bool compressedAttributeIsTruncationCompressed(const attribute_id attr_id) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(builder_.get() == nullptr);
return truncated_attributes_[attr_id];
* @brief Check whether a truncated attribute is an instance of IntType or
* LongType.
* @warning This method can only be called if compressedBlockIsBuilt()
* returns true.
* @warning It is an error to call this method for an attribute which is not
* truncated (check compressedAttributeIsTruncationCompressed()
* first).
* @param attr_id The ID of a truncated attribute to determine the type of.
* @return true if the attribute specified by attr_id is an Int, false if it
* is a Long.
inline bool compressedTruncatedAttributeIsInt(const attribute_id attr_id) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(builder_.get() == nullptr);
return truncated_attribute_is_int_[attr_id];
* @brief Determine the compressed byte-length of an attribute.
* @warning This method can only be called if compressedBlockIsBuilt()
* returns true.
* @param attr_id The ID of the attribute to check the size of.
* @return The compressed length of the attribute specified by attr_id in
* bytes (or the original byte-length if the attribute is
* uncompressed).
std::size_t compressedGetCompressedAttributeSize(const attribute_id attr_id) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(builder_.get() == nullptr);
return compression_info_.attribute_size(attr_id);
* @brief Get the CompressionDictionary used for compressing an attribute.
* @warning compressedAttributeIsDictionaryCompressed() must return true for
* the specified attribute.
* @param attr_id The ID of the attribute to get the CompressionDictionary
* for.
* @return The CompressionDictionary used to compress the attribute specified
* by attr_id.
const CompressionDictionary& compressedGetDictionary(const attribute_id attr_id) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(builder_.get() == nullptr);
PtrMap<attribute_id, CompressionDictionaryLite>::const_iterator dict_it
= dictionaries_.find(attr_id);
if (dict_it == dictionaries_.end()) {
FATAL_ERROR("Called CompressedTupleStorageSubBlock::getCompressionDictionary() "
"for an attribute which is not dictionary-compressed.");
} else {
return static_cast<const CompressionDictionary&>(*(dict_it->second));
* @brief Determine if a comparison must always be true for any possible
* value of a truncated attribute.
* @warning compressedAttributeIsTruncationCompressed() must return true for
* the specified attribute.
* @param comp The comparison to evaluate.
* @param left_attr_id The ID of the truncated attribute on the left side
* of the comparison.
* @param right_literal The literal value on the right side of the
* comparison.
* @param right_literal_type The specific concrete Type that right_literal
* belongs to.
* @return true if 'left_attr_id comp right_literal' must always be true for
* all possible values of the attribute specified by left_attr_id.
bool compressedComparisonIsAlwaysTrueForTruncatedAttribute(
const ComparisonID comp,
const attribute_id left_attr_id,
const TypedValue &right_literal,
const Type &right_literal_type) const;
* @brief Determine if a comparison must always be false for any possible
* value of a truncated attribute.
* @warning compressedAttributeIsTruncationCompressed() must return true for
* the specified attribute.
* @param comp The comparison to evaluate.
* @param left_attr_id The ID of the truncated attribute on the left side
* of the comparison.
* @param right_literal The literal value on the right side of the
* comparison.
* @param right_literal_type The specific concrete Type that right_literal
* belongs to.
* @return true if 'left_attr_id comp right_literal' must always be false for
* all possible values of the attribute specified by left_attr_id.
bool compressedComparisonIsAlwaysFalseForTruncatedAttribute(
const ComparisonID comp,
const attribute_id left_attr_id,
const TypedValue &right_literal,
const Type &right_literal_type) const;
* @brief Get the compressed code for the specified tuple and compressed
* attribute.
* @warning The specified attribute must be compressed, i.e. either
* compressedAttributeIsDictionaryCompressed() or
* compressedAttributeIsTruncationCompressed() must be true for it.
* @param tid The ID of the desired tuple.
* @param attr_id The ID of the compressed attribute to get the code for.
virtual std::uint32_t compressedGetCode(const tuple_id tid,
const attribute_id attr_id) const = 0;
inline static std::int64_t GetMaxTruncatedValue(const std::size_t byte_length) {
switch (byte_length) {
case 1:
return std::numeric_limits<std::uint8_t>::max();
case 2:
return std::numeric_limits<std::uint16_t>::max();
case 4:
return std::numeric_limits<std::uint32_t>::max() - 1;
FATAL_ERROR("Unexpected byte_length for truncated value in "
void* initializeCommon();
// Implementations of each of these methods, with the exception of
// getNotEqualCodesExcludingNull(), do not do any filtering to exclude codes
// that map to NULL in the appropriate attribute's CompressionDictionary. If
// such codes exist, it is the caller's responsibility to call one of these
// methods in such a way that the NULL code (which is always the
// highest-numbered code in the dictionary) is excluded (e.g. by using
// getCodesInRange() instead of getGreaterOrEqualCodes()).
// evaluateOtherComparisonPredicateOnCompressedAttribute() is written to do
// this correctly.
virtual TupleIdSequence* getEqualCodes(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::uint32_t code,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const = 0;
virtual TupleIdSequence* getNotEqualCodes(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::uint32_t code,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const = 0;
virtual TupleIdSequence* getNotEqualCodesExcludingNull(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::uint32_t code,
const std::uint32_t null_code,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const = 0;
virtual TupleIdSequence* getLessCodes(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::uint32_t code,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const = 0;
virtual TupleIdSequence* getGreaterOrEqualCodes(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::uint32_t code,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const = 0;
virtual TupleIdSequence* getCodesInRange(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::pair<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t> range,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const = 0;
std::unique_ptr<CompressedBlockBuilder> builder_;
CompressedBlockInfo compression_info_;
std::vector<bool> dictionary_coded_attributes_;
std::vector<bool> truncated_attributes_;
std::vector<bool> truncated_attribute_is_int_; // If false, attribute is long.
// Note that all dictionaries are actually instances of the derived class
// CompressionDictionary, but we use the base class CompressionDictionaryLite
// here because ValueAccessors only need the Lite interface and we don't want
// to introduce an unnecessary dependency on ComparisonUtil.
PtrMap<attribute_id, CompressionDictionaryLite> dictionaries_;
/** @} */
} // namespace quickstep