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package org.apache.edgent.samples.topology;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import org.apache.edgent.console.server.HttpServer;
import org.apache.edgent.providers.development.DevelopmentProvider;
import org.apache.edgent.samples.utils.sensor.SimulatedSensors;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TStream;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TWindow;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.Topology;
* Aggregation of sensor readings.
* Demonstrates partitioned aggregation and filtering of simulated sensors
* that are bursty in nature, so that only intermittently
* is the data output to {@code System.out}.
* <P>
* The two sensors are read as independent streams but combined
* into a single stream and then aggregated across the last 50 readings
* using windows. The window is partitioned by the sensor name
* so that each sensor will have its own independent window.
* This partitioning is automatic so that the same code would
* work if readings from one hundred different sensors were
* on the same stream, is it just driven by a key function.
* <BR>
* The windows are then aggregated using Apache Common Math
* provided statistics and the final stream filtered so
* that it will only contain values when each sensor
* is (independently) out of range.
* </P>
* @see SimulatedSensors#burstySensor(Topology, String)
public class SensorsAggregates {
* Run a topology with two bursty sensors printing them to standard out.
* @param args command arguments
* @throws Exception on failure
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("SensorsAggregates: Output will be randomly intermittent, be patient!");
DirectProvider tp = new DevelopmentProvider();
Topology topology = tp.newTopology("SensorsReadingAggregates");
TStream<JsonObject> sensors = sensorsAB(topology);
System.out.println("#### Console URL for the job: "
+ tp.getServices().getService(HttpServer.class).getConsoleUrl());
* Create a stream containing two aggregates from two bursty
* sensors A and B that only produces output when the sensors
* (independently) are having a burst period out of their normal range.
* @param topology Topology to add the sub-graph to.
* @return Stream containing two aggregates from two bursty
* sensors A and B
public static TStream<JsonObject> sensorsAB(Topology topology) {
// Simulate two sensors, A and B, both randomly bursty
TStream<JsonObject> sensorA = SimulatedSensors.burstySensor(topology, "A");
TStream<JsonObject> sensorB = SimulatedSensors.burstySensor(topology, "B");
// Combine the sensor readings into a single stream
TStream<JsonObject> sensors = sensorA.union(sensorB);
// Create a window on the stream of the last 50 readings partitioned
// by sensor name. In this case two independent windows are created (for a and b)
TWindow<JsonObject,JsonElement> sensorWindow = sensors.last(50, j -> j.get("name"));
// Aggregate the windows calculating the min, max, mean and standard deviation
// across each window independently.
sensors = JsonAnalytics.aggregate(sensorWindow, "name", "reading", MIN, MAX, MEAN, STDDEV);
// Filter so that only when the sensor is beyond 2.0 (absolute) is a reading sent.
sensors = sensors.filter(j -> Math.abs(j.get("reading").getAsJsonObject().get("MEAN").getAsDouble()) > 2.0);
return sensors;