Until now Gearpump supports deployment in a secured Yarn cluster and writing to secured HBase, where “secured” means Kerberos enabled. Further security related feature is in progress.

How to launch Gearpump in a secured Yarn cluster

Suppose user gear will launch gearpump on YARN, then the corresponding principal gear should be created in KDC server.

  1. Create Kerberos principal for user gear, on the KDC machine

     sudo kadmin.local

    In the kadmin.local or kadmin shell, create the principal

     kadmin:  addprinc gear/fully.qualified.domain.name@YOUR-REALM.COM

    Remember that user gear must exist on every node of Yarn.

  2. Upload the gearpump-{{SCALA_BINARY_VERSION}}-{{GEARPUMP_VERSION}}.zip to remote HDFS Folder, suggest to put it under /usr/lib/gearpump/gearpump-{{SCALA_BINARY_VERSION}}-{{GEARPUMP_VERSION}}.zip

  3. Create HDFS folder /user/gear/, make sure all read-write rights are granted for user gear

     drwxr-xr-x - gear gear 0 2015-11-27 14:03 /user/gear
  4. Put the YARN configurations under classpath. Before calling yarnclient launch, make sure you have put all yarn configuration files under classpath. Typically, you can just copy all files under $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop from one of the YARN cluster machine to conf/yarnconf of gearpump. $HADOOP_HOME points to the Hadoop installation directory.

  5. Get Kerberos credentials to submit the job:

     kinit gearpump/fully.qualified.domain.name@YOUR-REALM.COM

    Here you can login with keytab or password. Please refer Kerberos's document for details.

     yarnclient launch -package /usr/lib/gearpump/gearpump-{{SCALA_BINARY_VERSION}}-{{GEARPUMP_VERSION}}.zip

How to write to secured HBase

When the remote HBase is security enabled, a kerberos keytab and the corresponding principal name need to be provided for the gearpump-hbase connector. Specifically, the UserConfig object passed into the HBaseSink should contain {("gearpump.keytab.file", "\\$keytab"), ("gearpump.kerberos.principal", "\\$principal")}. example code of writing to secured HBase:

val principal = "gearpump/fully.qualified.domain.name@YOUR-REALM.COM"
val keytabContent = Files.toByteArray(new File("path_to_keytab_file"))
val appConfig = UserConfig.empty
      .withString("gearpump.kerberos.principal", principal)
      .withBytes("gearpump.keytab.file", keytabContent)
val sink = new HBaseSink(appConfig, "$tableName")
val sinkProcessor = DataSinkProcessor(sink, "$sinkNum")
val split = Processor[Split]("$splitNum")
val computation = split ~> sinkProcessor
val application = StreamApplication("HBase", Graph(computation), UserConfig.empty)

Note here the keytab file set into config should be a byte array.

Future Plan

More external components support

  1. HDFS
  2. Kafka


Since Gearpump’s Master-Worker structure is similar to HDFS’s NameNode-DataNode and Yarn’s ResourceManager-NodeManager, we may follow the way they use.

  1. User creates kerberos principal and keytab for Gearpump.
  2. Deploy the keytab files to all the cluster nodes.
  3. Configure Gearpump’s conf file, specify kerberos principal and local keytab file location.
  4. Start Master and Worker.

Every application has a submitter/user. We will separate the application from different users, like different log folders for different applications. Only authenticated users can submit the application to Gearpump's Master.


Hopefully more on this soon