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package org.apache.edgent.samples.connectors.iotp;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.edgent.connectors.iot.IotDevice;
import org.apache.edgent.connectors.iot.QoS;
import org.apache.edgent.connectors.iotp.IotpGateway;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TStream;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.Topology;
* Similar to IotpDeviceSample but behaving as a registered IoT Gateway device.
* <P>
* Use {@link IotpAppClient} to print published events and generate a command
* (start this app before running IotpAppClient with the "useGW" option).
* <P>
* This sample demonstrates:
* <UL>
* <LI>Using the IotpGateway connector</LI>
* <LI>Initializing the IotpGateway connector using the WIoTP API objects</LI>
* <LI>Publishing and subscribing to Gateway device events and commands</LI>
* <LI>Publishing and subscribing to connected device events and commands</LI>
* </UL>
* <p>
* This connects to your IBM Watson IoT Platform service
* as the Gateway defined in a gateway config file.
* The file format is the standard one for IBM Watson IoT Platform.
* <p>See {@code scripts/connectors/iotp/README} for information about a
* prototype gateway device configuration file and running the sample.
public class IotpGWDeviceSample {
private static final String usage = "[useGatewayClient|useManagedGateway] [useHttp] <device-cfg-path>";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length == 0)
throw new Exception("Usage: " + usage);
List<String> argList = Arrays.asList(args);
boolean useGatewayClient = argList.contains("useGatewayClient");
boolean useManagedGateway = argList.contains("useManagedGateway");
boolean useInternalGatewayClient = !(useGatewayClient || useManagedGateway);
boolean useHttp = argList.contains("useHttp");
String deviceCfgPath = argList.get(argList.size() - 1);
DirectProvider tp = new DirectProvider();
Topology topology = tp.newTopology("IotpGWDeviceSample");
Properties cfgProps = new Properties();
cfgProps.load(new FileReader(new File(deviceCfgPath)));
String iotpOrg = getProperty(cfgProps, "Organization-ID", "org");
String iotpGWDevType = getProperty(cfgProps, "Gateway-Type", "Device-Type", "type");
String iotpGWDevId = getProperty(cfgProps, "Gateway-ID", "Device-ID", "id");
String iotpCnDev1Type = cfgProps.getProperty("cn-dev1-type");
String iotpCnDev1Id = cfgProps.getProperty("cn-dev1-id");
System.out.println("orgId: " + iotpOrg);
System.out.println("GWDeviceType: " + iotpGWDevType);
System.out.println("GWDeviceId: " + iotpGWDevId);
System.out.println("cn-dev1 DeviceType: " + iotpCnDev1Type);
System.out.println("cn-dev1 DeviceId: " + iotpCnDev1Id);
// System.out.println("GW mosquitto_pub -u <api-auth-key> -P <api-auth-token> -h "+iotpOrg+" -p 1883 -i a:"+iotpOrg+":appId1 -t iot-2/type/"+iotpGWDevType+"/id/"+iotpGWDevId+"/cmd/cmd-1/fmt/json -m '{}'");
// System.out.println("GW mosquitto_sub -d -u <api-auth-key> -P <api-auth-token> -h "+iotpOrg+" -p 1883 -i a:"+iotpOrg+":appId2 -t iot-2/type/+/id/+/evt/+/fmt/+");
// System.out.println("cn-dev1 mosquitto_pub -u <api-auth-key> -P <api-quth-token> -h "+iotpOrg+" -p 1883 -i a:"+iotpOrg+":appId1 -t iot-2/type/"+iotpCnDev1Type+"/id/"+iotpCnDev1Id+"/cmd/cmd-1/fmt/json -m '{}'");
IotpGateway gwDevice;
if (useInternalGatewayClient) {
System.out.println("Using internal GatewayClient");
gwDevice = new IotpGateway(topology, cfgProps);
else if (useGatewayClient) {
System.out.println("Using WIoTP GatewayClient");
gwDevice = new IotpGateway(topology, new GatewayClient(cfgProps));
else if (useManagedGateway) {
System.out.println("Using WIoTP ManagedGateway");
DeviceData deviceData = new DeviceData.Builder().build();
gwDevice = new IotpGateway(topology, new ManagedGateway(cfgProps, deviceData));
throw new IllegalStateException("woops");
Map<String,String> devAttrMap = new HashMap<>();
devAttrMap.put(IotpGateway.ATTR_DEVICE_TYPE, iotpCnDev1Type);
devAttrMap.put(IotpGateway.ATTR_DEVICE_ID, iotpCnDev1Id);
String cnDev1FqDeviceId = gwDevice.getIotDeviceId(devAttrMap);
IotDevice cnDev1Device = gwDevice.getIotDevice(cnDev1FqDeviceId);
System.out.println("GW fqDeviceId: " + gwDevice.getDeviceId());
System.out.println("cn-dev1 fqDeviceId: " + cnDev1FqDeviceId);
System.out.println("IotDevice cn-dev1 fqDeviceId: " + cnDev1Device.getDeviceId());
Random r = new Random();
TStream<double[]> raw = topology.poll(() -> {
double[] v = new double[3];
v[0] = r.nextGaussian() * 10.0 + 40.0;
v[1] = r.nextGaussian() * 10.0 + 50.0;
v[2] = r.nextGaussian() * 10.0 + 60.0;
return v;
}, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Create a stream of Gateway device events
TStream<JsonObject> gwJson = -> {
JsonObject jo2 = new JsonObject();
jo2.addProperty("gw-fqDeviceId", gwDevice.getDeviceId());
jo2.addProperty("temp", v[0]);
return jo2;
// Create a stream of a connected device's events
TStream<JsonObject> cnDev1Json = -> {
JsonObject jo2 = new JsonObject();
jo2.addProperty("cnDev1-fqDeviceId", cnDev1Device.getDeviceId());
jo2.addProperty("humidity", v[1]);
return jo2;
if (!useHttp) {, "gw-device", QoS.FIRE_AND_FORGET);
gwDevice.eventsForDevice(cnDev1FqDeviceId, cnDev1Json, "gw-events-for-cnDev1", QoS.FIRE_AND_FORGET);, "cnDev1-events", QoS.FIRE_AND_FORGET);
else {
System.out.println("Publishing events using HTTP");
throw new IllegalStateException("GW httpEvents is NYI");
// gwDevice.httpEvents(json, "sensors");
// gwDevice.httpEventsForDevice(cnDev1FqDeviceId, cnDev1Json, "gw-events-for-cnDev1");
// subscribe to / report cmds for the GW and all its connected devices
gwDevice.commandsForDevice(Collections.emptySet()).sink(jo -> System.out.println("Received all-cmds cmd: " + jo));
// subscribe to / report just GW device cmds
gwDevice.commands().sink(jo -> System.out.println("Received gwDevice cmd: " + jo));
// subscribe to / report just cnDev1 device cmds
gwDevice.commandsForDevice(cnDev1FqDeviceId).sink(jo -> System.out.println("Received gwDevice-for-cnDev1 cmd: " + jo));
cnDev1Device.commands().sink(jo -> System.out.println("Received cnDev1 cmd: " + jo));
// subscribe to / report just cmds for a specific device type
gwDevice.commandsForType(iotpGWDevType).sink(jo -> System.out.println("Received for-type-gwDeviceType cmd: " + jo));
gwDevice.commandsForType(iotpCnDev1Type).sink(jo -> System.out.println("Received for-type-cnDev1DeviceType cmd: " + jo));
private static String getProperty(Properties props, String... keys) {
for (String key : keys) {
String val = props.getProperty(key);
if (val != null)
return val;
return null;