blob: 6fef3159622f769626bec8ab62bd1d0bde9c6729 [file] [log] [blame]
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Release Notes - Apache MRQL 0.9.2-incubating
New Features
[MRQL-23] Add support for Yarn
[MRQL-29] Support for Spark 0.9.0
[MRQL-22] The compiler must load the hadoop core lib before compilation
[MRQL-28] Fixed dumping of HDFS sequence file in Spark mode
[MRQL-31] Broken hyperlink in website
[MRQL-33] Fix various bugs in iteration queries
[MRQL-36] Fix evaluation errors during Junit testing
[MRQL-21] Modify shell scripts to work on Mac OS
[MRQL-24] Improve Serializable methods for Spark
[MRQL-25] Changed Translator/Evaluator interface to improve Spark efficiency
[MRQL-26] Support for Spark 0.8.1
[MRQL-27] Improve the build process and support hadoop 0.20.x
[MRQL-30] Improved run scripts and support for Spark on YARN
[MRQL-32] Refactoring directory structure for Eclipse
[MRQL-34] Introduce junit for testing
[MRQL-37] Support installation on a Cloudera CDH distribution
[MRQL-38] Support for Spark 1.0.0
[MRQL-39] Prepare for 0.9.2 release
Release Notes - Apache MRQL 0.9.0-incubating
New Features
[MRQL-1] New MRQL website
[MRQL-4] Create a testbed for MRQL queries using JUnit
[MRQL-2] Mavenize MRQL
[MRQL-5] JSON parser has a null scanner
[MRQL-7] Refactor directory layout to be more Maven compliant
[MRQL-9] Make BSP mode compatible with Hama 0.7.0
[MRQL-10] Add dist module to generate release tarball
[MRQL-3] some trivial code improvements
[MRQL-6] Add developers guide to the website
[MRQL-8] Overload projections to work on JSON data
[MRQL-12] Support query evaluation in Spark mode
[MRQL-11] Establish whether "Apache MRQL" is a suitable name
[MRQL-13] Umbrella task for first Apache MRQL release
[MRQL-14] Add the "-SNAPSHOT" suffix
[MRQL-15] Setup svnpubsub for the MRQL dist directory
[MRQL-16] correct source files. ASF licenses, and POMs for release
[MRQL-17] Update the MRQL status page
[MRQL-18] correct NOTICE, DISCLAIMER, xdoc
[MRQL-19] Fix license issues to prepare a new release candidate
[MRQL-20] Fix maven problems to prepare a new release candidate