blob: d12ec8fa0a4b9bfd8fd6a1c523d5b81f42fbe545 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "expressions/scalar/Scalar.hpp"
#include "utility/PtrVector.hpp"
namespace quickstep {
class CatalogDatabaseLite;
namespace serialization { class SortConfiguration; }
constexpr bool kSortAscending = true;
constexpr bool kSortDescending = false;
constexpr bool kSortNullLast = false;
constexpr bool kSortNullFirst = true;
* @brief Sort configuration of a query. Sort configuration is specified by
* ORDER BY columns, their sort ordering (ascending/descending), and their NULL
* value ordering (first/last).
class SortConfiguration {
* @brief Constructor for sort configuration.
* @param order_by Vector of ORDER BY columns specified as Scalars.
* @param sort_is_ascending Vector of bools to indicate if sort ordering of
* each ORDER BY column is ascending.
* @param sort_null_first Vector of bools to indicate if NULL value ordering of
* each ORDER BY column is first.
SortConfiguration(const PtrVector<Scalar> &order_by,
std::vector<bool> &&sort_is_ascending,
std::vector<bool> &&sort_null_first)
: ordering_(std::move(sort_is_ascending)),
null_ordering_(std::move(sort_null_first)) {
for (const Scalar &order_by_entry : order_by) {
* @brief Copy Constructor for sort configuration.
* @param sort_config Sort configuration to copy from.
SortConfiguration(const SortConfiguration &sort_config)
: ordering_(sort_config.getOrdering()), null_ordering_(sort_config.getNullOrdering()) {
for (const Scalar &order_by_entry : sort_config.getOrderByList()) {
* @brief Get a pointer to a SortConfiguration from its serialized Protocol
* Buffer form.
* @param proto The Protocol Buffer representation of a SortConfiguration
* object, originally generated by the optimizer.
* @param database The Database to resolve relation and attribute references
* in.
* @return A new SortConfiguration reconstructed from the supplied Protocol
* Buffer.
static SortConfiguration* ReconstructFromProto(const serialization::SortConfiguration &proto,
const CatalogDatabaseLite &database);
* @brief Check whether a serialization::SortConfiguration is fully-formed and
* all parts are valid.
* @param proto A serialized Protocol Buffer representation of a
* SortConfiguration, originally generated by the optimizer.
* @param database The Database to resolve relation and attribute references
* in.
* @return Whether proto is fully-formed and valid.
static bool ProtoIsValid(const serialization::SortConfiguration &proto,
const CatalogDatabaseLite &database);
* @brief Get the vector of sort ordering for each ORDER BY column.
inline const std::vector<bool>& getOrdering() const { return ordering_; }
* @brief Get the vector of NULL value ordering for each ORDER BY column.
inline const std::vector<bool>& getNullOrdering() const { return null_ordering_; }
* @brief Get the vector of ORDER BY column Scalars.
inline const PtrVector<Scalar>& getOrderByList() const { return order_by_; }
* @brief Check if the sort configuration is valid.
inline bool isValid() const {
return (order_by_.size() == ordering_.size()) && (order_by_.size() == null_ordering_.size());
* @brief Get serialized protobuf of sort configuration.
serialization::SortConfiguration getProto() const;
std::vector<bool> ordering_;
std::vector<bool> null_ordering_;
PtrVector<Scalar> order_by_;
} // namespace quickstep