blob: 7b197d8d8b4b9cbf06ff2c9784c0789b3d8ce3e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.pirk.querier.wideskies.decrypt;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.apache.pirk.query.wideskies.QueryInfo;
import org.apache.pirk.query.wideskies.QueryUtils;
import org.apache.pirk.schema.query.QuerySchema;
import org.apache.pirk.schema.query.QuerySchemaRegistry;
import org.apache.pirk.schema.response.QueryResponseJSON;
import org.apache.pirk.utils.PIRException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Runnable class for multithreaded PIR decryption
* <p>
* NOTE: rElements and selectorMaskMap are joint access objects, for now
class DecryptResponseRunnable<V> implements Callable<Map<String,List<QueryResponseJSON>>>
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DecryptResponseRunnable.class);
private final List<BigInteger> rElements;
private final TreeMap<Integer,String> selectors;
private final Map<String,BigInteger> selectorMaskMap;
private final QueryInfo queryInfo;
private final Map<Integer,String> embedSelectorMap;
public DecryptResponseRunnable(List<BigInteger> rElementsInput, TreeMap<Integer,String> selectorsInput, Map<String,BigInteger> selectorMaskMapInput,
QueryInfo queryInfoInput, Map<Integer,String> embedSelectorMapInput)
rElements = rElementsInput;
selectors = selectorsInput;
selectorMaskMap = selectorMaskMapInput;
queryInfo = queryInfoInput;
embedSelectorMap = embedSelectorMapInput;
public Map<String,List<QueryResponseJSON>> call() throws PIRException
// Pull the necessary parameters
int dataPartitionBitSize = queryInfo.getDataPartitionBitSize();
int numPartitionsPerDataElement = queryInfo.getNumPartitionsPerDataElement();
QuerySchema qSchema = QuerySchemaRegistry.get(queryInfo.getQueryType());
String selectorName = qSchema.getSelectorName();
// Result is a map of (selector -> List of hits).
Map<String,List<QueryResponseJSON>> resultMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String selector : selectors.values())
resultMap.put(selector, new ArrayList<QueryResponseJSON>());
// Pull the hits for each selector
int maxHitsPerSelector = rElements.size() / numPartitionsPerDataElement; // Max number of data hits in the response elements for a given selector
logger.debug("numResults = " + rElements.size() + " numPartitionsPerDataElement = " + numPartitionsPerDataElement + " maxHits = " + maxHitsPerSelector);
for (int hits = 0; hits < maxHitsPerSelector; hits++)
int selectorIndex = selectors.firstKey();
while (selectorIndex <= selectors.lastKey())
String selector = selectors.get(selectorIndex);
logger.debug("selector = " + selector);
List<BigInteger> parts = new ArrayList<>();
boolean zeroElement = true;
for (int partNum = 0; partNum < numPartitionsPerDataElement; partNum++)
BigInteger part = (rElements.get(hits * numPartitionsPerDataElement + partNum)).and(selectorMaskMap.get(selector)); // pull off the correct bits
logger.debug("rElements.get(" + (hits * numPartitionsPerDataElement + partNum) + ") = "
+ rElements.get(hits * numPartitionsPerDataElement + partNum).toString(2) + " bitLength = "
+ rElements.get(hits * numPartitionsPerDataElement + partNum).bitLength() + " val = "
+ rElements.get(hits * numPartitionsPerDataElement + partNum));
logger.debug("colNum = " + (hits * numPartitionsPerDataElement + partNum) + " partNum = " + partNum + " part = " + part);
part = part.shiftRight(selectorIndex * dataPartitionBitSize);
logger.debug("partNum = " + partNum + " part = " + part.intValue());
zeroElement = zeroElement && part.equals(BigInteger.ZERO);
logger.debug("parts.size() = " + parts.size());
if (!zeroElement)
// Convert biHit to the appropriate QueryResponseJSON object, based on the queryType
QueryResponseJSON qrJOSN = QueryUtils.extractQueryResponseJSON(queryInfo, qSchema, parts);
qrJOSN.setMapping(selectorName, selector);
logger.debug("selector = " + selector + " qrJOSN = " + qrJOSN.getJSONString());
// Add the hit for this selector - if we are using embedded selectors, check to make sure
// that the hit's embedded selector in the qrJOSN and the once in the embedSelectorMap match
boolean addHit = true;
if (queryInfo.getEmbedSelector())
if (!(embedSelectorMap.get(selectorIndex)).equals(qrJOSN.getValue(QueryResponseJSON.SELECTOR)))
addHit = false;
logger.debug("qrJOSN embedded selector = " + qrJOSN.getValue(QueryResponseJSON.SELECTOR) + " != original embedded selector = "
+ embedSelectorMap.get(selectorIndex));
if (addHit)
List<QueryResponseJSON> selectorHitList = resultMap.get(selector);
resultMap.put(selector, selectorHitList);
// Add the selector into the wlJSONHit
qrJOSN.setMapping(QueryResponseJSON.SELECTOR, selector);
return resultMap;