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package org.apache.edgent.oplet;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Consumer;
* Context information for the {@code Oplet}'s invocation context.
* <P>
* At execution time an oplet uses its invocation context to retrieve
* provided {@link #getService(Class) services},
* {@link #getOutputs() output ports} for tuple submission
* and {@link #getJobContext() job} information.
* @param <I> tuple type of input streams
* @param <O> tuple type of output streams
public interface OpletContext<I, O> extends RuntimeServices {
* Get the unique identifier (within the running job)
* for this oplet.
* @return unique identifier for this oplet
String getId();
* {@inheritDoc}
* <P>
* Get a service for this oplet invocation.
* An invocation of an oplet may get access to services,
* which provide specific functionality, such as metrics.
* </P>
<T> T getService(Class<T> serviceClass);
* Get the number of connected inputs to this oplet.
* @return number of connected inputs to this oplet.
int getInputCount();
* Get the number of connected outputs to this oplet.
* @return number of connected outputs to this oplet.
int getOutputCount();
* Get the mechanism to submit tuples on an output port.
* @return list of consumers
List<? extends Consumer<O>> getOutputs();
* Get the oplet's output port context information.
* @return list of {@link OutputPortContext}, one for each output port.
List<OutputPortContext> getOutputContext();
* Get the job hosting this oplet.
* @return {@link JobContext} hosting this oplet invocation.
JobContext getJobContext();
* Creates a unique name within the context of the current runtime.
* <p>
* The default implementation adds a suffix composed of the package
* name of this interface, the current job and oplet identifiers,
* all separated by periods ({@code '.'}). Developers should use this
* method to avoid name clashes when they store or register the name in
* an external container or registry.
* @param name name (possibly non-unique)
* @return unique name within the context of the current runtime.
String uniquify(String name);