blob: a183ace38b847b41496388b91858e2f0fb818859 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.htrace.core;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* A pool of Tracer objects.
* There may be more than one {@link Tracer} running inside a single 'process'; for example,
* unit tests may spin up a DataNode, a NameNode, and HDFS clients all running in a single JVM
* instance, each with its own Tracer. TracerPool is where all Tracer instances register
* on creation so Tracers can coordinate around shared resources such as {@link SpanReceiver}
* instances. TracerPool takes care of properly cleaning up registered Tracer instances on shutdown.
public class TracerPool {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TracerPool.class);
* The global pool of tracer objects.
* This is the pool that new tracers get put into by default.
static final TracerPool GLOBAL = new TracerPool("Global");
* The shutdown hook which closes the Tracers in this pool when the process is
* shutting down.
private class SpanReceiverShutdownHook extends Thread {
SpanReceiverShutdownHook() {
public void run() {
* The name of this TracerPool.
private final String name;
* The current span receivers which these tracers are using.
* Can be read locklessly. Must be written under the lock.
* The array itself should never be modified.
private volatile SpanReceiver[] curReceivers;
* The currently installed shutdown hook, or null if no hook has been
* installed.
private SpanReceiverShutdownHook shutdownHook;
* The current Tracers.
private final HashSet<Tracer> curTracers;
* Get the global tracer pool.
* @return The tracer pool.
public static TracerPool getGlobalTracerPool() {
return GLOBAL;
public TracerPool(String name) { = name;
this.shutdownHook = null;
this.curTracers = new HashSet<Tracer>();
this.curReceivers = new SpanReceiver[0];
* Return the name of this TracerPool.
* @return The name.
public String getName() {
return name;
* Returns an array of all the current span receivers.
* Note that if the current span receivers change, those changes will not be
* reflected in this array. In other words, this array may be stale.
* @return An array of the current span receivers.
public SpanReceiver[] getReceivers() {
return curReceivers;
* Add a new span receiver.
* @param receiver The new receiver to add.
* @return True if the new receiver was added; false if it
* already was there.
public synchronized boolean addReceiver(SpanReceiver receiver) {
SpanReceiver[] receivers = curReceivers;
for (int i = 0; i < receivers.length; i++) {
if (receivers[i] == receiver) {
LOG.trace(toString() + ": can't add receiver " + receiver.toString() +
" since it is already in this pool.");
return false;
SpanReceiver[] newReceivers =
Arrays.copyOf(receivers, receivers.length + 1);
newReceivers[receivers.length] = receiver;
curReceivers = newReceivers;
LOG.trace(toString() + ": added receiver " + receiver.toString());
return true;
* Register the shutdown hook if needed.
private synchronized void registerShutdownHookIfNeeded() {
if (shutdownHook != null) {
shutdownHook = new SpanReceiverShutdownHook();
LOG.trace(toString() + ": registered shutdown hook.");
* Remove a span receiver.
* @param receiver The receiver to remove.
* @return True if the receiver was removed; false if it
* did not exist in this pool.
public synchronized boolean removeReceiver(SpanReceiver receiver) {
SpanReceiver[] receivers = curReceivers;
for (int i = 0; i < receivers.length; i++) {
if (receivers[i] == receiver) {
SpanReceiver[] newReceivers = new SpanReceiver[receivers.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(receivers, 0, newReceivers, 0, i);
System.arraycopy(receivers, i + 1, newReceivers, i,
receivers.length - i - 1);
curReceivers = newReceivers;
LOG.trace(toString() + ": removed receiver " + receiver.toString());
return true;
LOG.trace(toString() + ": can't remove receiver " + receiver.toString() +
" since it's not currently in this pool.");
return false;
* Remove and close a span receiver.
* @param receiver The receiver to remove.
* @return True if the receiver was removed; false if it
* did not exist in this pool.
public boolean removeAndCloseReceiver(SpanReceiver receiver) {
if (!removeReceiver(receiver)) {
return false;
try {
LOG.trace(toString() + ": closing receiver " + receiver.toString());
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error(toString() + ": error closing " + receiver.toString(), t);
return true;
* Remove and close all of the span receivers.
private synchronized void removeAndCloseAllSpanReceivers() {
SpanReceiver[] receivers = curReceivers;
curReceivers = new SpanReceiver[0];
for (SpanReceiver receiver : receivers) {
try {
LOG.trace(toString() + ": closing receiver " + receiver.toString());
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error(toString() + ": error closing " + receiver.toString(), t);
* Given a SpanReceiver class name, return the existing instance of that span
* receiver, if possible; otherwise, invoke the callable to create a new
* instance.
* @param className The span receiver class name.
* @param conf The HTrace configuration.
* @param classLoader The class loader to use.
* @return The SpanReceiver.
public synchronized SpanReceiver loadReceiverType(String className,
HTraceConfiguration conf, ClassLoader classLoader) {
String receiverClass = className.contains(".") ?
className : SpanReceiver.Builder.DEFAULT_PACKAGE + "." + className;
SpanReceiver[] receivers = curReceivers;
for (SpanReceiver receiver : receivers) {
if (receiver.getClass().getName().equals(receiverClass)) {
LOG.trace(toString() + ": returning a reference to receiver " +
return receiver;
LOG.trace(toString() + ": creating a new SpanReceiver of type " +
SpanReceiver receiver = new SpanReceiver.Builder(conf).
return receiver;
* Returns an array of all the current Tracers.
* Note that if the current Tracers change, those changes will not be
* reflected in this array. In other words, this array may be stale.
* @return The current array of tracers.
public synchronized Tracer[] getTracers() {
return curTracers.toArray(new Tracer[curTracers.size()]);
* Add a new Tracer.
synchronized void addTracer(Tracer tracer) {
if (curTracers.add(tracer)) {
LOG.trace(toString() + ": adding tracer " + tracer.toString());
* Remove a Tracer.
* If the Tracer removed was the last one, we will close all the SpanReceiver
* objects that we're managing.
synchronized void removeTracer(Tracer tracer) {
if (curTracers.remove(tracer)) {
LOG.trace(toString() + ": removing tracer " + tracer.toString());
if (curTracers.size() == 0) {
public String toString() {
return "TracerPool(" + name + ")";