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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="generator" content="UX Write 1.0.3 (build 3468); iOS 6.0">
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<title>OOXML Schema</title>
<p class="Title">OOXML Schema</p>
<nav class="tableofcontents">
<div class="toc1">
<a href="#item10">Content</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item11">Document</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item16">Block-level elements</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item17">Run-level elements</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item13">Paragraph</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item14">Run</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item15">Table</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item18">Fields</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item19">Graphics</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item5">Footnotes and Endnotes</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item3">Headers and footers</a>
<div class="toc1">
<a href="#item20">Formatting</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item21">Styles</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item22">Borders and shading</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item23">Paragraph formatting</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item24">Run formatting</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item25">Table formatting</a>
<div class="toc1">
<a href="#item1">General</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item9">Settings</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item6">Section properties</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item4">Numbering</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item7">Fonts</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item2">Comments</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item8">Change tracking</a>
<div class="toc1">
<a href="#item26">Special features</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item27">Glossary</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item28">Custom XML</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item29">Web settings</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item30">Structured data</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item31">Mail merge</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item32">Conditional formatting</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item33">Annotations</a>
<div class="toc1">
<a href="#item34">Common types</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item35">Numeric types</a>
<div class="toc2">
<a href="#item36">Non-numeric types</a>
<div class="toc1">
<a href="#item37">Uncategorised</a>
<h1 id="item10">Content</h1>
<h2 id="item11">Document</h2>
<pre id="w_document">
w_document = element document {
element background { <a href="#w_CT_Background">w_CT_Background</a> }?,
element body { <a href="#w_CT_Body">w_CT_Body</a> }?,
attribute w:conformance { s_ST_ConformanceClass }?
<pre id="w_CT_Background">
w_CT_Background =
attribute w:color { w_ST_HexColor }?,
attribute w:themeColor { w_ST_ThemeColor }?,
attribute w:themeTint { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?,
attribute w:themeShade { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?,
(<a href="#w_any_vml_vml">w_any_vml_vml</a>*, <a href="#w_any_vml_office">w_any_vml_office</a>*)+,
element drawing { <a href="#w_CT_Drawing">w_CT_Drawing</a> }?
w_CT_Body =
<a href="#w_EG_BlockLevelElts">w_EG_BlockLevelElts</a>*,
element sectPr { <a href="#w_CT_SectPr">w_CT_SectPr</a> }?
<h2 id="item16">Block-level elements</h2>
<pre id="w_EG_BlockLevelElts">
w_EG_BlockLevelElts =
<a href="#w_EG_ContentBlockContent">w_EG_ContentBlockContent</a>*
| element altChunk { <a href="#w_CT_AltChunk">w_CT_AltChunk</a> }*
<pre id="w_EG_ContentBlockContent">
w_EG_ContentBlockContent =
element customXml { <a href="#w_CT_CustomXmlBlock">w_CT_CustomXmlBlock</a> }
| element sdt { <a href="#w_CT_SdtBlock">w_CT_SdtBlock</a> }
| element p { <a href="#w_CT_P">w_CT_P</a> }*
| element tbl { <a href="#w_CT_Tbl">w_CT_Tbl</a> }*
| <a href="#w_EG_RunLevelElts">w_EG_RunLevelElts</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_AltChunk">
w_CT_AltChunk =
element altChunkPr { element matchSrc { w_CT_OnOff }? }?
<h2 id="item17">Run-level elements</h2>
<pre id="w_EG_RunLevelElts">
w_EG_RunLevelElts =
element proofErr { attribute w:type { "spellStart" | "spellEnd" | "gramStart" | "gramEnd" } }? |
element permStart { <a href="#w_CT_PermStart">w_CT_PermStart</a> }? |
element permEnd { <a href="#w_CT_Perm">w_CT_Perm</a> }? |
<a href="#w_EG_RangeMarkupElements">w_EG_RangeMarkupElements</a>* |
element ins { <a href="#w_CT_RunTrackChange">w_CT_RunTrackChange</a> }? |
element del { <a href="#w_CT_RunTrackChange">w_CT_RunTrackChange</a> }? |
element moveFrom { <a href="#w_CT_RunTrackChange">w_CT_RunTrackChange</a> } |
element moveTo { <a href="#w_CT_RunTrackChange">w_CT_RunTrackChange</a> } |
(m_oMathPara | m_oMath)*
<pre id="w_CT_Perm">
w_CT_Perm =
attribute w:id { s_ST_String },
attribute w:displacedByCustomXml { "next" | "prev" }?
