HTrace Configuration

Clearly, HTrace requires configuration. We need to control which SpanReceiver is used, what the sampling rate is, and many other things besides. Luckily, as we discussed earlier, the Tracer objects maintain this configuration information for us. When we ask for a new trace scope, the Tracer knows what configuration to use.

This configuration comes from the HTraceConfiguration object that we supplied to the Tracer#Builder earlier. In general, we want to configure HTrace the same way we configure anything else in our distributed system. So we normally create a subclass of HTraceConfiguration that accesses the appropriate information in our existing configuration system.

To make this a little more concrete, lets suppose we are writing Bobs Distributed System. Being a pragmatic (not to mention lazy) guy, Bob has decided to just use Java configuration properties for configuration. So our Tracer#Builder invoation would look something like this:

this.tracer = new Tracer.Builder("Bob").
    conf(new HTraceConfiguration() {
        public String get(String key) {
          return System.getProperty("htrace." + key);

        public String get(String key, String defaultValue) {
          String ret = get(key);
          return (ret != null) ? ret : defaultValue;

You can see that this configuration object maps every property starting in “htrace.” to an htrace property. So, for example, you would set the Java system property value “htrace.span.receiver.classes” in order to control the HTrace configuration key “span.receiver.classes”.

Of course, Bob probably should have been less lazy, and used a real configuration system instead of using Java system properties. This is just a toy example to illustrate how to integrate with an existing configuration system.

Bob might also have wanted to use different prefixes for different Tracer objects. For example, in Hadoop you can configure the FsShell Tracer separately from the NameNode Tracer, by setting “”. This is easy to control by changing the HTraceConfiguration object that you pass to Tracer#Builder.

Note that in C and C++, this system is a little different, based on explicitly creating a configuration object prior to creating a tracer, rather than using a callback-based system.

##Configuration Keys In the tables below, programmatic Htrace Java configuration is split by module.

###htrace-core4 configuration

| Key | Default Value | Description | Mandatory | Possible Values | | --------------------- | :-----------: | :--------- : | :-------: | :-------------: | | span.receiver.classes | | A SpanReceiver is a collector within a process that is the destination of Spans when a trace is running. The value should be a comma separated list of classes which extend the abstract SpanReceiver class | yes | org.apache.htrace.core.StandardOutSpanReceiver, org.apache.htrace.core.LocalFileSpanReceiver, org.apache.htrace.core.POJOSpanReceiver, org.apache.htrace.impl.FlumeSpanReceiver, org.apache.htrace.impl.HBaseSpanReceiver, org.apache.htrace.impl.HTracedSpanReceiver, org.apache.htrace.impl.ZipkinSpanReceiver| | sampler.classes | | Samplers which extend the Sampler class determine the frequency that an action should be performed.| yes | org.apache.htrace.core.AlwaysSampler, org.apache.htrace.core.CountSampler, org.apache.htrace.core.NeverSampler, org.apache.htrace.core.ProbabilitySampler |

###htrace-htraced configuration

Configuration for the org.apache.htrace.impl.HTracedSpanReceiver

KeyDefault ValueDescriptionMandatoryPossible Values
htraced.receiver.addressAddress of the htraced serveryesan established server and port address minimum number of milliseconds to wait for a read or write operation on the network.nosingle integer
htraced.receiver.connect.timeout.ms60000The minimum number of milliseconds to wait for a network connection attempt.nosingle integer
htraced.receiver.idle.timeout.ms60000The minimum number of milliseconds to keep alive a connection when it's not in use.nosingle integer
htraced.flush.retry.delays.key1000,30000Configure the retry times to use when an attempt to flush spans to htraced fails. This is configured as a comma-separated list of delay times in milliseconds. If the configured value is empty, no retries will be made.notwo comma separated integers
htraced.receiver.max.flush.interval.ms60000The maximum length of time to go in between flush attempts. Once this time elapses, a flush will be triggered even if we don't have that many spans buffered.nosingle integer
htraced.receiver.packedtrueWhether or not to use msgpack for span serialization. If this key is false, JSON over REST will be used. If this key is true, msgpack over custom RPC will be used.notrue/false
htraced.receiver.buffer.size16 * 1024 * 1024The size of the span buffers.nosingle integer no larger than 32 * 1024 * 1024
htraced.receiver.buffer.send.trigger.fraction0.5Set the fraction of the span buffer which needs to fill up before we will automatically trigger a flush. This is a fraction, not a percentage. It is between 0 and 1.nosingle double length of time which receiveSpan should wait for a free spot in a span buffer before giving up and dropping the spannosingle integer
htraced.error.log.period.ms30000LThe length of time we should wait between displaying log messages on the rate-limited loggers.nosingle integer
htraced.dropped.spans.log.pathAbsolute path of System.getProperty(“”, “/tmp”)Path to local disk at which spans should be writtent o disknostring path to local disk
htraced.dropped.spans.log.max.size1024L * 1024LThe maximum size in bytes of a span log file on disknosingle integer

