blob: 01db2f310e2b5678b02acee811027d44b5fa124e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.mrql;
import org.apache.mrql.gen.*;
import java.util.*;
/** contains useful methods used by all stages of compilation and code generation */
public class Translator extends Printer {
static Trees functions = #[ ];
static {
/** type environment that binds local variables to types */
static SymbolTable type_env = new SymbolTable();
/** type environment that binds global variables to types */
static SymbolTable global_type_env = new SymbolTable();
/** type environment that binds datatype names to types */
static SymbolTable global_datatype_env = new SymbolTable();
/** used in pattern compilation and variable renaming */
static SymbolTable st = new SymbolTable();
/** binds macro names to MRQL expressions (used for 'name = expr;' syntax) */
static SymbolTable global_vars = new SymbolTable();
/** binds a UDF name to its plan */
static SymbolTable global_functions = new SymbolTable();
/** binds a macro name to its body */
static SymbolTable global_macros = new SymbolTable();
/** used in typedefs */
static SymbolTable type_names = new SymbolTable();
/** binds a data constructor name to its type */
static SymbolTable data_constructors = new SymbolTable();
static Trees repeat_variables = #[];
static {
/** expressions with impure functions cannot factored out */
static Trees impure_functions = #[random];
private static int var_count = 0;
static void reset () {
var_count = 0;
type_env = global_type_env;
st = new SymbolTable();
type_env = new SymbolTable();
repeat_variables = #[];
static void global_reset () {
global_type_env = new SymbolTable();
global_datatype_env = new SymbolTable();
global_vars = new SymbolTable();
global_functions = new SymbolTable();
global_macros = new SymbolTable();
type_names = new SymbolTable();
data_constructors = new SymbolTable();
new TopLevel();
static void error ( String msg ) {
System.err.println("*** MRQL error at line "+Main.parser.line_pos()+": "+msg);
throw new Error();
final static Tree identity = #<lambda(x,x)>;
static Tree identity () {
return Normalization.rename(#<lambda(x,bag(x))>);
/** is this type a collection type? */
public static boolean is_collection ( String x ) {
return x.equals("Bag") || x.equals("bag") || x.equals("List") || x.equals("list");
/** is this type a collection type? */
public static boolean collection_type ( Tree tp ) {
match tp {
case `T(`t1): return is_collection(T);
return false;
/** is this type a collection type for values stored in HDFS? */
public static boolean is_persistent_collection ( String x ) {
return x.equals("Bag") || x.equals("List");
/** make this collection type a persistent type that is stored in HDFS */
public static String persistent_collection ( String x ) {
return (x.equals("list")) ? "List" : (x.equals("bag")) ? "Bag" : x;
/** make this collection type a transient type stored in memory */
public static String transient_collection ( String x ) {
return (x.equals("List")) ? "list" : (x.equals("Bag")) ? "bag" : x;
/** An aggeregation must be based on a commutative monoid (plus,zero) with a unit:
* name(type,plus,zero,unit)
* plus: function from (b,b) to b, zero: b, unit: function from a to b
static Trees monoids =
#[ count(any,lambda(x,call(plus,nth(x,0),nth(x,1))),typed(0,long),lambda(x,typed(1,long))),
static void print_aggregates () {
for ( Tree m: monoids )
match m {
case `f(`tp,...):
System.out.print(" "+f+":"+print_type(tp));
static Trees plans_with_distributed_lambdas
= #[MapReduce,MapAggregateReduce,MapCombineReduce,FroupByJoin,Aggregate,
static Trees algebraic_operators
= #[mapReduce,mapReduce2,cmap,join,groupBy,orderBy,aggregate,map,filter,repeat,closure];
static Trees plan_names = plans_with_distributed_lambdas.append(algebraic_operators)
/** generates new variable names */
public static Tree new_var () {
return new VariableLeaf("x_"+(Integer.toString(var_count++)));
/** is this expression pure? (does it contain calls to impure functions?) */
static boolean is_pure ( Tree expr ) {
match expr {
case call(`f,
if (impure_functions.member(f))
return false;
else fail
case `f(
for ( Tree a: al )
if (!is_pure(a))
return false;
return true;
public static Trees union ( Trees xs, Trees ys ) {
Trees res = xs;
for ( Tree y: ys )
if (!xs.member(y))
res = res.append(y);
return res;
/** return the variables of a pattern */
static Trees pattern_variables ( Tree pattern ) {
Trees args = #[];
match pattern {
case tuple(
for ( Tree p: pl )
args = union(args,pattern_variables(p));
case record(
for ( Tree b: bl )
match b {
case bind(`n,`p):
args = union(args,pattern_variables(p));
case typed(`p,_):
args = pattern_variables(p);
case `v:
if (v.is_variable())
args = #[`v];
return args;
/** replace all occurences of from_expr in expr with to_expr
* @param from_expr target
* @param to_expr replacement
* @param expr input
* @return equal to expr but with all occurences of from_expr replaced with to_expr
public static Tree subst ( Tree from_expr, Tree to_expr, Tree expr ) {
if (expr.equals(from_expr))
return to_expr;
match expr {
case lambda(`v,_):
if (pattern_variables(v).member(from_expr))
return expr;
else fail
case bind(`a,`u):
return #<bind(`a,`(subst(from_expr,to_expr,u)))>;
case `f(
