tweak samples/
1 file changed
tree: 074678f90f9cb7a69f07a4d19c09cc23a4c2fe0e
  1. apps/
  2. connectors/
  3. console/
  4. cron/
  5. scenarios/
  6. src/
  7. template/
  8. topology/
  9. utils/
  11. mvnw
  12. mvnw.cmd
  14. pom.xml

#Apache Edgent SDK samples.

This file is a work-in-progress.

The following describes Edgent Application development in general and the Edgent SDK samples in particular.

#Edgent Application Development, Packaging and Execution.

The Edgent SDK/runtime jars are published to maven-central.

There are a set of Edgent jars for each supported platform: java8, java7, and android. The artifact groupId prefix is: org.apache.edgent (for java8), org.apache.edgent.java7 and e.g. org.apache.edgent.api org.apache.edgent.api.java7

See for more information on coordinates, etc.

The Edgent API is most easily used by using java8 lambda expressions. If you only want to deploy your Edgent application to a java8 environment then your application may use any java8 features it chooses. You compile and run against the Edgent java8 jars.

If you want to deploy your Edgent application to a java7 or android environment, it easiest to write your application using the Edgent APIs with java8 lambda expressions. You compile with java8 but constrain your application to using java7 features plus java8 lambda expressions. The Retrolambda tool is used to convert your application's generated class files to java7. (the java7 and android Edgent jars were created in that manner too) Your application would then be run against the appropriate Edgent platform jars. Alternatively you can forgo the use of lambda expressions and write your application in java7 and compile and run against the appropriate Edgent platform jars.

For convenience it's easiest to build your Edgent applcation using maven-repository-enabled build tooling (e.g., maven, maven-enabled Eclipse or IntelliJ). The tooling transparently downloads the required Edgent jars from the maven repository.

The supplied Edgent samples poms include support for building for a java8, java7 or android execution environent. The poms are configured for the generation of a standard jar as well as an uber jar for a sample application.

You can clone the samples/template project as a starting point for your Edgent application. See samples/template/

TODO: we would like to provide a maven Edgent Application archetype that users can use to create an application project template.

If you can‘t or don’t want to use maven-repository-enabled tooling you will need to get a local copy of the Edgent jars and their dependencies and add them to your compile classpath. The Edgent supplied tool can be used to get copies of the jars from a maven repository.

##Packaging and Execution

Edgent doesn't provide any “deployment” mechanisms other than its primitive “register jar” feature (see the IotProvider javadoc). Generally, managing the deployment of application and Edgent jars to edge devices is left to others (as an example, the IBM Watson IoT Platform has device APIs to support “firmware” download/update).

To run your Edgent application on an edge device, your application jar(s) need to be on the device. Additionally, the application‘s dependent Edgent jars (and their transitive dependencies) need to be on the device. It’s unlikely the device will be able to retrieve the dependencies directly from a remote maven repository such as maven central.

Here are three options for dealing with this:

a) construct an uber-jar for your application. The uber jar contains the application‘s classes and the application’s dependent Edgent classes and their transitive dependencies.

The uber jar is a standalone entity containing everything that's needed to run your application.

The Edgent samples poms contain configuration information that generates an uber jar in addition to the standard application jar. Eclipse can also export an uber jar.

b) create an application package bundle. The bundle contains the application‘s jar and the application’s dependent Edgent jars and their transitive dependencies. The bundle is copied to the device and unpacked. A run script forms the appropriate CLASSPATH to the package's jars and starts the application.

The Edgent supplied tool supports this mode. Eclipse can also export a similar collection of information.

c) separately manage the application‘s jars and the Edgent jars and their dependencies. Copy the application’s jars to the device. Get a copy of the Edgent jars and their dependencies onto the device to be shared by any Edgent applications that want to use them.

The Apache Edgent project does not release a binary bundle containing all of the Edgent jars and their dependencies. The binary artifacts are only released to maven central.

The Edgent supplied tool supports this mode.

The script copies the Edgent runtime jars and their dependencies from a local or remote maven repository.

The user may then directly use the jars in CLASSPATH specifications for Edgent application compilation or execution. A script is generated to assist with this.

By default the script retrieves the Edgent java8 platform jars for the script's default Edgent version.

The script creates and builds a small maven project as part of its execution. --version 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT  # retrieve the Edgent 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT java8 jars
This command downloads the Apache Edgent jars and their transitive external dependencies.
The external dependencies have their own licensing term that you should review.
A summary of the external dependencies can be found here <TODO URL>.
Continue? [y/n] y
##### Generating maven project get-edgent-jars-project...
##### Generating dependency decls...
##### Adding dependency decls to pom...
##### Retrieving jars into local maven repo...
##### Copying jars...
##### Generating
##### The Edgent jars are in get-edgent-jars-project/edgent-jars
##### The external jars are in get-edgent-jars-project/ext-jars
##### CLASSPATH may be set by copying get-edgent-jars-project/java8/ and using it like:
#####    export CLASSPATH=` path-to-parent-of-edgent-jars-dir`

For more usage information: -h

The script creates an application bundle. The application bundle can be copied to an edge-device, unpacked and then used to run the application.

The application bundle contains the application‘s jar, the application’s dependent Edgent jars (as specified in the application‘s pom) and the Edgent jars’ dependencies, and a script.

The application's pom specified Edgent runtime jars and their dependencies are retrieved from a local or remote maven repository.

If the application was built using java8, complied against the java8 Edgent jars, and the execution environment is java7 or android, use the appropriate script options to retrieve the appropriate Edgent platform jars for execution.

The script configures the CLASSPATH and runs the application.


cd MyApp # the project directory --mainClass --appjar target/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
##### get the app specific dependencies...
##### create target/
##### create target/app-pkg.tar...
##### Copy target/app-pkg.tar to the destination system"
##### To run the app:"
#####     mkdir app-pkg"
#####     tar xf app-pkg.tar -C app-pkg"
#####     (cd app-pkg; ./"

For more usage information: -h

#Building the Edgent samples

By default java8 class files are generated. Java7 and Android platform class files are produced when the appropriate profile is specified.

./mvnw clean install  # -Pplatform-java7 or -Pplatform-android as needed

A standard jar and uber jar is created for each sample category in the sample category's target directory: <category>/target.

##Running the samples

See the README in each sample category directory.