| #!/bin/bash -x |
| |
| # This script requires mysos binaries to be built. Run `tox` first. |
| |
| # Install dependencies. |
| export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive |
| aptitude update -q |
| aptitude install -q -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" \ |
| curl \ # We use curl --silent to download pakcages. |
| libcurl3-dev \ # Mesos requirement. |
| libsasl2-dev \ # Mesos requirement. |
| python-dev \ |
| zookeeper \ |
| mysql-server-5.6 \ |
| libmysqlclient-dev \ |
| python-virtualenv \ |
| libffi-dev # For pynacl. |
| |
| # Fix up Ubuntu mysql-server-5.6 issue: mysql_install_db looks for this file even if we don't need |
| # it. |
| ln -sf /usr/share/doc/mysql-server-5.6/examples/my-default.cnf /usr/share/mysql/my-default.cnf |
| |
| # Set the hostname to the IP address. This simplifies things for components that want to advertise |
| # the hostname to the user, or other components. |
| hostname |
| |
| # Install an update-mysos tool to sync mysos binaries and configs into the VM. |
| cat > /usr/local/bin/update-mysos <<EOF |
| #!/bin/bash |
| mkdir -p /home/vagrant/mysos |
| rsync -urzvh /vagrant/vagrant/ /home/vagrant/mysos/vagrant/ --delete |
| rsync -urzvh /vagrant/.tox/dist/ /home/vagrant/mysos/dist/ --delete |
| rsync -urzvh /vagrant/3rdparty/ /home/vagrant/mysos/3rdparty/ --delete |
| |
| # Install the upstart configurations. |
| sudo cp /home/vagrant/mysos/vagrant/upstart/*.conf /etc/init |
| EOF |
| chmod +x /usr/local/bin/update-mysos |
| sudo -u vagrant update-mysos |
| |
| # Install Mesos. |
| MESOS_VERSION=0.20.1 |
| |
| mkdir -p /home/vagrant/mysos/deps |
| pushd /home/vagrant/mysos/deps |
| if [ ! -f mesos_${MESOS_VERSION}-1.0.ubuntu${UBUNTU_YEAR}${UBUNTU_MONTH}_amd64.deb ]; then |
| curl --silent --output mesos_${MESOS_VERSION}-1.0.ubuntu${UBUNTU_YEAR}${UBUNTU_MONTH}_amd64.deb \ |
| http://downloads.mesosphere.io/master/ubuntu/${UBUNTU_YEAR}.${UBUNTU_MONTH}/mesos_${MESOS_VERSION}-1.0.ubuntu${UBUNTU_YEAR}${UBUNTU_MONTH}_amd64.deb |
| dpkg --install --force-confdef --force-confold \ |
| /home/vagrant/mysos/deps/mesos_${MESOS_VERSION}-1.0.ubuntu${UBUNTU_YEAR}${UBUNTU_MONTH}_amd64.deb |
| fi |
| |
| if [ ! -f mesos.native-${MESOS_VERSION}-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl ]; then |
| # NOTE: We rename the output file here so the egg is properly named. |
| curl --silent --output mesos.native-${MESOS_VERSION}-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg http://downloads.mesosphere.io/master/ubuntu/${UBUNTU_YEAR}.${UBUNTU_MONTH}/mesos-${MESOS_VERSION}-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg |
| python -m wheel convert mesos.native-${MESOS_VERSION}-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg |
| fi |
| popd |
| |
| # (Re)start services with new conf. |
| stop zookeeper ; start zookeeper |
| stop mesos-master ; start mesos-master |
| stop mesos-slave ; start mesos-slave |
| stop mysos ; start mysos |