blob: 73e42ef6d937f3a54f538f3e1fa69d378c89a9c0 [file] [log] [blame]
from abc import abstractmethod
from twitter.common.lang import Interface
class TaskControlProvider(Interface):
def from_task(self, task, sandbox):
class TaskControl(Interface):
This class encapsulates commands that control the MySQL task process.
Implementation NOTEs:
1. These commands (methods) should run serially when accessed from multiple
2. This class doesn't capture subprocess.CalledProcessErrors thrown when underlying MySQL
commands exit with a non-zero return code. The caller should handle it.
class Error(Exception):
def initialize(self, env):
Initialize a new DB instance.
:param env: The 'env' necessary for 'subprocess' to run the command.
def start(self, env=None):
Start the task in a subprocess.
:param env: The 'env' necessary for 'subprocess' to run the command.
:return: A subprocess.Popen object that represents the leader of the process group that executes
the task.
def reparent(self, master_host, master_port, env=None):
Reparent the MySQL slave to the new master.
:param env: The 'env' necessary for 'subprocess' to run the command.
def promote(self, env=None):
Promote a slave to mastership.
:param env: The 'env' necessary for 'subprocess' to run the command.
def get_log_position(self, env=None):
Retrieve the log position from mysqld.
:param env: The 'env' necessary for 'subprocess' to run the command.
:return: The log position, None if it cannot be obtained.