tree: 30ed31921bba41b0b69dfcfb0abea7460fd26107 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml
  4. spans.png
  5. traces.png


htrace-hbase provides the span receiver which sends tracing spans to HBase and the viewer which retrieves spans from HBase and show them graphically.


We are using the same HBase instance running in standalone-mode as a tracee and storage of tracing spans at the same time in this example.

At first, get HBase and build it.:

$ git clone
$ cd hbase
$ mvn package -DskipTests

Putting jar of hbase-htrace on the classpath of HBase.:

$ mkdir lib
$ cp path/to/htrace/htrace-hbase/target/htrace-hbase-3.0.4.jar lib/

Adding configuration for span receiver to hbase-site.xml.:


Starting HBase server in standalone-mode.:

$ bin/hbase master start

Running HBase shell from another terminal, adding the table in which tracing spans stored.:

hbase(main):001:0> create 'htrace', 's', 'i'

Run some tracing from hbase shell.:

hbase(main):002:0> trace 'start'; create 't1', 'f'; trace 'stop'
hbase(main):003:0> trace 'start'; put 't1', 'r1', 'f:c1', 'value'; trace 'stop'

Running the main class of receiver also generate simple trace for test.:

$ bin/hbase org.htrace.impl.HBaseSpanReceiver

Strating viewer process which listens on 16900 by default.:

$ bin/hbase org.htrace.viewer.HBaseSpanViewerServer

Accessing http://host:16900/ with Web browser shows you list of traces like below.:

list of traces

Clicking the trace in the list shows you the spans.:

visualization of spans


Configurations for span receiver running in HBase to connect to the HBase to which spands are sent. These are diffrent from the properties of usual HBase client.:


You can set listen address of span viewer server by htrace.viewer.http.address. In addition, span viewer server uses usual HBase client configuration to connect to HBase.:

$ bin/hbase org.htrace.viewer.HBaseSpanViewerServer \
    -Dhtrace.viewer.http.address= \


  • showing timeline annotation in spans view.
  • showing parent-child relationships in spans view.
  • enabling to focus in/out specific spans in trace.
  • limiting the traces shown in list based on time period.
  • adding tests.