Oftentimes, a user expects a sensor value to fall within a particular range. If a reading is outside the accepted limits, the user may want to determine what caused the anomaly and/or take action to reduce the impact. For instance, consider the following scenario.
Suppose a corn grower in the Midwestern United States would like to monitor the average temperature in his corn field using a sensor to improve his crop yield. The optimal temperatures for corn growth during daylight hours range between 77°F and 91°F. When the grower is alerted of a temperature value that is not in the optimal range, he may want to assess what can be done to mitigate the effect.
In this instance, we can use a filter to detect out-of-range temperature values.
We assume that the environment has been set up following the steps outlined in the Getting started guide. Let's begin by creating a DirectProvider
and Topology
. We also define the optimal temperature range.
import static edgent.function.Functions.identity; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.edgent.analytics.sensors.Filters; import org.apache.edgent.analytics.sensors.Range; import org.apache.edgent.analytics.sensors.Ranges; import org.apache.edgent.providers.direct.DirectProvider; import org.apache.edgent.samples.utils.sensor.SimulatedTemperatureSensor; import org.apache.edgent.topology.TStream; import org.apache.edgent.topology.Topology; public class DetectValueOutOfRange { /** * Optimal temperature range (in Fahrenheit) */ static double OPTIMAL_TEMP_LOW = 77.0; static double OPTIMAL_TEMP_HIGH = 91.0; static Range<Double> optimalTempRange = Ranges.closed(OPTIMAL_TEMP_LOW, OPTIMAL_TEMP_HIGH); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { DirectProvider dp = new DirectProvider(); Topology top = dp.newTopology("TemperatureSensor"); // The rest of the code pieces belong here } }
The next step is to simulate a stream of temperature readings using [SimulatedTemperatureSensor
]({{ site.data.project.source_repository_mirror }}/blob/master/samples/utils/src/main/java/org/apache/{{ site.data.project.unix_name }}/samples/utils/sensor/SimulatedTemperatureSensor.java). By default, the sensor sets the initial temperature to 80°F and ensures that new readings are between 28°F and 112°F. In our main()
, we use the poll()
method to generate a flow of tuples, where a new tuple (temperature reading) arrives every second.
// Generate a stream of temperature sensor readings SimulatedTemperatureSensor tempSensor = new SimulatedTemperatureSensor(); TStream<Double> temp = top.poll(tempSensor, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
If the corn grower is interested in determining when the temperature is strictly out of the optimal range of 77°F and 91°F, a simple filter can be used. The filter
method can be applied to TStream
objects, where a filter predicate determines which tuples to keep for further processing. For its method declaration, refer to the [Javadoc]({{ site.docsurl }}/org/apache/{{ site.data.project.unix_name }}/topology/TStream.html#filter-org.apache.{{ site.data.project.unix_name }}.function.Predicate-).
In this case, we want to keep temperatures below the lower range value or above the upper range value. This is expressed in the filter predicate, which follows Java's syntax for lambda expressions. Then, we terminate the stream (using sink
) by printing out the warning to standard out. Note that \u00b0
is the Unicode encoding for the degree (°) symbol.
TStream<Double> simpleFiltered = temp.filter(tuple -> tuple < OPTIMAL_TEMP_LOW || tuple > OPTIMAL_TEMP_HIGH); simpleFiltered.sink(tuple -> System.out.println("Temperature is out of range! " + "It is " + tuple + "\u00b0F!"));
Alternatively, a deadband filter can be used to glean more information about temperature changes, such as extracting the in-range temperature immediately after a reported out-of-range temperature. For example, large temperature fluctuations could be investigated more thoroughly.
The deadband
filter is a part of the edgent.analytics
package focused on handling sensor data. Let's look more closely at the method declaration below.
deadband(TStream<T> stream, Function<T,V> value, Predicate<V> inBand)
The first parameter is the stream to the filtered, which is temp
in our scenario. The second parameter is the value to examine. Here, we use the identity()
method to return a tuple on the stream. The last parameter is the predicate that defines the optimal range, that is, between 77°F and 91°F. it is important to note that this differs from the TStream
version of filter
in which one must explicitly specify the values that are out of range. The code snippet below demonstrates how the method call is pieced together. The deadbandFiltered
stream contains temperature readings that follow the rules as described in the [Javadoc]({{ site.docsurl }}/org/apache/{{ site.data.project.unix_name }}/analytics/sensors/Filters.html#deadband-org.apache.{{ site.data.project.unix_name }}.topology.TStream-org.apache.{{ site.data.project.unix_name }}.function.Function-org.apache.{{ site.data.project.unix_name }}.function.Predicate-):
As with the simple filter, the stream is terminated by printing out the warnings.
