title: Get Involved with Quarks

Welcome to the Quarks community! We would love to have you participate as a user of Quarks, a contributor or both.

You can:

  • Use our project and give us feedback.
  • Report bugs and submit patches.
  • Contribute code, documenation, javadocs, and use-case ideas.

Mailing Lists

You can ask for help and get involved with Quarks through our mailing lists:

To subscribe, send e-mails to dev-subscribe@quarks.incubator.apache.org and commits-subscribe@quarks.incubator.apache.org.

Issue Tracking

We use Jira here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QUARKS

GitHub Mirrors

Quarks source code: https://github.com/apache/incubator-quarks

Website source: https://github.com/apache/incubator-quarks-website

Developer Guidelines

Check out our developer guidelines here: https://github.com/apache/incubator-quarks/blob/master/DEVELOPMENT.md

Contribute Code

If you plan to make any significant contribution, you will need to have a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) on file. Get a copy of the CLA, fill it out and follow the instructions in the CLA to file it. Committers will require a CLA before they commit contributions.

When you are considering a code contribution, make sure there is an Issue that describes your work or the bug you are fixing. For significant contributions, please discuss your proposed changes in the Issue so that others can comment on your plans. Someone else may be working on the same functionality, so it's good to communicate early and often. A committer is more likely to accept your change if there is clear information in the Issue.

The best way to start on the code is to fork Quarks and make changes in your fork. When you're happy with the changes in your fork, issue a pull request. Make sure you document your code and contribute tests along with the code.

We welcome new committers. Get information on committers here.

Contribute Documentation for the Web Site

Contributing documentation is similar to contributing code. Follow the instructions in the Contribute Code Section above. If you are submitting documentation for the web site, you will need to use Markdown and Jekyll to develop your web pages.

Use Quarks and Participate in the Community

Please download the latest release of Quarks and use it. We would love to get your feedback. Create an Issue for any bugs you encounter, requests for enhancements or questions you may have. Feel free to comment on existing issues as well. You are welcome to update the wiki with any information you want to provide to help others. Just link in any new pages, to be sure they are not lost. If you have any significant comments on existing wiki pages, open an Issue to have a discussion.