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HTrace C client coding style
The HTrace C client uses 4-space indentation. We use spaces rather than
hard tabs. 4 space tabs discourage excessive nesting, which makes C code
harder to understand. We do not use hard tabs because it requires additional
editor configuration for many people to see them as intended.
We have a 79-column limit on line lengths. Excessively long lines make it
difficult to perform side-by side diffs during a code review. They are also
difficult to read.
The opening brace for functions is placed on the line after the function
definition. Example:
> void my_function(int foo)
> {
> ...
> }
However, the brace for an if statement or structure definition does not get
its own line:
> if (foo) {
> ...
> }
> struct bar {
> ...
> }
This style visually emphasizes the start of the function, but avoids using
excessive vertical space for if statements and structures.
When declaring pointers, we use "int *foo" rather than "int* foo".
Using the second form implies that "int*" is the type of everything that
follows. However, this is incorrect; "int* foo, bar;" declares a foo as a
pointer-to-int, but bar as an int. To declare two pointers-to-int on the same
line in C, you must use int *foo, *bar"-- a reality which the second form makes
We put braces around all "if" statements, to avoid situations where
a statement visually appears to be part of an if statement, but in reality is
We use_underscores for naming rather than CamelCase. This is a somewhat
arbitrary choice, but it fits in better with the C standard library and
most other C libraries. We do not use "Hungarian Notation," the practice of
encoding type names into variable names. Variables have types that are
enforced by the compiler in C, so this should be sufficient.
In general, we do not use typedefs for structure names. Using typedefs for
structure names prevents the use of forward declarations (see FORWARD
DECLARATIONS). It also obscures the true nature of the type... is a foo_t a
primitive type such as an int, or a structure? It is usually a bad idea to
copy a large structure by passing it directly rather than passing a pointer to
it. This anti-pattern is more likely to occur if the true nature of the type
is hidden from the programmer.
Typedefs are sometimes useful for shortening the type of function pointers.
They also may be used to represent types that can vary based on architecture of
platform (although it would be better still to avoid this, most of the time.)
However, they should not be overused.
Macros are named in ALL_UPPER_CASE.
Most functions and structures inside the HTrace C client are not "publicly
visible." What this means is that they are not accessible to external users of These internal functions and structures are part of the
implementation of libhtrace, not the API. We have the freedom to change or
remove them as appropriate without worrying about downstream users being
A few functions and symbols are publicly visible. These functions are part
of the "public API" of Every function and structure defined in
htrace.h is part of the public API. This public/private separation is enforced
by the linker, which strips out non-public symbols from the library symbol
Publicly visible functions and structures should avoid making architectural
or platform assumptions. For example, assuming that time_t is 64 bit is a
mistake in the public API.
In general, we want to avoid making backwards-incompatible changes to the
public API within minor releases of HTrace. What changes are backwards
incompatible? A few examples of backwards incompatible changes are:
* Modifying the types of parameters taken by a publicly visible function.
* Changing the number of parameters passed to a publicly visible function.
* Modifying or removing parameters from a publicly visible structure.
* Removing a publicly visible macro
In contrast, we can add new functions or structure definitions to the
public API without breaking backwards compatibility.
The C++ API is implemented as a header file which wraps the C API. This
means that we don't have to worry about C++ binary compatibility issues, which
can be quite complex.
The htrace C client exports only the files, htrace.h, and
htrace.hpp. We do not package up our internal header files in the final build!
They are not accessible or usable outside the library itself.
It is often a good idea to avoid defining a structure in a header file.
Instead, one can often use a "forward declaration" to make the compiler aware
that the structure type exists, without specifying its details. Here is an
example of a forward declaration:
> struct htrace_conf;
This declaration notifies the compiler that the type exists. Most types
discussed in htrace.h are forward declarations rather than definitions. This
gives us the freedom to change the type later, without breaking the public API
(see PUBLIC API). Forward declarations can also speed up compilation, by
minimizing the number of header files that need to be included.
C does not have "finally" blocks like Java or a "defer" statement like
Golang. As a consequence, programmers must clean up resources which they
allocate manually.
One useful pattern for handling errors is the "single exit function"
pattern. In this pattern, a function has a single exit point and we perform
cleanup right before the exit. An example:
> int my_function()
> {
> int success = 0;
> struct my_resource *resource1 = NULL, *resource2 = NULL;
> resource1 = allocate_resource1();
> if (!resource1) {
> goto done;
> }
> resource2 = allocate_resource1();
> if (!resource2) {
> goto done;
> }
> do_stuff(resource1, resource2);
> success = 1;
> done:
> if (resource1) {
> free_resource1();
> }
> if (resource2) {
> free_resource2();
> }
> return success;
> }
Similar to a "finally" block in Java, the code after "done" is always
executed, and will do whatever cleanup is required. This is much easier and
more maintainable than trying to manually deallocate whatever is necessary each
time an error must be handled. Although this may seem unfamiliar to new C
programmers, it is a traditional error handling paradigm in kernel code.
Another error handling paradigm that is sometimes used in HTrace is the
"error string return." This paradigm works as follows:
> void my_function(char *err, size_t err_len)
> {
> err[0] = '\0';
> ...
> if (failed) {
> snprintf(err, err_len, "Failed because the foo was %d", foo);
> return;
> }
> ...
> }
The idea behind the error string return is that an error string is more
flexible than an error code return. This is generally more useful for
internal, non-public APIs where there aren't a set of well-defined error codes
for every possible failure case. Note that functions which accept an error
string always initialize the error string to the empty string (no error) as the
first thing they do.
This code should be portable to both UNIX-based platforms and Microsoft
Windows. Although we don't have Windows support yet, it would be nice to
implement it eventually.
Using #ifdefs for large blocks of platform-specific code makes source code
files difficult to read. When we need to have different implementations of
something based on the platform or architecture, it is often more appropriate
to simply exclude or include an entire file from compilation. This also
encourages programmers to think about creating platform-neutral interfaces to
well-encapsulated platform-specific code segments.
Writing code for a library is more challenging in some ways than writing
code for an application.
We cannot call fork() or exec() from our library, because the host
application may have serious problems with these functions. For example, if
the host application has set up atexit() handlers, a fork plus an exit will
cause those handlers to run unexpectedly.
We should minimize library dependencies to avoid creating headaches for our
users. The more dependencies we use, the more dependencies they must pull in,
whether they want them or not. This is why we use the libjson library for unit
tests, but we do not include it as a dependency of itself.
We cannot assume that our implementation of malloc() is the same one used
by the calling code. If the library dynamically allocates something, the
library must also provide a complimentary function to free that thing. The
calling code should never call free() or delete on a memory area allocated by
libhtrace may be pulled in "transitively" as a dependency of another
library. Or it may be pulled in transitively as well as being used directly by
the application. We should support all of these use-cases.