blob: 8d89cb69a6f4156acb34adfa7e70415a1cbaa207 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.mrql;
import org.apache.mrql.gen.*;
/** normalize algebraic expressions to more efficient forms using heuristic rules */
public class Normalization extends Translator {
/** given that pattern=e, find the bindings of the pattern variables */
static Trees bind_pattern ( Tree pattern, Tree e ) {
Trees args = #[];
match pattern {
case tuple(
int i = 0;
for ( Tree p: pl ) {
args = args.append(bind_pattern(p,#<nth(`e,`i)>));
case record(
Trees attrs = #[];
for ( Tree b: bl )
match b {
case bind(`n,`p):
args = args.append(bind_pattern(p,#<project(`e,`n)>));
if (attrs.member(n))
error("Duplicate record attribute name: "+n);
attrs = attrs.append(n);
case typed(`p,`t):
args = bind_pattern(p,#<typed(`e,`t)>);
case list(
int i = 0;
for ( Tree p: pl ) {
args = args.append(bind_pattern(p,#<index(`e,`i)>));
args = args.append(#<call(eq,call(count,`e),`i)>);
case call(`c,...s):
Tree ci = data_constructors.lookup(c.toString());
if (ci == null)
error("Undefined data constructor: "+c);
match ci {
case `dname(`n,`tp):
args = args.append(#<call(eq,union_tag(`e),`n)>);
args = args.append(bind_pattern(s.length() == 1 ? s.head() : #<tuple(...s)>,
case any: ;
case `v:
if (!v.is_variable()) // constant in pattern
args = #[call(eq,`e,`v)];
else if (st.lookup(v.toString()) != null // repeated pattern variable
&& !(e.is_variable() && st.lookup(v.toString()).is_variable())) // exception
args = #[call(eq,`e,`(st.lookup(v.toString())))];
else st.insert(v.toString(),e); // new pattern variable
return args;
private static Tree make_tuple ( Trees pl ) {
if (pl.length() == 1)
return pl.head();
return #<tuple(>;
/** remove group-bys and order-bys from the MRQL queries */
static Tree remove_groupby ( Tree e ) {
Tree ret = #<error>;
match e {
case select(distinct,`u,from(,where(`c),groupby(,orderby(...ol)):
ret = #<select(none,tuple(`u,`u),from(,where(`c),groupby(,orderby(...ol))>;
ret = #<cmap(lambda(tuple(key,group),list(key)),groupBy(`ret))>;
return remove_groupby(ret);
case select(none,`u,from(,where(`c),groupby(),orderby()):
return remove_groupby(#<select(`u,from(,where(`c))>);
case select(none,`u,from(,where(`c),groupby(,orderby(`l,...ol)):
Tree tol = make_tuple(ol);
ret = #<cmap(lambda(tuple(key,group),group),
return (l.equals(#<none>))
? remove_groupby(ret)
: #<range(`(remove_groupby(ret)),0,`l)>;
case select(none,`u,from(,where(`c),groupby(`h,,orderby()):
Trees pl = #[];
Trees ul = #[];
Trees ql = #[];
for ( Tree b: bl )
match b {
case bind(`p,`d):
pl = pl.append(p);
Trees pvs = #[];
for ( Tree g: gl )
match g {
case bind(`p,`d):
ql = ql.append(p);
ul = ul.append(d);
pvs = pvs.append(pattern_variables(p));
Tree tql = make_tuple(ql);
Tree tul = make_tuple(ul);
Tree tpl = make_tuple(pl);
Trees xl = #[];
Trees partl = #[];
for ( Tree x: pattern_variables(#<tuple(>) )
if (!pvs.member(x)) {
partl = partl.append(#<bind(`x,`x)>);
match rename(#<select(`x,from(bind(`tpl,group)),where(true))>) {
case select(`hd,`binds,...):
xl = xl.append(#<bind(`x,bag(select(`hd,`binds,where(true))))>);
match rename(#<select(record(...partl),from(bind(`tpl,group)),where(true))>) {
case select(`hd,`binds,...):
xl = xl.cons(#<bind(partition,bag(select(`hd,`binds,where(true))))>);
tpl = subst(#<any>,#<0>,tpl);
