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package org.apache.edgent.samples.utils.sensor;
public class SimulatedGpsSensor {
private int currentIndex;
private int simulatedSec;
private int requestedIterations = -1; // -1 means loop through gpsDataArray
// forever
private int currentIteration = 0;
public SimulatedGpsSensor() {
this.currentIndex = -1;
this.simulatedSec = 1;
// TODO: Replace hard-coded data to reading in GPS data from file
// GPS data from IBM Silicon Valley Lab to IBM Almaden Research and back to
private static double[][] gpsDataArray = { { 37.195647, -121.748087 }, // IBM
// Silicon
// Valley
// Lab
// 555
// Bailey
// Ave
{ 37.18110679999999, -121.7865003 }, // Calero Reservoir McKean
{ 37.19926299999999, -121.82234399999999 }, // Santa Clara Horsemen
// Association 20350
// McKean
{ 37.198632, -121.82234399999999 }, // Forestry & Fire Protection
// 20255 McKean
{ 37.19875469999999, -121.82320830000003 }, // St. Anthony Church
// 20101 McKean
{ 37.2004004, -121.82578030000002 }, // Challenger School 19950
// McKean
{ 37.199576, -121.82468900000003 }, // Firehouse No.28 19911 McKean
// Rd
{ 37.211053, -121.806949 }, // IBM Almaden Research Harry Road
// then go back the reverse direction
{ 37.199576, -121.82468900000003 }, // Firehouse No.28 19911 McKean
// Rd
{ 37.2004004, -121.82578030000002 }, // Challenger School 19950
// McKean
{ 37.19875469999999, -121.82320830000003 }, // St. Anthony Church
// 20101 McKean
{ 37.198632, -121.82234399999999 }, // Forestry & Fire Protection
// 20255 McKean
{ 37.19926299999999, -121.82234399999999 }, // Santa Clara Horsemen
// Association 20350
// McKean
{ 37.18110679999999, -121.7865003 }, // Calero Reservoir McKean
{ 37.195647, -121.748087 }, // IBM Silicon Valley Lab 555 Bailey Ave
// TODO Re-write kluge code to read from a file
// Returns a GpsSensor using the hard-coded list, then repeats through the
// list
// forever when requestedIterations = -1, or until iterations is reached.
public GpsSensor nextGps() {
GpsSensor result = null;
if (requestedIterations == -1 || currentIteration < requestedIterations) {
// Determine the index to use for generating the next GPS coordinate
// If currentIndex is already at the end of the array, then set
// currentIndex to start over at the array beginning at index 0
// Otherwise, increment currentIndex
if (currentIndex >= gpsDataArray.length - 1) {
currentIndex = 0;
} else
// hardcode other data (altitude, course, time, speed, etc.) and at
// index 5 for hard braking and acceleration speed
if (currentIndex == 5)
result = new GpsSensor(gpsDataArray[currentIndex][0], gpsDataArray[currentIndex][1], 32.1, 42.4,
simulatedSec, 38.2);
result = new GpsSensor(gpsDataArray[currentIndex][0], gpsDataArray[currentIndex][1], 20.1, 29.0,
simulatedSec, 28.2);
return result;