<pre id="w_CT_PermStart">
w_CT_PermStart =
<a href="#w_CT_Perm">w_CT_Perm</a>,
attribute w:edGrp {
"none" | "everyone" | "administrators" | "contributors" | "editors" | "owners" | "current"
attribute w:ed { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:colFirst { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:colLast { xsd:integer }?
<h2 id="item13">Paragraph</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_P">
w_CT_P =
attribute w:rsidRPr { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:rsidR { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:rsidDel { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:rsidP { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:rsidRDefault { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
element pPr { <a href="#w_CT_PPr">w_CT_PPr</a> }?,
<a href="#w_EG_PContent">w_EG_PContent</a>*
<pre id="w_EG_PContent">
w_EG_PContent =
<a href="#w_EG_ContentRunContent">w_EG_ContentRunContent</a>* |
element fldSimple { <a href="#w_CT_SimpleField">w_CT_SimpleField</a> }* |
element hyperlink { <a href="#w_CT_Hyperlink">w_CT_Hyperlink</a> } |
element subDoc { <a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a> }
<pre id="w_EG_ContentRunContent">
w_EG_ContentRunContent =
element customXml { <a href="#w_CT_CustomXmlRun">w_CT_CustomXmlRun</a> } |
element smartTag { <a href="#w_CT_SmartTagRun">w_CT_SmartTagRun</a> } |
element sdt { <a href="#w_CT_SdtRun">w_CT_SdtRun</a> } |
element dir { <a href="#w_CT_DirContentRun">w_CT_DirContentRun</a> } |
element bdo { <a href="#w_CT_BdoContentRun">w_CT_BdoContentRun</a> } |
element r { <a href="#w_CT_R">w_CT_R</a> } |
<a href="#w_EG_RunLevelElts">w_EG_RunLevelElts</a>*
<pre id="w_EG_ContentRunContentBase">
w_EG_ContentRunContentBase =
element smartTag { <a href="#w_CT_SmartTagRun">w_CT_SmartTagRun</a> } |
element sdt { <a href="#w_CT_SdtRun">w_CT_SdtRun</a> } |
<a href="#w_EG_RunLevelElts">w_EG_RunLevelElts</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_DirContentRun">
w_CT_DirContentRun =
attribute w:val { "ltr" | "rtl" }?,
<a href="#w_EG_PContent">w_EG_PContent</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_BdoContentRun">
w_CT_BdoContentRun =
attribute w:val { "ltr" | "rtl" }?,
<a href="#w_EG_PContent">w_EG_PContent</a>*
<pre id="w_EG_PContentMath">
w_EG_PContentMath = <a href="#w_EG_PContentBase">w_EG_PContentBase</a>* | <a href="#w_EG_ContentRunContentBase">w_EG_ContentRunContentBase</a>*
<pre id="w_EG_PContentBase">
w_EG_PContentBase =
element customXml { <a href="#w_CT_CustomXmlRun">w_CT_CustomXmlRun</a> } |
element fldSimple { <a href="#w_CT_SimpleField">w_CT_SimpleField</a> }*
element hyperlink { <a href="#w_CT_Hyperlink">w_CT_Hyperlink</a> }
<pre id="w_CT_Hyperlink">
w_CT_Hyperlink =
attribute w:tgtFrame { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:tooltip { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:docLocation { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:history { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:anchor { s_ST_String }?,
<a href="#w_EG_PContent">w_EG_PContent</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_SimpleField">
w_CT_SimpleField =
attribute w:instr { s_ST_String },
attribute w:fldLock { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:dirty { s_ST_OnOff }?,
element fldData { <a href="#w_CT_Text">w_CT_Text</a> }?,
<a href="#w_EG_PContent">w_EG_PContent</a>*
