htrace-hbase provides the span receiver which sends tracing spans to HBase and a viewer which retrieves spans from HBase and displays them graphically.
In the example below, we use the same HBase instance running in standalone-mode as both tracee and storage for the tracing spans.
First, get HBase and build it:
$ git clone $ cd hbase $ mvn package -DskipTests
Build htrace-hbase (by building all of htrace... just takes a second):
$ git clone $ cd htrace.git $ mvn install
This will add the htrace jars including htrace-hbase to your local maven repository.
Add a configuration that sets HBase as span receiver in hbase-site.xml:
<property> <name>hbase.trace.spanreceiver.classes</name> <value>org.apache.htrace.impl.HBaseSpanReceiver</value> </property>
Starting HBase server in standalone-mode with htrace-hbase jar added to the CLASSPATH (use appropriate ‘version’ -- below we are using 3.0.4).
$ HBASE_CLASSPATH=$HOME/.m2/repository/org/apache/htrace/htrace-hbase/3.0.4/htrace-hbase-3.0.4.jar $HBASE_HOME/bin/hbase master start
Running HBase shell from another terminal, add the table in which tracing spans are stored. By default it uses the table named “htrace” with two column families “s” and “i” by default:
hbase(main):001:0> create 'htrace', 's', 'i'
Run some tracing from hbase shell (Make sure htrace is on the CLASSPATH when you start the shell):
$ HBASE_CLASSPATH=$HOME/.m2/repository/org/apache/htrace/htrace-hbase/3.0.4/htrace-hbase-3.0.4.jar ./bin/hbase shell hbase(main):002:0> trace 'start'; create 't1', 'f'; trace 'stop' ... hbase(main):003:0> trace 'start'; put 't1', 'r1', 'f:c1', 'value'; trace 'stop' ...
Running the main class of receiver also generate a simple, artificial trace for test:
$ bin/hbase org.apache.htrace.impl.HBaseSpanReceiver
Starting viewer process which listens by default.:
$ HBASE_CLASSPATH=$HOME/.m2/repository/org/apache/htrace/htrace-hbase/3.0.4/htrace-hbase-3.0.4.jar ./bin/hbase org.apache.htrace.viewer.HBaseSpanViewerServer
Accessing http://host:16900/ with Web browser shows you list of traces like below.:
Clicking the trace in the list shows you the spans.:
Light blue rectangles represent spans. The horizontal position of the rectangle represents relative time. The width of a rectangle and the number at its lower left corner is the time from start to stop of the span in milliseconds. If you hover over any small red rectangle, you will see the annotation associated with the span in a popup window.
Leading numbers are time of annotation relative to start of the trace.
Configurations for span receiver running in HBase to connect to the HBase to which spans are sent. These are different from the properties of usual HBase client:
<property> <name>hbase.htrace.hbase.collector-quorum</name> <value></value> </property> <property> <name></name> <value>2181</value> </property> <property> <name>hbase.htrace.hbase.zookeeper.znode.parent</name> <value>/hbase</value> </property>
You can specify the name of table and column families for storing tracing spans by configurations shown below.:
<property> <name>hbase.htrace.hbase.table</name> <value>htrace</value> </property> <property> <name>hbase.htrace.hbase.columnfamily</name> <value>s</value> </property> <property> <name>hbase.htrace.hbase.indexfamily</name> <value>i</value> </property>
Notice that these configurations are prefixed by hbase.
because the tracee are assumed to be HBase here.
You can set listen address of span viewer server by htrace.viewer.http.address
. In addition, span viewer server uses
$ bin/hbase org.apache.htrace.viewer.HBaseSpanViewerServer \ -Dhtrace.viewer.http.address= \ -Dhbase.zookeeper.quorum= \ -Dhbase.zookeeper.znode.parent=/hbase \ -Dhtrace.hbase.table=htrace \ -Dhtrace.hbase.columnfamily=s \ -Dhtrace.hbase.indexfamily=i