blob: 10115abef35e59b01f899dea4569b3504174bee3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Application Configuration properties
# The default topology provider is DirectProvider.
# Write console URL to file consoleUrl.txt
# =========================================================================
# Application stream logging configuration
# Where the app puts its stream logs.
# The directory will be created when the topology
# runs if it doesn't already exist.
# =========================================================================
# Application "ranges" - e.g., for threshold detections
# Specify values generated by Range.toString():
# <lowerBoundType><lowerBound>..<upperBound><upperBoundType>
# where
# lowerBoundType is "[" inclusive or "(" exclusive
# upperBoundType is "]" inclusive or ")" exclusive
# lowerBound or upperBound is "*" for open ranges,
# e.g., [*..50] for "atMost" 50
# =========================================================================
# Patterns for identifying which streams to trace to System.out
# To enable use include.csv and/or includes.regex.
# To exclude an otherwise included file, use excludes.csv and/or excludes.regex
# Some tracing labels
# sensor1.raw1khz,sensor1.j1khz,sensor1.j1hzStats,sensor1.outside1hzMeanRange*,
# sensor1.periodicLastN*