<h2 id="item14">Run</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_R">
w_CT_R =
attribute w:rsidRPr { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:rsidDel { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:rsidR { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
<a href="#w_EG_RPr">w_EG_RPr</a>?,
<a href="#w_EG_RunInnerContent">w_EG_RunInnerContent</a>*
<pre id="w_EG_RunInnerContent">
w_EG_RunInnerContent =
element br { <a href="#w_CT_Br">w_CT_Br</a> } |
element t { <a href="#w_CT_Text">w_CT_Text</a> } |
element contentPart { <a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a> } |
element delText { <a href="#w_CT_Text">w_CT_Text</a> } |
element instrText { <a href="#w_CT_Text">w_CT_Text</a> } |
element delInstrText { <a href="#w_CT_Text">w_CT_Text</a> } |
element noBreakHyphen { w_CT_Empty } |
element softHyphen { w_CT_Empty }? |
element dayShort { w_CT_Empty }? |
element monthShort { w_CT_Empty }? |
element yearShort { w_CT_Empty }? |
element dayLong { w_CT_Empty }? |
element monthLong { w_CT_Empty }? |
element yearLong { w_CT_Empty }? |
element annotationRef { w_CT_Empty }? |
element footnoteRef { w_CT_Empty }? |
element endnoteRef { w_CT_Empty }? |
element separator { w_CT_Empty }? |
element continuationSeparator { w_CT_Empty }? |
element sym { <a href="#w_CT_Sym">w_CT_Sym</a> }? |
element pgNum { w_CT_Empty }? |
element cr { w_CT_Empty }? |
element tab { w_CT_Empty }? |
element object { <a href="#w_CT_Object">w_CT_Object</a> } |
element pict { <a href="#w_CT_Picture">w_CT_Picture</a> } |
element fldChar { <a href="#w_CT_FldChar">w_CT_FldChar</a> } |
element ruby { <a href="#w_CT_Ruby">w_CT_Ruby</a> } |
element footnoteReference { <a href="#w_CT_FtnEdnRef">w_CT_FtnEdnRef</a> } |
element endnoteReference { <a href="#w_CT_FtnEdnRef">w_CT_FtnEdnRef</a> } |
element commentReference { attribute w:id { xsd:integer } } |
element drawing { <a href="#w_CT_Drawing">w_CT_Drawing</a> } |
element ptab { <a href="#w_CT_PTab">w_CT_PTab</a> }? |
element lastRenderedPageBreak { w_CT_Empty }?
<pre id="w_CT_Ruby">
w_CT_Ruby =
element rubyPr { <a href="#w_CT_RubyPr">w_CT_RubyPr</a> },
element rt { <a href="#w_EG_RubyContent">w_EG_RubyContent</a>* },
element rubyBase { <a href="#w_EG_RubyContent">w_EG_RubyContent</a>* }
<pre id="w_CT_RubyPr">
w_CT_RubyPr =
element rubyAlign {
attribute w:val {
"center" | "distributeLetter" | "distributeSpace" | "left" | "right" | "rightVertical"
element hps { attribute w:val { w_ST_HpsMeasure } },
element hpsRaise { attribute w:val { w_ST_HpsMeasure } },
element hpsBaseText { attribute w:val { w_ST_HpsMeasure } },
element lid { attribute w:val { s_ST_Lang } },
element dirty { w_CT_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_EG_RubyContent">
w_EG_RubyContent =
element r { <a href="#w_CT_R">w_CT_R</a> } |
<a href="#w_EG_RunLevelElts">w_EG_RunLevelElts</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_Sym">
w_CT_Sym =
attribute w:font { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:char { w_ST_ShortHexNumber }?
<pre id="w_CT_Br">
w_CT_Br =
attribute w:type { "page" |"column" |"textWrapping" }?,
attribute w:clear { "none" |"left" |"right" |"all" }?
<pre id="w_CT_PTab">
w_CT_PTab =
attribute w:alignment { "left" | "center" | "right" },
attribute w:relativeTo { "margin" | "indent" },
attribute w:leader { "none" | "dot" | "hyphen" | "underscore" | "middleDot" }
<pre id="w_CT_Text">
w_CT_Text = s_ST_String, xml_space?
