Gearpump has a built-in serialization framework with a shaded Kryo version, which allows you to customize how a specific message type can be serialized.

Register a class before serialization.

Note, to use built-in kryo serialization framework, Gearpump requires all classes to be registered explicitly before using, no matter you want to use a custom serializer or not. If not using custom serializer, Gearpump will use default com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.FieldSerializer to serialize the class.

To register a class, you need to change the configuration file gear.conf(or application.conf if you want it only take effect for single application).

gearpump {
  serializers {
    ## We will use default FieldSerializer to serialize this class type
    "org.apache.gearpump.UserMessage" = ""
    ## we will use custom serializer to serialize this class type
    "org.apache.gearpump.UserMessage2" = "org.apache.gearpump.UserMessageSerializer"

How to define a custom serializer for built-in kryo serialization framework

When you decide that you want to define a custom serializer, you can do this in two ways.

Please note that Gearpump shaded the original Kryo dependency. The package name com.esotericsoftware was relocated to org.apache.gearpump.esotericsoftware. So in the following customization, you should import corresponding shaded classes, the example code will show that part.

In general you should use the shaded version of a library whenever possible in order to avoid binary incompatibilities, eg don't use:


but rather

System Level Serializer

If the serializer is widely used, you can define a global serializer which is available to all applications(or worker or master) in the system.

Step1: you first need to develop a java library which contains the custom serializer class. here is an example:
package org.apache.gearpump

import org.apache.gearpump.esotericsoftware.kryo.{Kryo, Serializer}
import{Input, Output}

class UserMessage(longField: Long, intField: Int)

class UserMessageSerializer extends Serializer[UserMessage] {
  override def write(kryo: Kryo, output: Output, obj: UserMessage) = {

  override def read(kryo: Kryo, input: Input, typ: Class[UserMessage]): UserMessage = {
    val longField = input.readLong()
    val intField = input.readInt()
    new UserMessage(longField, intField)
Step2: Distribute the libraries

Distribute the jar file to lib/ folder of every Gearpump installation in the cluster.

Step3: change gear.conf on every machine of the cluster:
gearpump {
  serializers {
    "org.apache.gearpump.UserMessage" = "org.apache.gearpump.UserMessageSerializer"
All set!
Define Application level custom serializer

If all you want is to define an application level serializer, which is only visible to current application AppMaster and Executors(including tasks), you can follow a different approach.

Step1: Define your custom Serializer class

You should include the Serializer class in your application jar. Here is an example to define a custom serializer:

package org.apache.gearpump

import org.apache.gearpump.esotericsoftware.kryo.{Kryo, Serializer}
import{Input, Output}

class UserMessage(longField: Long, intField: Int)

class UserMessageSerializer extends Serializer[UserMessage] {
  override def write(kryo: Kryo, output: Output, obj: UserMessage) = {

  override def read(kryo: Kryo, input: Input, typ: Class[UserMessage]): UserMessage = {
    val longField = input.readLong()
    val intField = input.readInt()
    new UserMessage(longField, intField)
Step2: Put a application.conf in your classpath on Client machine where you submit the application,
### content of application.conf
gearpump {
  serializers {
    "org.apache.gearpump.UserMessage" = "org.apache.gearpump.UserMessageSerializer"
Step3: All set!

Advanced: Choose another serialization framework

Note: This is only for advanced user which require deep customization of Gearpump platform.

There are other serialization framework besides Kryo, like Protobuf. If user don't want to use the built-in kryo serialization framework, he can customize a new serialization framework.

basically, user need to define in gear.conf(or application.conf for single application's scope) file like this:

gearpump.serialization-framework = "org.apache.gearpump.serializer.CustomSerializationFramework"

Please find an example in gearpump storm module, search “StormSerializationFramework” in source code.