squelch eclipse warnings on samples/pom.xml
1 file changed
tree: 1827bc9a1af25e5567def6872fe8a9e22f576092
  1. .mvn/
  2. apps/
  3. connectors/
  4. console/
  5. cron/
  6. scenarios/
  7. src/
  8. template/
  9. topology/
  10. utils/
  12. get-edgent-jars.sh
  13. mvnw
  14. mvnw.cmd
  15. package-app.sh
  16. pom.xml
  17. README.md

See APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT.md for general information on Edgent Application Development, Packaging and Execution.

#Building the Edgent samples

By default java8 class files are generated. Java7 and Android platform class files are produced when the appropriate profile is specified.

./mvnw clean package  # -Pplatform-java7 or -Pplatform-android as needed

A standard jar and uber jar is created for each sample category in the sample category's target directory: <category>/target.

##Running the samples

See the README.md in each sample category directory.