<pre id="w_CT_FtnEdnRef">
w_CT_FtnEdnRef =
attribute w:customMarkFollows { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:id { xsd:integer }
<h2 id="item15">Table</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_Tbl">
w_CT_Tbl =
<a href="#w_EG_RangeMarkupElements">w_EG_RangeMarkupElements</a>*,
element tblPr { <a href="#w_CT_TblPr">w_CT_TblPr</a> },
element tblGrid { <a href="#w_CT_TblGrid">w_CT_TblGrid</a> },
<a href="#w_EG_ContentRowContent">w_EG_ContentRowContent</a>*
<pre id="w_EG_ContentRowContent">
w_EG_ContentRowContent =
element tr { <a href="#w_CT_Row">w_CT_Row</a> }*
| element customXml { <a href="#w_CT_CustomXmlRow">w_CT_CustomXmlRow</a> }
| element sdt { <a href="#w_CT_SdtRow">w_CT_SdtRow</a> }
| <a href="#w_EG_RunLevelElts">w_EG_RunLevelElts</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_Row">
w_CT_Row =
attribute w:rsidRPr { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:rsidR { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:rsidDel { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:rsidTr { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
element tblPrEx { <a href="#w_CT_TblPrEx">w_CT_TblPrEx</a> }?,
element trPr { <a href="#w_CT_TrPr">w_CT_TrPr</a> }?,
<a href="#w_EG_ContentCellContent">w_EG_ContentCellContent</a>*
<pre id="w_EG_ContentCellContent">
w_EG_ContentCellContent =
element tc { <a href="#w_CT_Tc">w_CT_Tc</a> }*
| element customXml { <a href="#w_CT_CustomXmlCell">w_CT_CustomXmlCell</a> }
| element sdt { <a href="#w_CT_SdtCell">w_CT_SdtCell</a> }
| <a href="#w_EG_RunLevelElts">w_EG_RunLevelElts</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_Tc">
w_CT_Tc =
attribute w:id { s_ST_String }?,
element tcPr { <a href="#w_CT_TcPr">w_CT_TcPr</a> }?,
<a href="#w_EG_BlockLevelElts">w_EG_BlockLevelElts</a>+
<h2 id="item18">Fields</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_FldChar">
w_CT_FldChar =
attribute w:fldCharType { "begin" | "separate" | "end" },
attribute w:fldLock { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:dirty { s_ST_OnOff }?,
(element fldData { <a href="#w_CT_Text">w_CT_Text</a> }?
| element ffData { <a href="#w_CT_FFData">w_CT_FFData</a> }?
| element numberingChange { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChangeNumbering">w_CT_TrackChangeNumbering</a> }?)
<pre id="w_CT_FFData">
w_CT_FFData =
(element name { attribute w:val { xsd:string { maxLength = "65" } }? }
| element label { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?
| element tabIndex { w_CT_UnsignedDecimalNumber }?
| element enabled { w_CT_OnOff }
| element calcOnExit { w_CT_OnOff }
| element entryMacro { attribute w:val { xsd:string { maxLength = "33" } } }?
| element exitMacro { attribute w:val { xsd:string { maxLength = "33" } } }?
| element helpText {
attribute w:type { "text" | "autoText" }?,
attribute w:val { xsd:string { maxLength = "256" } }?
| element statusText {
attribute w:type { "text" | "autoText" }?,
attribute w:val { xsd:string { maxLength = "140" } }?
| (element checkBox { <a href="#w_CT_FFCheckBox">w_CT_FFCheckBox</a> } |
element ddList { <a href="#w_CT_FFDDList">w_CT_FFDDList</a> } |
element textInput { <a href="#w_CT_FFTextInput">w_CT_FFTextInput</a> }))+
<pre id="w_CT_FFCheckBox">
w_CT_FFCheckBox =
(element size { attribute w:val { w_ST_HpsMeasure } }
| element sizeAuto { w_CT_OnOff }),
element default { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element checked { w_CT_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_FFDDList">
w_CT_FFDDList =
element result { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element default { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element listEntry { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }*
<pre id="w_CT_FFTextInput">
w_CT_FFTextInput =
element type { "regular" | "number" | "date" | "currentTime" | "currentDate" | "calculated" }?,
element default { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element maxLength { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element format { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?