ret = #<select(`u,from(bind(tuple(`tql,group),
return remove_groupby(ret);
case intersect(`x,`y):
return remove_groupby(#<select(x,from(bind(x,`x),bind(y,`y)),
case except(`x,`y):
return remove_groupby(#<select(x,from(bind(x,`x)),
case member(`x,`y):
return remove_groupby(#<call(exists,select(y,from(bind(y,`y)),
case call(gen,`min,`max,`size):
return #<gen(`(remove_groupby(min)),`(remove_groupby(max)),`(remove_groupby(size)))>;
case call(avg,`s):
return remove_groupby(#<call(avg_value,call(avg_aggr,`s))>);
case call(`f,
Tree macro = global_macros.lookup(f.toString());
if (macro == null)
match macro {
case macro(params(,`body):
Tree b = rename(remove_groupby(body));
if (pl.length() != al.length())
for ( ; !pl.is_empty(); pl = pl.tail(), al = al.tail() )
b = subst(pl.head(),remove_groupby(al.head()),b);
return b;
case call(`f,
if (#[cmap,join,mapReduce,mapReduce2,groupBy,orderBy,tuple,bag,list,set].member(f))
return remove_groupby(#<`(f.toString())(>);
else fail
case project(`x,`a):
return #<project(`(remove_groupby(x)),`a)>;
case `f(
Trees bl = #[];
for ( Tree a: al )
bl = bl.append(remove_groupby(a));
return #<`f(>;
case `v:
if (v.is_variable()) {
ret = global_vars.lookup(v.toString());
if (ret == null)
return v;
else if (!v.equals(ret))
return remove_groupby(ret);
return e;
private static Tree make_and ( Trees tests ) {
if (tests.is_empty())
return #<true>;
Tree e = tests.head();
for ( Tree t: tests.tail() )
e = #<call(and,`e,`t)>;
return e;
private static Trees rename_list ( Trees al ) {
Trees bl = #[];
for ( Tree a: al )
bl = bl.append(rename(a));
return bl;
/** compile away patterns and rename local variables of an MRQL expression e with unique names */
static Tree rename ( Tree e ) {
Tree ret = #<error>;
match e {
case `v:
if (!v.is_variable())
ret = st.lookup(v.toString());
if (ret==null)
return v;
else return ret;
case select(`u,from(,where(`c)):
Trees binds = #[];
Trees tests = #[];
for ( Tree b: bl )
match b {
case bind(`p,`d):
Tree x = new_var();
binds = binds.append(#<bind(`x,`(rename(d)))>);
tests = tests.append(bind_pattern(p,x));
c = make_and(tests.cons(c));
ret = #<select(`(rename(u)),
return ret;
case lambda(`p,`b):
Tree nv = new_var();
if (!bind_pattern(p,nv).is_empty())
error("Lambda patterns must be irrefutable: "+print_query(e));
ret = #<lambda(`nv,`(rename(b)))>;
return ret;
case function(tuple(...params),`outp,`body):
Trees ps = #[];
Trees vs = #[];
for ( Tree p: params )
match p {
case `bind(`v,`tp):
Tree nv = new_var();
if (vs.member(v))
error("Duplicate function parameters: "+print_query(e));
vs = vs.append(v);
ps = ps.append(#<`bind(`nv,`tp)>);
ret = #<function(tuple(,`outp,`(rename(body)))>;
return ret;
case let(`p,`u,`b):
Tree ne = rename(u);
Tree nv = new_var();
if (!bind_pattern(p,nv).is_empty())
error("Let patterns must be irrefutable: "+print_query(e));
ret = #<let(`nv,`ne,`(rename(b)))>;
return ret;
case case(`u,...cs):
Trees rs = cs.reverse();
Tree nu = rename(u);
match rs.head() {
case case(`p,`b):
Trees conds = bind_pattern(p,nu);
if (!conds.is_empty())
error("Non-exhaustive case "+print_query(p)+" in "+print_query(e));
ret = b;
for ( Tree c: rs.tail() )
match c {
case case(`p,`b):
Trees conds = bind_pattern(p,nu);
if (!conds.is_empty())
ret = #<if(`(make_and(conds)),`b,`ret)>;
else error("Unreachable case "+print_query(p)+" in "+print_query(e));
