layout: global displayTitle: Maven Setting title: Maven Setting description: Maven Setting

To program against this version, you need to add below artifact dependencies to your application's Maven setting:

{% highlight xml %} gearpump-core_2.11 {{ site.GEARPUMP_VERSION }} gearpump-streaming_2.11 {{ site.GEARPUMP_VERSION }} {% endhighlight %}

And you will need to add following repositories to get above dependencies resolved.

{% if site.GEARPUMP_VERSION contains “SNAPSHOT” %} {% highlight xml %} sonatype-nexus-releases Sonatype Nexus Snapshots

For SBT the configuration above, adding the two external modules as well, is equivalent to the following:

resolvers ++= Seq(
  "Sonatype releases" at "",
  "Patrik at Bintray" at "",
  "Cloudera repo" at "",
  "vincent" at "",
  "non" at "",
  "Maven repo" at "",
  "Maven1 repo" at "",
  "Maven2 repo" at ""

val gearpumpVersion = "{{ site.GEARPUMP_VERSION }}"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  ""                %  "gearpump-core_2.11"         % gearpumpVersion,
  ""                %  "gearpump-streaming_2.11"    % gearpumpVersion,
  ""                %% "gearpump-external-kafka"    % gearpumpVersion,
  ""                %% "gearpump-external-hbase"    % gearpumpVersion

and you can put this in your build.sbt buildfile.