<h2 id="item19">Graphics</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_Object">
w_CT_Object =
attribute w:dxaOrig { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:dyaOrig { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
(<a href="#w_any_vml_vml">w_any_vml_vml</a>*, <a href="#w_any_vml_office">w_any_vml_office</a>*)+,
element drawing { <a href="#w_CT_Drawing">w_CT_Drawing</a> }?,
(element control { <a href="#w_CT_Control">w_CT_Control</a> }
| element objectLink { <a href="#w_CT_ObjectLink">w_CT_ObjectLink</a> }
| element objectEmbed { <a href="#w_CT_ObjectEmbed">w_CT_ObjectEmbed</a> }
| element movie { <a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a> })?
<pre id="w_CT_Picture">
w_CT_Picture =
(<a href="#w_any_vml_vml">w_any_vml_vml</a>*, <a href="#w_any_vml_office">w_any_vml_office</a>*)+,
element movie { <a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a> }?,
element control { <a href="#w_CT_Control">w_CT_Control</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_Drawing">
w_CT_Drawing = (wp_anchor? | wp_inline?)+
<pre id="w_CT_Control">
w_CT_Control =
attribute w:name { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:shapeid { s_ST_String }?,
<pre id="w_CT_ObjectLink">
w_CT_ObjectLink =
<a href="#w_CT_ObjectEmbed">w_CT_ObjectEmbed</a>,
attribute w:updateMode { "always" | "onCall" },
attribute w:lockedField { s_ST_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_ObjectEmbed">
w_CT_ObjectEmbed =
attribute w:drawAspect { "content" | "icon" }?,
attribute w:progId { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:shapeId { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:fieldCodes { s_ST_String }?
<h2 id="item5">Footnotes and Endnotes</h2>
<pre id="w_footnotes">
w_footnotes = element footnotes {
element footnote { <a href="#w_CT_FtnEdn">w_CT_FtnEdn</a> }*
<pre id="w_endnotes">
w_endnotes = element endnotes {
element endnote { <a href="#w_CT_FtnEdn">w_CT_FtnEdn</a> }*
<pre id="w_CT_FtnEdn">
w_CT_FtnEdn =
attribute w:type { "normal" | "separator" | "continuationSeparator" | "continuationNotice" }?,
attribute w:id { xsd:integer },
<a href="#w_EG_BlockLevelElts">w_EG_BlockLevelElts</a>+
<pre id="w_CT_FtnProps">
w_CT_FtnProps =
element pos { attribute w:val { "pageBottom" | "beneathText" | "sectEnd" | "docEnd" } }?,
element numFmt { <a href="#w_CT_NumFmt">w_CT_NumFmt</a> }?,
<a href="#w_EG_FtnEdnNumProps">w_EG_FtnEdnNumProps</a>?
<pre id="w_CT_EdnProps">
w_CT_EdnProps =
element pos { attribute w:val { "sectEnd" | "docEnd" } }?,
element numFmt { <a href="#w_CT_NumFmt">w_CT_NumFmt</a> }?,
<a href="#w_EG_FtnEdnNumProps">w_EG_FtnEdnNumProps</a>?
<pre id="w_EG_FtnEdnNumProps">
w_EG_FtnEdnNumProps =
element numStart { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element numRestart { attribute w:val { "continuous" | "eachSect" | "eachPage" } }?
