tree: 4fd0374086ce386664d43bc9343caca385365f38 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .gitignore
  4. startapp.cron.template

Restarting Edgent if the JVM crashes

The script can be setup to run as a cron job every minute in order to monitor a JVM running an Edgent application and restart Edgent if the JVM crashes. The script checks whether the pid of the JVM indicates a process which is still running. If the pid is not there, it executes the command to start the application in the first place.

A crontab entry file contains information which cron uses to schedule the job. The sample startapp.cron file is configured to execute the org.apache.edgent.samples.topology.TerminateAfterNTuples sample application, which terminates the JVM after processing a preset number of tuples.

See in the samples root directory for information on building the samples.

To setup cron to restart the sample application every minute:

  1. Create the startapp.cron file from the startapp.cron.template file:

    $ ./mkcrontab

  2. Install startapp.cron:

    $ crontab ./startapp.cron

    Note: if you wish to have your ~/.profile executed you must explicitly do so in the crontab entry or in a script called by the entry.

  3. To see the set crontab entries:

    $ crontab -l

  4. To remove the current crontab entries:

    $ crontab -r