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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file htable.h
* Interfaces for a hash table that uses probing.
* This is an internal header, not intended for external use.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
struct htable;
* An HTable hash function.
* @param key The key.
* @param capacity The total capacity.
* @return The hash slot. Must be less than the capacity.
typedef uint32_t (*htable_hash_fn_t)(const void *key, uint32_t capacity);
* An HTable equality function. Compares two keys.
* @param a First key.
* @param b Second key.
* @return nonzero if the keys are equal.
typedef int (*htable_eq_fn_t)(const void *a, const void *b);
* Allocate a new hash table.
* @param capacity The minimum suggested starting capacity.
* @param hash_fun The hash function to use in this hash table.
* @param eq_fun The equals function to use in this hash table.
* @return The new hash table on success; NULL on OOM.
struct htable *htable_alloc(uint32_t capacity, htable_hash_fn_t hash_fun,
htable_eq_fn_t eq_fun);
typedef void (*visitor_fn_t)(void *ctx, void *key, void *val);
* Visit all of the entries in the hash table.
* @param htable The hash table.
* @param fun The callback function to invoke on each key and value.
* @param ctx Context pointer to pass to the callback.
void htable_visit(struct htable *htable, visitor_fn_t fun, void *ctx);
* Free the hash table.
* It is up the calling code to ensure that the keys and values inside the
* table are de-allocated, if that is necessary.
* @param htable The hash table.
void htable_free(struct htable *htable);
* Add an entry to the hash table.
* @param htable The hash table.
* @param key The key to add. This cannot be NULL.
* @param fun The value to add. This cannot be NULL.
* @return 0 on success;
* EINVAL if we're trying to insert a NULL key or value.
* ENOMEM if there is not enough memory to add the element.
* EFBIG if the hash table has too many entries to fit in 32
* bits.
int htable_put(struct htable *htable, void *key, void *val);
* Get an entry from the hash table.
* @param htable The hash table.
* @param key The key to find.
* @return NULL if there is no such entry; the entry otherwise.
void *htable_get(const struct htable *htable, const void *key);
* Get an entry from the hash table and remove it.
* @param htable The hash table.
* @param key The key for the entry find and remove.
* @param found_key (out param) NULL if the entry was not found; the found key
* otherwise.
* @param found_val (out param) NULL if the entry was not found; the found
* value otherwise.
void htable_pop(struct htable *htable, const void *key,
void **found_key, void **found_val);
* Get the number of entries used in the hash table.
* @param htable The hash table.
* @return The number of entries used in the hash table.
uint32_t htable_used(const struct htable *htable);
* Get the capacity of the hash table.
* @param htable The hash table.
* @return The capacity of the hash table.
uint32_t htable_capacity(const struct htable *htable);
* Hash a string.
* @param str The string.
* @param max Maximum hash value
* @return A number less than max.
uint32_t ht_hash_string(const void *str, uint32_t max);
* Compare two strings.
* @param a The first string.
* @param b The second string.
* @return 1 if the strings are identical; 0 otherwise.
int ht_compare_string(const void *a, const void *b);
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