return #<`f(...(subst_list(from_expr,to_expr,al)))>;
return expr;
/** replace all occurences of from_expr in el with to_expr
* @param from_expr target
* @param to_expr replacement
* @param el list of input expressions
* @return equal to el but with all occurences of from_expr replaced with to_expr
public static Trees subst_list ( Tree from_expr, Tree to_expr, Trees el ) {
Trees bl = #[];
for ( Tree e: el )
bl = bl.append(subst(from_expr,to_expr,e));
return bl;
/** replace all occurences of var in expr with to_expr only if to_expr is pure or it is used once only
* @param var target
* @param to_expr replacement
* @param expr input
* @return equal to expr but with all occurences of from_expr replaced with to_expr
public static Tree subst_var ( Tree var, Tree to_expr, Tree expr ) {
if (!is_pure(to_expr) && occurences(var,expr) > 1)
return #<let(`var,`to_expr,`expr)>;
else return subst(var,to_expr,expr);
/** used in the MRQL parser to handle templates */
public static Tree template ( Tree s ) {
match s {
case template(`parser,
try {
Trees args = #[];
String tx = "";
int i = 0;
for ( Tree a: as )
match a {
case text(`t): tx += t;
case _: args = args.append(a);
tx += "{{"+(i++)+"}}";
Class<? extends Parser> pc = DataSource.parserDirectory.get(parser.toString());
if (pc == null)
throw new Error("Unrecognized parser: "+parser);
Parser p = pc.newInstance();
Bag e = p.parse(tx);
Tree res = Interpreter.reify(e.get(0),p.type());
for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++ )
res = subst(new VariableLeaf("t_"+j),args.nth(j),res);
return res;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Error("Wrong template: "+s+"\n"+e);
throw new Error("Wrong template: "+s);
/** convert Tree constructions to code that construct these Trees (used in the Compiler) */
public static String reify ( Tree e ) {
if (e instanceof LongLeaf)
return "new org.apache.mrql.gen.LongLeaf(" + e + ")";
else if (e instanceof DoubleLeaf)
return "new org.apache.mrql.gen.DoubleLeaf(" + e + ")";
else if (e instanceof VariableLeaf)
return "new org.apache.mrql.gen.VariableLeaf(\"" + e.variableValue() + "\")";
else if (e instanceof StringLeaf)
return "new org.apache.mrql.gen.StringLeaf(" + e.toString().replace("\\","\\\\") + ")";
else {
Node n = (Node) e;
return "new org.apache.mrql.gen.Node(\"""\","+reify(n.children())+")";
/** convert Tree constructions to code that construct these Trees (used in the Compiler) */
public static String reify ( Trees ts ) {
String s = "org.apache.mrql.gen.Trees.nil";
for ( Tree c: ts )
s += ".append("+reify(c)+")";
return s;
/** return the list of free variables in e that are not in exclude list */
public static Trees free_variables ( Tree e, Trees exclude ) {
if (e == null)
return #[];
match e {
case lambda(`x,`b):
return free_variables(b,exclude.append(pattern_variables(x)));
case let(`x,`u,`b):
return free_variables(b,exclude.append(pattern_variables(x)))
case Let(`x,`u,`b):
return free_variables(b,exclude.append(pattern_variables(x)))
case select(`u,from(,`p):
Trees ex = exclude;
Trees fs = #[];
for ( Tree b: bs )
match b {
case bind(`v,`x):
fs = fs.append(free_variables(x,ex));
ex = ex.append(pattern_variables(v));
return free_variables(p,ex).append(free_variables(u,ex)).append(fs);
case `f(
Trees res = #[];
for ( Tree a: as )
res = res.append(free_variables(a,exclude));
return res;
case `v:
if (v.is_variable() && v.toString().startsWith("x_") && !exclude.member(v))
return #[`v];
return #[];
/** count the occurences of x in e */
public static int occurences ( Tree x, Tree e ) {
if (x.equals(e))
return 1;
match e {
case `f(
int i = 0;
for ( Tree a: as )
i += occurences(x,a);
return i;
return 0;
/** return true if x is equal to y modulo variable substitution */
public static boolean alpha_equivalent ( Tree x, Tree y, SymbolTable st ) {
match #<T(`x,`y)> {
case T(lambda(`vx,`bx),lambda(`vy,`by)):
if (!vx.equals(vy))
return alpha_equivalent(bx,by,st);
case T(`f(...xs),`g(...ys)):
if (!f.equals(g) || xs.length() != ys.length())
return false;
for ( ; !xs.is_empty(); xs = xs.tail(), ys = ys.tail() )
if (!alpha_equivalent(xs.head(),ys.head(),st))
return false;
return true;
case T(`v,`w):
if (v.is_variable() && w.is_variable())
return v.equals(w) || (st.lookup(v.toString()) != null
&& st.lookup(v.toString()).equals(w));
return x.equals(y);
private static SymbolTable alpha_symbol_table = new SymbolTable();
/** return true if x is equal to y modulo variable substitution */
public static boolean alpha_equivalent ( Tree x, Tree y ) {
boolean b = alpha_equivalent(x,y,alpha_symbol_table);
return b;
/** translate a simplified select MRQL query to an algebraic form */
public static Tree translate_select ( Tree e ) {
match e {
case select(`u,from(),where(true)):
return #<bag(`(translate_select(u)))>;
case select(`u,from(),where(`c)):
return #<if(`(translate_select(c)),bag(`(translate_select(u))),bag())>;
case select(`u,from(bind(`v,`d),,where(`c)):
Tree n = translate_select(#<select(`u,from(,where(`c))>);
return #<cmap(lambda(`v,`n),`(translate_select(d)))>;
case `f(
Trees bl = #[];
for ( Tree a: al )
bl = bl.append(translate_select(a));
return #<`f(>;
return e;
/** the MRQL top-level interfacse to evaluate a single MRQL expression or command */
public static void top_level ( Tree expr ) {