How to update website for a Gearpump release

Gearpump This guide is for how to update website for a Gearpump release. It is NOT for how to release Gearpump itself.

Cleanup the old release documentation

Directory releases/latest in this repository holds the release documentation for latest release.

As we are preparing for a new release, you need to rename latest to some explicit version, e.g. 0.5 to indicate this old release documentation is for 0.5 release.

And you may ONLY want to keep several key release documents, you can remove corresponding obselete releases by removing corresponding version directories under releases directory.

Generate Gearpump release documentation (including API doc)

You need to under Gearpump source code root directory execute command

cd docs
./  2.11  1

It will generate all release documents under _site.

Upload the release documentation to

You need to upload the generated _site directory in previous step to THIS repository's releases/ directory and rename _site directory to latest.

Update content

Update the Gearpump version number in _config.yml

Update _layouts/global.html for current link

File _layouts/global.html contains the navigation bar for the whole website. As we updated the release documentation, we need to update the navigation bar to reflect this change.

Update the for download link

File contains the download link for Gearpump. This also needs to be updated.

Update other pages for new features and introduction

Please update corresponding pages to reflect Gearpump new features.

Compile HTML pages

You need to run

jekyll build

to generate all the HTML pages. These pages are under _site directory.

You can make a local check by

jekyll serve --watch

And use browser to visit for a dry run.

Check in your changes

Please check in all the pages you modified, all the changes you made under releases directory, and jekyll generated files under _site directory to Git repository.

And then after a careful check, please raise a PR.

When PR is merged, the website is updated corresponding automatically.

NOTE Here we need to also include _site in Git as there is no automatically mechanism for to read from .md files. Gearpump