###htrace-flume configuration

Configuration for the org.apache.htrace.impl.FlumeSpanReceiver

| Key | Default Value | Description | Mandatory | Possible Values | | --------------------- | :-----------: | :--------- : | :-------: | :-------------: | | hadoop.htrace.flume.hostname | localhost | HTTP accessible host at which Flume is available | yes | single string | | hadoop.htrace.flume.port | 0 | Port on the host at which Flume is available | yes | single integer | | htrace.flume.num-threads | 1 | The number of threads used to write data from HTrace into Flume | no | single integer | | htrace.flume.batchsize | 100 | Number of HTrace spans to include in every batch sent to Flume | no | single integer |

In addition, please also see the htrace-flume documentation

###htrace-hbase configuration

Configuration for the org.apache.htrace.impl.HBaseSpanReceiver

| Key | Default Value | Description | Mandatory | Possible Values | | --------------------- | :-----------: | :--------- : | :-------: | :-------------: | | hbase.htrace.hbase.collector-quorum | | Host at which HBase Zookeeper server is running | no | string | | | 2181 | Port at which HBase Zookeeper server is running | no | single integer | | hbase.htrace.hbase.zookeeper.znode.parent | /hbase | The HBase root znode path | no | string | | htrace.hbase.num-threads | 1 | The number of threads used to write data from HTrace into HBase | no | single integer | | htrace.hbase.batch.size | 100 | Number of HTrace spans to include in every batch sent to HBase | no | single integer | | hbase.htrace.hbase.table | htrace | The HBase Table name | no | string | | hbase.htrace.hbase.columnfamily | s | The HBase column family name | no | string | | hbase.htrace.hbase.indexfamily | i | The Hbase index family name | no | string |

In addition, please also see the htrace-hbase documentation

###htrace-zipkin configuration

Configuration for the org.apache.htrace.impl.ZipkinSpanReceiver

| Key | Default Value | Description | Mandatory | Possible Values | | --------------------- | :-----------: | :--------- : | :-------: | :-------------: | | zipkin.transport.class | org.apache.htrace.impl.ScribeTransport | Implementation of Transport to be used. | no | org.apache.htrace.impl.ScribeTransport, org.apache.htrace.impl.KafkaTransport | | zipkin.num-threads | 1 | The number of threads used to write data from HTrace into Zipkin | no | single integer | | zipkin.traced-service-hostname (Deprecated) | InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress() | the host on which Zipkin resides | no | string | | zipkin.traced-service-port (Deprecated) | -1 | The port on which the zipkin service is running | no | single integer |

####Scribe (Thrift) Transport The following configuration relate to the org.apache.htrace.impl.ScribeTransport

| Key | Default Value | Description | Mandatory | Possible Values | | --------------------- | :-----------: | :--------- : | :-------: | :-------------: | | zipkin.scribe.hostname | localhost | Host at which Scribe server is running | no | string | | zipkin.scribe.port | 9410 | Port at which Scribe server is running | no | single integer |

####Kafka Transport The following configuration relate to the org.apache.htrace.impl.KafkaTransport

| Key | Default Value | Description | Mandatory | Possible Values | | --------------------- | :-----------: | :--------- : | :-------: | :-------------: | | zipkin.kafka.topic | zipkin | The Kafka Topic to write HTrace data to | no | string | || localhost:9092 | Host and Port where the Kafka broker is running | no | Colon seperated Host:Port | | zipkin.kafka.request.required.acks | 0 | Number of acknowledgements required before a message has been written into Kafka | no | single integer | | zipkin.kafka.producer.type | async | Whether the Kafka Producer will send data in a synchronous or asynchronous manner | no | async/sync | | zipkin.kafka.serializer.class | kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder | Type of Encoder to be used within the Producer | no | kafka.serializer.DefaultEncoder, kafka.serializer.NullEncoder, kafka.serializer.StringEncoder | | zipkin.kafka.compression.codec | 1 | Controls the compression codec to be used by the producer | no | O means no compression. 1 means GZIP compression. 2 means Snappy compression |