<h2 id="item3">Headers and footers</h2>
<pre id="w_hdr">
w_hdr = element hdr { <a href="#w_EG_BlockLevelElts">w_EG_BlockLevelElts</a>+ }
<pre id="w_ftr">
w_ftr = element ftr { <a href="#w_EG_BlockLevelElts">w_EG_BlockLevelElts</a>+ }
<h1 id="item20">Formatting</h1>
<h2 id="item21">Styles</h2>
<pre id="w_styles">
w_styles = element styles {
element docDefaults {
element rPrDefault {
element rPr { <a href="#w_CT_RPr">w_CT_RPr</a> }?
element pPrDefault {
element pPr { <a href="#w_CT_PPrGeneral">w_CT_PPrGeneral</a> }?
element latentStyles { <a href="#w_CT_LatentStyles">w_CT_LatentStyles</a> }?,
element style { <a href="#w_CT_Style">w_CT_Style</a> }*
<pre id="w_CT_LatentStyles">
w_CT_LatentStyles =
attribute w:defLockedState { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:defUIPriority { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:defSemiHidden { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:defUnhideWhenUsed { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:defQFormat { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:count { xsd:integer }?,
element lsdException { <a href="#w_CT_LsdException">w_CT_LsdException</a> }*
<pre id="w_CT_LsdException">
w_CT_LsdException =
attribute w:name { s_ST_String },
attribute w:locked { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:uiPriority { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:semiHidden { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:unhideWhenUsed { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:qFormat { s_ST_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_Style">
w_CT_Style =
attribute w:type { "paragraph" | "character" | "table" | "numbering" }?,
attribute w:styleId { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:default { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:customStyle { s_ST_OnOff }?,
element name { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element aliases { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element basedOn { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element next { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element link { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element autoRedefine { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element hidden { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element uiPriority { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element semiHidden { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element unhideWhenUsed { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element qFormat { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element locked { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element personal { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element personalCompose { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element personalReply { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element rsid { w_CT_LongHexNumber }?,
element pPr { <a href="#w_CT_PPrGeneral">w_CT_PPrGeneral</a> }?,
element rPr { <a href="#w_CT_RPr">w_CT_RPr</a> }?,
element tblPr { <a href="#w_CT_TblPrBase">w_CT_TblPrBase</a> }?,
element trPr { <a href="#w_CT_TrPr">w_CT_TrPr</a> }?,
element tcPr { <a href="#w_CT_TcPr">w_CT_TcPr</a> }?,
element tblStylePr { <a href="#w_CT_TblStylePr">w_CT_TblStylePr</a> }*
<pre id="w_CT_TblStylePr">
w_CT_TblStylePr =
attribute w:type { <a href="#w_ST_TblStyleOverrideType">w_ST_TblStyleOverrideType</a> },
element pPr { <a href="#w_CT_PPrGeneral">w_CT_PPrGeneral</a> }?,
element rPr { <a href="#w_CT_RPr">w_CT_RPr</a> }?,
element tblPr { <a href="#w_CT_TblPrBase">w_CT_TblPrBase</a> }?,
element trPr { <a href="#w_CT_TrPr">w_CT_TrPr</a> }?,
element tcPr { <a href="#w_CT_TcPr">w_CT_TcPr</a> }?
<pre id="w_ST_TblStyleOverrideType">
w_ST_TblStyleOverrideType =
| "firstRow"
| "lastRow"
| "firstCol"
| "lastCol"
| "band1Vert"
| "band2Vert"
| "band1Horz"
| "band2Horz"
| "neCell"
| "nwCell"
| "seCell"
| "swCell"
<h2 id="item22">Borders and shading</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_Border">
w_CT_Border =
attribute w:val { w_ST_Border },
attribute w:color { w_ST_HexColor }?,
attribute w:themeColor { w_ST_ThemeColor }?,
attribute w:themeTint { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?,
attribute w:themeShade { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?,
attribute w:sz { w_ST_EighthPointMeasure }?,
attribute w:space { w_ST_PointMeasure }?,
attribute w:shadow { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:frame { s_ST_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_Shd">
w_CT_Shd =
attribute w:val { w_ST_Shd },
attribute w:color { w_ST_HexColor }?,
attribute w:themeColor { w_ST_ThemeColor }?,
attribute w:themeTint { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?,
attribute w:themeShade { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?,
attribute w:fill { w_ST_HexColor }?,
attribute w:themeFill { w_ST_ThemeColor }?,
attribute w:themeFillTint { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?,
attribute w:themeFillShade { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?
