tree: 05febfedbf9fe506f2f16a5a6f288cda8ba27d74 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .mvn/
  2. apps/
  3. connectors/
  4. console/
  5. cron/
  6. scenarios/
  7. src/
  8. template/
  9. topology/
  10. utils/
  13. mvnw
  14. mvnw.cmd
  16. pom.xml

See for general information on Edgent Application Development, Packaging and Execution.

Additional information may also be found in Getting Started


Once you have downloaded and unpacked the samples source bundle or cloned the the samples repository you need to download these additional development software tools.

Maven is used as build tool. Currently there are two options:

  1. Using the maven-wrapper (the mvnw or mvnw.bat command - preferred)
  2. Using an installed version of Maven (the mvn command)

The maven-wrapper will automatically download and install the correct Maven version and use that. Besides this, there is no difference between using the mvn and mvnw command.

You may also use a maven-integrated IDE with the samples. e.g., see the Using Eclipse section below.

The samples use Edgent SDK jars that have been released in a maven repository such as Maven Central.

Alternatively, you can download the Edgent SDK sources and build them, populating your local maven repository. The samples will then use those Edgent SDK jars. Adjust the edgent.version property in the top level samples pom.xml accordingly. See downloads for downloading the Edgent SDK sources.

Building the Edgent samples

By default Java8 class files are generated. Java7 platform class files are produced when the appropriate profile is specified.

Currently, building and running the samples for the Android platform is not supported. Many samples use the DevelopmentProvider and the DevelopmentProvider is not supported on the Android platform.

Build the samples

./mvnw clean package  # -Pplatform-java7 as needed

A standard jar and uber jar are created for each sample category in the sample category's target directory: <category>/target.

Running the samples

See the in each sample category directory.

Using Eclipse

The Edgent Git repository, or samples source release bundle, contains Maven project definitions for the samples.

Once you import the Maven projects into your workspace, builds in Eclipse use the same artifacts as the Maven command line tooling. Like the command line tooling, the jars for dependent projects are automatically downloaded to the local maven repository and used.

If you want to use Eclipse to clone your fork, use the Eclipse Git Team Provider plugin

  1. From the File menu, select Import...
  2. From the Git folder, select Projects from Git and click Next
  3. Select Clone URI to clone the remote repository. Click Next.
    • In the Location section, enter the URI of your fork in the URI field (e.g.,<username>/incubator-edgent.git). The other fields will be populated automatically. Click Next. If required, enter your passphrase.
    • In the Source Git Repository window, select the branch (usually master) and click Next
    • Specify the directory where your local clone will be stored and click Next. The repository will be cloned. Note: You can build and run tests using Maven in this directory.
  4. In the Select a wizard to use for importing projects window, click Cancel. Then follow the steps below to import the Maven projects.

Once you have cloned the Git repository to your machine or are working from an unpacked samples source release bundle, import the Maven projects into your workspace

  1. From the File menu, select Import...
  2. From the Maven folder, select Existing Maven Projects and click Next
  • browse to the samples directory in the clone or source release directory and select it. A hierarchy of samples projects / pom.xml files will be listed and all selected.
  • Verify the Add project(s) to working set checkbox is checked
  • Click Finish. Eclipse starts the import process and builds the workspace.

Top-level artifacts such as are available under the edgent-samples project.

Note: Specifics may change depending on your version of Eclipse or the Eclipse Maven or Git Team Provider.

Once the samples projects have been imported you can run them as any Eclipse application. E.g.,

  1. open the sample
  2. click on Run, Run As, then Java application. HelloEdgent runs and prints to the Console view.

Samples Summary

Other samples are provided but have not yet been fully documented. Feel free to explore.