blob: e4a95d38f1b8220fb8b967f73f706cd50354fad1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.gossip;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* In this object the settings used by the GossipService are held.
public class GossipSettings {
/** Time between gossip'ing in ms. Default is 1 second. */
private int gossipInterval = 10;
/** Time between cleanups in ms. Default is 10 seconds. */
private int cleanupInterval = 5000;
/** the minimum samples needed before reporting a result */
private int minimumSamples = 5;
/** the number of samples to keep per host */
private int windowSize = 5000;
/** the threshold for the detector */
private double convictThreshold = 10;
private String distribution = "normal";
private String activeGossipClass = "org.apache.gossip.manager.SimpleActiveGossipper";
private String transportManagerClass = "org.apache.gossip.transport.UdpTransportManager";
private String protocolManagerClass = "org.apache.gossip.protocol.JacksonProtocolManager";
private Map<String,String> activeGossipProperties = new HashMap<>();
private String pathToRingState = "./";
private boolean persistRingState = true;
private String pathToDataState = "./";
private boolean persistDataState = true;
private String pathToKeyStore = "./keys";
private boolean signMessages = false;
* Construct GossipSettings with default settings.
public GossipSettings() {
* Construct GossipSettings with given settings.
* @param gossipInterval
* The gossip interval in ms.
* @param cleanupInterval
* The cleanup interval in ms.
public GossipSettings(int gossipInterval, int cleanupInterval, int windowSize,
int minimumSamples, double convictThreshold, String distribution) {
this.gossipInterval = gossipInterval;
this.cleanupInterval = cleanupInterval;
this.windowSize = windowSize;
this.minimumSamples = minimumSamples;
this.convictThreshold = convictThreshold;
this.distribution = distribution;
* Set the gossip interval. This is the time between a gossip message is send.
* @param gossipInterval
* The gossip interval in ms.
public void setGossipTimeout(int gossipInterval) {
this.gossipInterval = gossipInterval;
* Set the cleanup interval. This is the time between the last heartbeat received from a member
* and when it will be marked as dead.
* @param cleanupInterval
* The cleanup interval in ms.
public void setCleanupInterval(int cleanupInterval) {
this.cleanupInterval = cleanupInterval;
* Get the gossip interval.
* @return The gossip interval in ms.
public int getGossipInterval() {
return gossipInterval;
* Get the clean interval.
* @return The cleanup interval.
public int getCleanupInterval() {
return cleanupInterval;
public int getMinimumSamples() {
return minimumSamples;
public void setMinimumSamples(int minimumSamples) {
this.minimumSamples = minimumSamples;
public int getWindowSize() {
return windowSize;
public void setWindowSize(int windowSize) {
this.windowSize = windowSize;
public double getConvictThreshold() {
return convictThreshold;
public void setConvictThreshold(double convictThreshold) {
this.convictThreshold = convictThreshold;
public void setGossipInterval(int gossipInterval) {
this.gossipInterval = gossipInterval;
public String getDistribution() {
return distribution;
public void setDistribution(String distribution) {
this.distribution = distribution;
public String getActiveGossipClass() {
return activeGossipClass;
public void setActiveGossipClass(String activeGossipClass) {
this.activeGossipClass = activeGossipClass;
public Map<String, String> getActiveGossipProperties() {
return activeGossipProperties;
public void setActiveGossipProperties(Map<String, String> activeGossipProperties) {
this.activeGossipProperties = activeGossipProperties;
public String getPathToRingState() {
return pathToRingState;
public void setPathToRingState(String pathToRingState) {
this.pathToRingState = pathToRingState;
public boolean isPersistRingState() {
return persistRingState;
public void setPersistRingState(boolean persistRingState) {
this.persistRingState = persistRingState;
public String getPathToDataState() {
return pathToDataState;
public void setPathToDataState(String pathToDataState) {
this.pathToDataState = pathToDataState;
public boolean isPersistDataState() {
return persistDataState;
public void setPersistDataState(boolean persistDataState) {
this.persistDataState = persistDataState;
public String getPathToKeyStore() {
return pathToKeyStore;
public void setPathToKeyStore(String pathToKeyStore) {
this.pathToKeyStore = pathToKeyStore;
public boolean isSignMessages() {
return signMessages;
public void setSignMessages(boolean signMessages) {
this.signMessages = signMessages;
public String getTransportManagerClass() {
return transportManagerClass;
public String getProtocolManagerClass() {
return protocolManagerClass;