TStream<Double> deadbandFiltered = Filters.deadband(temp, identity(), tuple -> tuple >= OPTIMAL_TEMP_LOW && tuple <= OPTIMAL_TEMP_HIGH); deadbandFiltered.sink(tuple -> System.out.println("Temperature may not be " + "optimal! It is " + tuple + "\u00b0F!"));
We end our application by submitting the Topology
To see what the temperatures look like, we can print the stream to standard out.
When the final application is run, the output looks something like the following:
Temperature may not be optimal! It is 79.1°F! 79.1 79.4 79.0 78.8 78.0 78.3 77.4 Temperature is out of range! It is 76.5°F! Temperature may not be optimal! It is 76.5°F! 76.5 Temperature may not be optimal! It is 77.5°F! 77.5 77.1 ...
Note that the deadband filter outputs a warning message for the very first temperature reading of 79.1°F. When the temperature falls to 76.5°F (which is outside the optimal range), both the simple filter and deadband filter print out a warning message. However, when the temperature returns to normal at 77.5°F, only the deadband filter prints out a message as it is the first value inside the optimal range after a period of being outside it.
Filtering against a range of values is such a common analytic activity that the edgent.analytics.sensors.Range
class is provided to assist with that.
Using a Range
can simplify and clarify your application code and lessen mistakes that may occur when writing expressions to deal with ranges. Though not covered in this recipe, Range
s offer additional conveniences for creating applications with external range specifications and adaptable filters.
In the above examples, a single Range
can be used in place of the two different expressions for the same logical range:
static double OPTIMAL_TEMP_LOW = 77.0; static double OPTIMAL_TEMP_HIGH = 91.0; static Range<Double> optimalTempRange = Ranges.closed(OPTIMAL_TEMP_LOW, OPTIMAL_TEMP_HIGH);
Using optimalTempRange
in the Simple filter example code:
TStream<Double> simpleFiltered = temp.filter(tuple -> !optimalTempRange.contains(tuple));
Using optimalTempRange
in the Deadband filter example code:
TStream<Double> deadbandFiltered = Filters.deadband(temp, identity(), optimalTempRange);
import static edgent.function.Functions.identity; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.edgent.analytics.sensors.Filters; import org.apache.edgent.analytics.sensors.Range; import org.apache.edgent.analytics.sensors.Ranges; import org.apache.edgent.providers.direct.DirectProvider; import org.apache.edgent.samples.utils.sensor.SimulatedTemperatureSensor; import org.apache.edgent.topology.TStream; import org.apache.edgent.topology.Topology; /** * Detect a sensor value out of expected range. */ public class DetectValueOutOfRange { /** * Optimal temperature range (in Fahrenheit) */ static double OPTIMAL_TEMP_LOW = 77.0; static double OPTIMAL_TEMP_HIGH = 91.0; static Range<Double> optimalTempRange = Ranges.closed(OPTIMAL_TEMP_LOW, OPTIMAL_TEMP_HIGH); /** * Polls a simulated temperature sensor to periodically obtain * temperature readings (in Fahrenheit). Use a simple filter * and a deadband filter to determine when the temperature * is out of the optimal range. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { DirectProvider dp = new DirectProvider(); Topology top = dp.newTopology("TemperatureSensor"); // Generate a stream of temperature sensor readings SimulatedTemperatureSensor tempSensor = new SimulatedTemperatureSensor(); TStream<Double> temp = top.poll(tempSensor, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // Simple filter: Perform analytics on sensor readings to // detect when the temperature is completely out of the // optimal range and generate warnings TStream<Double> simpleFiltered = temp.filter(tuple -> !optimalTempRange.contains(tuple)); simpleFiltered.sink(tuple -> System.out.println("Temperature is out of range! " + "It is " + tuple + "\u00b0F!")); // Deadband filter: Perform analytics on sensor readings to // output the first temperature, and to generate warnings // when the temperature is out of the optimal range and // when it returns to normal TStream<Double> deadbandFiltered = Filters.deadband(temp, identity(), optimalTempRange); deadbandFiltered.sink(tuple -> System.out.println("Temperature may not be " + "optimal! It is " + tuple + "\u00b0F!")); // See what the temperatures look like temp.print(); dp.submit(top); } }