blob: 3c15a914019c191a6dccf9acdd62dcb831c31bc8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "types/YearMonthIntervalType.hpp"
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include "types/IntervalLit.hpp"
#include "types/IntervalParser.hpp"
#include "types/NullCoercibilityCheckMacro.hpp"
#include "types/Type.hpp"
#include "types/TypeID.hpp"
#include "types/TypedValue.hpp"
#include "utility/CheckSnprintf.hpp"
#include "glog/logging.h"
// NetBSD's libc has snprintf, but it doesn't show up in the std namespace for
// C++.
#ifndef __NetBSD__
using std::snprintf;
namespace quickstep {
bool YearMonthIntervalType::isCoercibleFrom(const Type &original_type) const {
return (original_type.getTypeID() == kYearMonthInterval);
bool YearMonthIntervalType::isSafelyCoercibleFrom(const Type &original_type) const {
return (original_type.getTypeID() == kYearMonthInterval);
std::string YearMonthIntervalType::printValueToString(const TypedValue &value) const {
std::int64_t months = value.getLiteral<YearMonthIntervalLit>().months;
const bool negative_interval = months < 0;
if (negative_interval) {
months = -months;
std::int64_t years = months / 12;
months -= years * 12;
char interval_buf[YearMonthIntervalLit::kPrintingChars + 1];
std::size_t chars_written = 0;
int snprintf_result = 0;
if (negative_interval) {
interval_buf[0] = '-';
interval_buf[1] = '\0';
if (years != 0) {
snprintf_result = snprintf(interval_buf + chars_written,
sizeof(interval_buf) - chars_written,
"%" PRId64,
CheckSnprintf(snprintf_result, sizeof(interval_buf), &chars_written);
if (years == 1) {
snprintf_result = snprintf(interval_buf + chars_written,
sizeof(interval_buf) - chars_written,
" year");
} else {
snprintf_result = snprintf(interval_buf + chars_written,
sizeof(interval_buf) - chars_written,
" years");
DCHECK_GE(snprintf_result, 0);
chars_written += snprintf_result;
DCHECK_LT(chars_written, sizeof(interval_buf));
if ((months != 0) || (years == 0)) {
if (years != 0) {
DCHECK_LT(chars_written + 2, sizeof(interval_buf));
interval_buf[chars_written] = ' ';
interval_buf[chars_written] = '\0';
snprintf_result = snprintf(interval_buf + chars_written,
sizeof(interval_buf) - chars_written,
"%" PRId64,
CheckSnprintf(snprintf_result, sizeof(interval_buf), &chars_written);
if (months == 1) {
snprintf_result = snprintf(interval_buf + chars_written,
sizeof(interval_buf) - chars_written,
" mon");
} else {
snprintf_result = snprintf(interval_buf + chars_written,
sizeof(interval_buf) - chars_written,
" mons");
CheckSnprintf(snprintf_result, sizeof(interval_buf), &chars_written);
return std::string(interval_buf);
void YearMonthIntervalType::printValueToFile(const TypedValue &value,
FILE *file,
const int padding) const {
// We simply re-use the logic from printValueToString(), as trying to do
// padding on-the fly with so many different fields is too much of a hassle.
std::fprintf(file, "%*s", static_cast<int>(padding), printValueToString(value).c_str());
bool YearMonthIntervalType::parseValueFromString(const std::string &value_string,
TypedValue *value) const {
// Try simple-format parse first.
std::int64_t count;
std::string units;
YearMonthIntervalLit literal;
if (IntervalParser::ParseSimpleFormatFieldsFromCombinedStringNoExtraWhitespace(
value_string, &count, &units)
&& IntervalParser::ParseYearMonthIntervalSimpleFormat(count, units, &literal)) {
*value = TypedValue(literal);
return true;
// Try complex format.
if (IntervalParser::ParseYearMonthIntervalComplexFormat(value_string, &literal)) {
*value = TypedValue(literal);
return true;
return false;
} // namespace quickstep