blob: 25563a794947f94ecd785bd2e63dc15ecbc1842e [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Edgent (incubating) 1.0.0
The first official Apache Edgent release
New Features
EDGENT-8 Restart topology on uncaught exception
EDGENT-21 Create test application using GPS/OBD sensors
EDGENT-22 Add functionality to sample the tuples in a stream
EDGENT-91 Support joining a stream against another stream/window
EDGENT-96 Add an HTTP POST utility method
EDGENT-114 Have IotProvider start applications using ApplicationService
EDGENT-117 Support IotProvider on Java 7 and Android
EDGENT-128 update to Watson IoT Platform release
EDGENT-166 Add Gate plumbing
EDGENT-173 Add load balanced parallel()
EDGENT-178 console: stream hover should report "alias" in addition to tags
EDGENT-198 Accessibility enhancements to Javadoc
EDGENT-200 Console: stream hovers in oplet kind layout lack tuple counts
EDGENT-214 testFileWriter needs to support compressed rolling log generation
EDGENT-215 Job control gets unregistered from ControlService after job gets closed (BUG)
EDGENT-217 promote IoT device heart beat to a connector utility
EDGENT-218 Add multivariable JsonAnalytics
EDGENT-220 add things to help with csv strings
EDGENT-226 Add connector for "command / OS process"
EDGENT-304 Always build{hardware,topology}.jar
Incompatible changes
EDGENT-232 Rename Quarks to Edgent
Rename packages from quarks.* to org.apache.edgent.*
Rename jars from quarks.jar to edgent.*.jar
EDGENT-236 Rename Iotf connector to Iotp
Rename package to org.apache.edgent.connectors.iotp
Rename jar to edgent.connectors.iotp.jar
EDGENT-139 Rename ./ext/slf4j-1.7.12/slf4j-jdk14-1.7.12.jar
This jar was available to Edgent applications to provide them and the
Edgent runtime with an SLF4J logging implementation.
The name is now ./ext/slf4j-jdk14-1.7.12.jar
Miscellaneous changes
EDGENT-139 Replace Ant build with Gradle tooling
EDGENT-261 Remove all third party jars from the Edgent repository
EDGENT-263 Add source tgz generation
EDGENT-271 Conform to license and notice standards for binary bundle
EDGENT-272 Conform to license and notice standards for source bundle
EDGENT-281 Change release bundle names
the bundles are now org.apache.edgent-<version>-{src,bin}.tgz
EDGENT-281 Change the name of the directory that a binary release bundle extracts to
An official release bundle extracts to "edgent-<version>"
A snapshot release bundle extracts to "edgent-<version>-SNAPSHOT-<date>-<time>"
EDGENT-281 Change names and/or versions of some external dependency jars in the binary release bundle
Mentioned for completeness but those jars are intended
to be private the Edgent runtime components.
Known Issues
None yet
Bug Fixes
EDGENT-6 Change in JOB MXBean ObjectName causing console not to getch jobs
EDGENT-83 Getting Started documentation page should tell how to build Quarks or explain releases are not Apache
EDGENT-97 Document HTTPStreams.getJson
EDGENT-120 bad graph generation with certain API / oplet sequence
EDGENT-130 Application hands when trying to read commands from iotf
EDGENT-137 Tuple count: Source oplet flows into Peek. Source tuple count is less than Peek's count.
EDGENT-152 "Quarks SPI" javadoc group declared but not generated
EDGENT-164 Navigation menu works the wrong way
EDGENT-167 width of FanOut output streams is wrong
EDGENT-168 Console Splitter properties hover output tags wrong
EDGENT-169 Console: hover on stream between Filter and Peek doesn't report tuple count
EDGENT-171 Remove JobMXBean,State or Job.State
EDGENT-172 Add stateChange() to JobMXBean
EDGENT-177 Job name not set correctly for control service
EDGENT-179 console: oplet coloring gradients "too close"
EDGENT-180 Calling stateChange(CLOSE) on JobMXBean does not change its state fully
EDGENT-187 Console: TopologyTesstBasic doesn't render after QUARKS-22 changes
EDGENT-188 Console metric propagation shouldn't traverse non-injected metric ops
EDGENT-189 Undesirable metric op injection
EDGENT-201 Make the quarks console keyboard navigible
EDGENT-207 Iotf connect does not receive commands when only subscribing to to commands
EDGENT-208 Improve TWindow aggregate() javadoc
EDGENT-209 No need to insert PlumbingStreams.isolate after JobEvents.source
EDGENT-210 Submit an app, closing an app and the attempting to resubmit an app "kills" the parent app
EDGENT-213 testFileWriter is naming rolling log files with day-in-year not day-in-month
EDGENT-247 "ant release" with ANDROID_SDK_PLATFORM set fails
EDGENT-255 StreamScope.setEnabled(true) resets buffer if already enabled
EDGENT-257 samples.scenarios.iotp no longer functional
EDGENT-307 Improve supported platform documentation