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package org.apache.gearpump.integrationtest.storm
import java.util.{ArrayList => JArrayList, HashMap => JHashMap, Map => JMap}
import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder
import backtype.storm.{Config, StormSubmitter}
import storm.kafka.bolt.KafkaBolt
import storm.kafka.{KafkaSpout, SpoutConfig, ZkHosts}
import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.main.{ArgumentsParser, CLIOption}
* Tests Storm 0.9.x compatibility over Gearpump
* this example reads data from Kafka and writes back to it
object Storm09KafkaTopology extends App with ArgumentsParser {
override val options: Array[(String, CLIOption[Any])] = Array(
"topologyName" -> CLIOption[Int]("<Storm topology name>", required = true),
"sourceTopic" -> CLIOption[String]("<Kafka topic to read data>", required = true),
"sinkTopic" -> CLIOption[String]("<Kafka topic to write data>", required = true),
"zookeeperConnect" -> CLIOption[String]("<Zookeeper connect string, e.g. localhost:2181/kafka>",
required = true),
"brokerList" -> CLIOption[String]("<Kafka broker list, e.g. localhost:9092>", required = true),
"spoutNum" -> CLIOption[Int]("<how many spout tasks>", required = false,
defaultValue = Some(1)),
"boltNum" -> CLIOption[Int]("<how many bolt tasks>", required = false, defaultValue = Some(1))
val configs = parse(args)
val topologyName = configs.getString("topologyName")
val sourceTopic = configs.getString("sourceTopic")
val sinkTopic = configs.getString("sinkTopic")
val zookeeperConnect = configs.getString("zookeeperConnect")
val brokerList = configs.getString("brokerList")
val spoutNum = configs.getInt("spoutNum")
val boltNum = configs.getInt("boltNum")
val topologyBuilder = new TopologyBuilder()
val kafkaSpout: KafkaSpout = new KafkaSpout(getSpoutConfig(sourceTopic, zookeeperConnect,
val kafkaBolt: KafkaBolt[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = new KafkaBolt[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]()
val adaptor = new Adaptor
topologyBuilder.setSpout("kafka_spout", kafkaSpout, spoutNum)
topologyBuilder.setBolt("adaptor", adaptor).localOrShuffleGrouping("kafka_spout")
topologyBuilder.setBolt("kafka_bolt", kafkaBolt, boltNum).localOrShuffleGrouping("adaptor")
val config = new Config()
config.putAll(getBoltConfig(sinkTopic, brokerList))
config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, topologyName)
val topology = topologyBuilder.createTopology()
StormSubmitter.submitTopology(topologyName, config, topology)
def getSpoutConfig(topic: String, zookeeperConnect: String, id: String): SpoutConfig = {
val hosts = new ZkHosts(zookeeperConnect)
val index = zookeeperConnect.indexOf("/")
val zookeeper = zookeeperConnect.take(index)
val kafkaRoot = zookeeperConnect.drop(index)
val config = new SpoutConfig(hosts, topic, kafkaRoot, id)
config.forceFromStart = true
val serverAndPort = zookeeper.split(":")
config.zkServers = new JArrayList[String]
config.zkPort = serverAndPort(1).toInt
def getBoltConfig(topic: String, brokerList: String): JMap[String, AnyRef] = {
val kafkaConfig: JMap[String, AnyRef] = new JHashMap[String, AnyRef]
val brokerConfig: JMap[String, AnyRef] = new JHashMap[String, AnyRef]
brokerConfig.put("", brokerList)
brokerConfig.put("request.required.acks", "1")
kafkaConfig.put(KafkaBolt.KAFKA_BROKER_PROPERTIES, brokerConfig)
kafkaConfig.put(KafkaBolt.TOPIC, topic)