This folder contains docker images definitions used in integration tests of Gearpump.

These include:

We decided to fork spotify/kafka image, because the project does not maintain proper tagging. For now our tests focus on Kafka 0.8.x, and the project does not support this version.

Hadoop docker image ( is well maintained. We rely on version 2.6.0 and we feel there is no need to duplicate it.

Gearpump Cluster Launcher helps developer to setup/test a local Gearpump cluster quickly. The image is based on a minimal JRE8 environment with Python support.

We used to base Gearpump Cluster Launcher on errordeveloper/oracle-jre image but it stuck on version 8u66-b17 and doesn't support tagging. We also probably hit a Java bug ( that requires newer version of JRE. This is experimental version of Java image that we will use until we switch to some “official” image.