layout: global title: Storm Compatibility

Gearpump provides binary compatibility for Apache Storm applications. That is to say, users could easily grab an existing Storm jar and run it on Gearpump. This documentation illustrates Gearpump's compatibility with Storm.

What Storm features are supported on Gearpump

Storm 0.9.x

basic topologyyes

Storm 0.10.x

basic topologyyes
storm-eventhubsnot verified

At Least Once support

With Ackers enabled, there are two kinds of At Least Once support in both Storm 0.9.x and Storm 0.10.x.

  1. spout will replay messages on message loss as long as spout is alive
  2. If KafkaSpout is used, messages could be replayed from Kafka even if the spout crashes.

Gearpump supports the second for both Storm versions.

Security support

Storm 0.10.x adds security support for following connectors

That means users could access kerberos enabled HDFS, Hive and HBase with these connectors. Generally, Storm provides two approaches (please refer to above links for more information)

  1. configure nimbus to automatically get delegation tokens on behalf of the topology submitter user
  2. kerberos keytabs are already distributed on worker hosts; users configure keytab path and principal

Gearpump supports the second approach and users needs to add classpath of HDFS/Hive/HBase to gearpump.executor.extraClasspath in gear.conf on each node. For example,

  ### Executor argument configuration
  ### Executor JVM can contains multiple tasks
  executor {
    vmargs = "-server -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -Xss1M -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=80 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:NewRatio=3  -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost"
    extraClasspath = "/etc/hadoop/conf"

How to run a Storm application on Gearpump

This section shows how to run an existing Storm jar in a local Gearpump cluster.

  1. launch a local cluster

  2. start a Gearpump Nimbus server

    Users need server's address( and nimbus.thrift.port) to submit topologies later. The address is written to a yaml config file set with -output option. Users can provide an existing config file where only the address will be overwritten. If not provided, a new file app.yaml is created with the config.

    bin/storm nimbus -output [conf <custom yaml config>]
  3. submit Storm applications

    Users can either submit Storm applications through command line or UI.

    a. submit Storm applications through command line

    bin/storm app -verbose -config app.yaml -jar storm-starter-${STORM_VERSION}.jar storm.starter.ExclamationTopology exclamation 

    Users are able to configure their applications through following options

    • jar - set the path of a Storm application jar
    • config - submit the custom configuration file generated when launching Nimbus

    b. submit Storm application through UI

    1. Click on the “Create” button on the applications page on UI.
    2. Click on the “Submit Storm Application” item in the pull down menu.
    3. In the popup console, upload the Storm application jar and the configuration file generated when launching Nimbus, and fill in storm.starter.ExclamationTopology exclamation as arguments.
    4. Click on the “Submit” button

    Either way, check the dashboard and you should see data flowing through your topology.

How is it different from running on Storm

Topology submission

When a client submits a Storm topology, Gearpump launches locally a simplified version of Storm's Nimbus server GearpumpNimbus. GearpumpNimbus then translates topology to a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of Gearpump, which is submitted to Gearpump master and deployed as a Gearpump application.


GearpumpNimbus supports the following methods

  • submitTopology / submitTopologyWithOpts
  • killTopology / killTopologyWithOpts
  • getTopology / getUserTopology
  • getClusterInfo

Topology translation

Here's an example of WordCountTopology with acker bolts (ackers) being translated into a Gearpump DAG.


Gearpump creates a StormProducer for each Storm spout and a StormProcessor for each Storm bolt (except for ackers) with the same parallelism, and wires them together using the same grouping strategy (partitioning in Gearpump) as in Storm.

At runtime, spouts and bolts are running inside StormProducer tasks and StormProcessor tasks respectively. Messages emitted by spout are passed to StormProducer, transferred to StormProcessor and passed down to bolt. Messages are serialized / de-serialized with Storm serializers.

Storm ackers are dropped since Gearpump has a different mechanism of message tracking and flow control.

Task execution

Each Storm task is executed by a dedicated thread while all Gearpump tasks of an executor share a thread pool. Generally, we can achieve better performance with a shared thread pool. It's possible, however, some tasks block and take up all the threads. In that case, we can fall back to the Storm way by setting gearpump.task-dispatcher to "gearpump.single-thread-dispatcher" in gear.conf.

Message tracking

Storm tracks the lineage of each message with ackers to guarantee at-least-once message delivery. Failed messages are re-sent from spout.

Gearpump tracks messages between a sender and receiver in an efficient way. Message loss causes the whole application to replay from the minimum timestamp of all pending messages in the system.

Flow control

Storm throttles flow rate at spout, which stops sending messages if the number of unacked messages exceeds topology.max.spout.pending.

Gearpump has flow control between tasks such that sender cannot flood receiver, which is backpressured till the source.


All Storm configurations are respected with the following priority order

defaults.yaml < custom file config < application config < component config


  • application config is submit from Storm application along with the topology
  • component config is set in spout / bolt with getComponentConfiguration
  • custom file config is specified with the -config option when submitting Storm application from command line or uploaded from UI

StreamCQL Support

StreamCQL is a Continuous Query Language on RealTime Computation System open sourced by Huawei. Since StreamCQL already supports Storm, it's straightforward to run StreamCQL over Gearpump.

  1. Install StreamCQL as in the official README

  2. Launch Gearpump Nimbus Server as before

  3. Go to the installed stream-cql-binary, and change following settings in conf/streaming-site.xml with the output Nimbus configs in Step 2.

  4. Open CQL client shell and execute a simple cql example

    Streaming> CREATE INPUT STREAM s
        (id INT, name STRING, type INT)
    SOURCE randomgen
        PROPERTIES ( timeUnit = "SECONDS", period = "1",
            eventNumPerperiod = "1", isSchedule = "true" );
        (type INT, cc INT)
    SINK consoleOutput;
    INSERT INTO STREAM rs SELECT type, COUNT(id) as cc
        WHERE id > 5 GROUP BY type;
    SUBMIT APPLICATION example;    
  5. Check the dashboard and you should see data flowing through a topology of 3 components