title: Changing a polled source stream's period

The Writing a source function recipe introduced the basics of creating a source stream by polling a data source periodically.

Oftentimes, a user wants the poll frequency to be adaptable rather than static. For example, an event such as a sudden rise in a temperature sensor may motivate more frequent polling of the sensor and analysis of the data until the condition subsides. A change in the poll frequency may be driven by locally performed analytics or via a command from an external source.

An Edgent IotProvider and IoTDevice with its command streams would be a natural way to control the application. In this recipe we will just simulate a “set poll period” command stream.

The Topology.poll() [documentation]({{ site.docsurl }}/org/apache/{{ site.data.project.unix_name }}/topology/Topology.html#poll-org.apache.{{ site.data.project.unix_name }}.function.Supplier-long-java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit-) describes how the poll period may be changed at runtime.

The mechanism is based on a more general Edgent runtime edgent.execution.services.ControlService service. The runtime registers “control beans” for entities that are controllable. These controls can be retrieved at runtime via the service.

At runtime, Topology.poll() registers a edgent.execution.mbeans.PeriodMXBean control. Retrieving the control at runtime requires setting an alias on the poll generated stream using TStream.alias().

Create the polled stream and set its alias

Topology top = ...;
SimulatedTemperatureSensor tempSensor = new SimulatedTemperatureSensor();
TStream<Double> engineTemp = top.poll(tempSensor, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

It's also a good practice to add tags to streams to improve the usability of the development mode Edgent console.

Define a “set poll period” method

static <T> void setPollPeriod(TStream<T> pollStream, long period, TimeUnit unit) {
    // get the topology's runtime ControlService service
    ControlService cs = pollStream.topology().getRuntimeServiceSupplier()

    // using the the stream's alias, get its PeriodMXBean control
    PeriodMXBean control = cs.getControl(TStream.TYPE, pollStream.getAlias(), PeriodMXBean.class);

    // change the poll period using the control
    System.out.println("Setting period="+period+" "+unit+" stream="+pollStream);
    control.setPeriod(period, unit);

Process the “set poll period” command stream

Our commands are on the TStream<JsonObject> cmds stream. Each JsonObject tuple is a command with the properties “period” and “unit”.

cmds.sink(json -> setPollPeriod(engineTemp,

The final application

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import com.google.gson.JsonObject;

import org.apache.edgent.execution.mbeans.PeriodMXBean;
import org.apache.edgent.execution.services.ControlService;
import org.apache.edgent.providers.development.DevelopmentProvider;
import org.apache.edgent.providers.direct.DirectProvider;
import org.apache.edgent.samples.utils.sensor.SimulatedTemperatureSensor;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.TStream;
import org.apache.edgent.topology.Topology;

 * A recipe for a polled source stream with an adaptable poll period.
public class AdaptablePolledSource {

     * Poll a temperature sensor to periodically obtain temperature readings.
     * Respond to a simulated command stream to change the poll period.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        DirectProvider dp = new DirectProvider();

        Topology top = dp.newTopology("TemperatureSensor");

        // Generate a polled temperature sensor stream and set its alias
        SimulatedTemperatureSensor tempSensor = new SimulatedTemperatureSensor();
        TStream<Double> engineTemp = top.poll(tempSensor, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

        // Report the time each temperature reading arrives and the value
        engineTemp.peek(tuple -> System.out.println(new Date() + " temp=" + tuple));

        // Generate a simulated "set poll period" command stream
        TStream<JsonObject> cmds = simulatedSetPollPeriodCmds(top);

        // Process the commands to change the poll period
        cmds.sink(json -> setPollPeriod(engineTemp,


    static <T> void setPollPeriod(TStream<T> pollStream, long period, TimeUnit unit) {
        // get the topology's runtime ControlService service
        ControlService cs = pollStream.topology().getRuntimeServiceSupplier()

        // using the the stream's alias, get its PeriodMXBean control
        PeriodMXBean control = cs.getControl(TStream.TYPE, pollStream.getAlias(), PeriodMXBean.class);

        // change the poll period using the control
        System.out.println("Setting period="+period+" "+unit+" stream="+pollStream);
        control.setPeriod(period, unit);

    static TStream<JsonObject> simulatedSetPollPeriodCmds(Topology top) {
        AtomicInteger lastPeriod = new AtomicInteger(1);
        TStream<JsonObject> cmds = top.poll(() -> {
                // toggle between 1 and 2 sec period
                int newPeriod = lastPeriod.get() == 1 ? 2 : 1;
                JsonObject jo = new JsonObject();
                jo.addProperty("period", newPeriod);
                jo.addProperty("unit", TimeUnit.SECONDS.toString());
                return jo;
            }, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        return cmds;
