title: Apache Edgent documentation audience: field engineers, clients

New documentation

Apache Edgent is evolving, and so is the documentation. If the existing documentation hasn't answered your questions, you can request new or updated documentation by opening a [JIRA](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/{{ site.data.project.jira }}) issue.

Providing feedback

To provide feedback on our documentation:

  1. Navigate to the documentation page for which you are providing feedback
  2. Click on the Feedback button in the top right corner

This will open an issue for the page that you are currently visiting.

Contributing documentation

If you have ideas on how we can better document or explain some of the concepts, we would love to have your contribution! This site uses GitHub's flavor of Markdown and Jekyll markdown for our documentation.

Refer to this documentation on GitHub's flavor of Markdown: Writing on GitHub.

Refer to this documentation to get started: Using Jekyll with Pages.

To contribute, clone this project locally, make your changes, and create a [pull request]({{ site.data.project.website_repository_mirror }}/pulls).

To learn more, visit Get Involved.