The get-edgent-jars-project can be used to copy Apache Edgent jars and their transitive dependencies from a local or remote maven repository into bundles under target.

Use to create bundles containing the jars. The script also creates target/ for composing a classpath to use the Edgent jars.

By default the script retrieves the Edgent java8 platform jars for the project's default Edgent version.

cd get-edgent-jars-project
./ --version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT  # retrieve the Edgent 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT java8 jars
##### Generating dependency decls...
##### Generating pom.xml...
##### Generating the bundles...
##### Generating
##### Bundle LICENSING information:
##### Using a bundle:

    copy a bundle from target and unpack it
    copy target/ and use it to compose a classpath:

        export CLASSPATH=`./ --add-slf4j-jdk <path-to-unpacked-bundle>`

    Omit "--add-slf4j-jdk" to omit an slf4j-jdk* implementation jar from the classpath.

For more usage information: -h