return rename(ret);
case project(`u,`a):
return #<project(`(rename(u)),`a)>;
case bind(`a,`u):
return #<bind(`a,`(rename(u)))>;
case loop(lambda(tuple(...vs),`b),`s,`n):
return #<loop(lambda(tuple(...vs),`(rename(b))),`(rename(s)),`n)>;
case `f(
Trees bl = rename_list(al);
return #<`f(>;
return e;
private static Trees has_existential ( Tree e ) {
match e {
case call(and(`x,`y)):
Trees xs = has_existential(x);
Trees ys = has_existential(y);
return #[call(and(`(xs.head()),`(ys.head())),...(xs.tail()),...(ys.tail()))];
case call(exists,select(...)):
return #[true,`e];
case call(not,call(all,select(...l))):
return #[true,call(exists,select(...l))];
return #[`e];
/** normalize algebraic expressions to more efficient forms using heuristic rules */
public static Tree normalize ( Tree e ) {
match e {
case select(`u,from(),where(true)):
return normalize(#<bag(`u)>);
case select(`u,from(),where(`p)):
return normalize(#<if(`p,bag(`u),bag())>);
case select(`u,from(bind(`v,`d)),where(true)):
if (u.equals(v))
return normalize(d);
else fail
case select(`u,from(,bind(`v,select(`iu,from(...ibl),where(`ic))),,where(`c)):
return normalize(#<select(`u,from(,...ibl,bind(`v,bag(`iu)),,
case select(`u,from(,bind(`v,bag(`d)),,`c):
if (!is_pure(d) && occurences(v,#<f(`c,`u,>) > 1) // duplicated side-effects
return normalize(#<select(`(subst(v,d,u)),
case select(`u,from(,bind(`v,call(plus,`X,`Y)),,where(`c)):
return normalize(#<call(plus,select(`u,from(,bind(`v,`X),,where(`c)),
case select(`u,from(,where(`c)):
Trees es = has_existential(c);
if (es.length() <= 1)
Trees binds = bl;
Trees preds = #[`(es.head())];
for ( Tree x: es.tail() )
match x {
case call(exists,select(`p,from(...bl2),where(`c2))):
preds = preds.cons(p).cons(c2);
binds = binds.append(bl2);
return normalize(#<select(`u,from(...binds),where(`(make_and(preds))))>);
case let_bind(`v,`x,`y):
return #<let(`v,`(normalize(x)),`(normalize(y)))>;
case call(eq,tuple(...l),`x):
Tree pl = #<true>;
int i = 0;
for ( Tree y: l ) {
pl = #<call(and,`pl,call(eq,`y,nth(`x,`i)))>;
return normalize(pl);
case call(eq,`x,tuple(...l)):
Tree pl = #<true>;
int i = 0;
for (Tree y: l) {
pl = #<call(and,`pl,call(eq,nth(`x,`i),`y))>;
return normalize(pl);
case call(and,true,`u): return normalize(u);
case call(and,`u,true): return normalize(u);
case call(and,false,`u): return #<false>;
case call(and,`u,false): return #<false>;
case call(or,true,`u): return #<true>;
case call(or,`u,true): return #<true>;
case call(or,false,`u): return normalize(u);
case call(or,`u,false): return normalize(u);
case call(not,true): return #<false>;
case call(not,false): return #<true>;
case if(true,`e1,`e2): return normalize(e1);
case if(false,`e1,`e2): return normalize(e2);
case nth(tuple(,`n):
if (!n.is_long())
int i = (int)n.longValue();
if ( i >= 0 && i < al.length() )
return normalize(al.nth(i));
case project(record(,`a):
for ( Tree b: bl )
match b {
case bind(`v,`u): if (v.equals(a)) return normalize(u);
error("Wrong projection: "+print_query(e));
case `f(
Trees bl = #[];
for ( Tree a: al )
bl = bl.append(normalize(a));
return #<`f(>;
return e;
/** normalize algebraic expressions to more efficient forms using heuristic rules */
public static Tree normalize_all ( Tree e ) {
Tree ne = normalize(e);
if (e.equals(ne))
return e;
else return normalize(ne);