w_ST_Shd =
| "clear"
| "solid"
| "horzStripe"
| "vertStripe"
| "reverseDiagStripe"
| "diagStripe"
| "horzCross"
| "diagCross"
| "thinHorzStripe"
| "thinVertStripe"
| "thinReverseDiagStripe"
| "thinDiagStripe"
| "thinHorzCross"
| "thinDiagCross"
| "pct5"
| "pct10"
| "pct12"
| "pct15"
| "pct20"
| "pct25"
| "pct30"
| "pct35"
| "pct37"
| "pct40"
| "pct45"
| "pct50"
| "pct55"
| "pct60"
| "pct62"
| "pct65"
| "pct70"
| "pct75"
| "pct80"
| "pct85"
| "pct87"
| "pct90"
| "pct95"
w_ST_Border =
| "none"
| "single"
| "thick"
| "double"
| "dotted"
| "dashed"
| "dotDash"
| "dotDotDash"
| "triple"
| "thinThickSmallGap"
| "thickThinSmallGap"
| "thinThickThinSmallGap"
| "thinThickMediumGap"
| "thickThinMediumGap"
| "thinThickThinMediumGap"
| "thinThickLargeGap"
| "thickThinLargeGap"
| "thinThickThinLargeGap"
| "wave"
| "doubleWave"
| "dashSmallGap"
| "dashDotStroked"
| "threeDEmboss"
| "threeDEngrave"
| "outset"
| "inset"
| "apples"
| "archedScallops"
| "babyPacifier"
| "babyRattle"
| "balloons3Colors"
| "balloonsHotAir"
| "basicBlackDashes"
| "basicBlackDots"
| "basicBlackSquares"
| "basicThinLines"
| "basicWhiteDashes"
| "basicWhiteDots"
| "basicWhiteSquares"
| "basicWideInline"
| "basicWideMidline"
| "basicWideOutline"
| "bats"
| "birds"
| "birdsFlight"
| "cabins"
| "cakeSlice"
| "candyCorn"
| "celticKnotwork"
| "certificateBanner"
| "chainLink"
| "champagneBottle"
| "checkedBarBlack"
| "checkedBarColor"
| "checkered"
| "christmasTree"
| "circlesLines"
| "circlesRectangles"
| "classicalWave"
| "clocks"
| "compass"
| "confetti"
| "confettiGrays"
| "confettiOutline"
| "confettiStreamers"
| "confettiWhite"
| "cornerTriangles"
| "couponCutoutDashes"
| "couponCutoutDots"
| "crazyMaze"
| "creaturesButterfly"
| "creaturesFish"
| "creaturesInsects"
| "creaturesLadyBug"
| "crossStitch"
| "cup"
| "decoArch"
| "decoArchColor"
| "decoBlocks"
| "diamondsGray"
| "doubleD"
| "doubleDiamonds"
| "earth1"
| "earth2"
| "earth3"
| "eclipsingSquares1"
| "eclipsingSquares2"
| "eggsBlack"
| "fans"
| "film"
| "firecrackers"
| "flowersBlockPrint"
| "flowersDaisies"
| "flowersModern1"
| "flowersModern2"
| "flowersPansy"
| "flowersRedRose"
| "flowersRoses"
| "flowersTeacup"
| "flowersTiny"
| "gems"
| "gingerbreadMan"
| "gradient"
| "handmade1"
| "handmade2"
| "heartBalloon"
| "heartGray"
| "hearts"
| "heebieJeebies"
| "holly"
| "houseFunky"
| "hypnotic"
| "iceCreamCones"
| "lightBulb"
| "lightning1"
| "lightning2"
| "mapPins"
| "mapleLeaf"
| "mapleMuffins"
| "marquee"
| "marqueeToothed"
| "moons"
| "mosaic"
| "musicNotes"
| "northwest"
| "ovals"
| "packages"
| "palmsBlack"
| "palmsColor"
| "paperClips"
| "papyrus"
| "partyFavor"
| "partyGlass"
| "pencils"
| "people"
| "peopleWaving"
| "peopleHats"
| "poinsettias"
| "postageStamp"
| "pumpkin1"
| "pushPinNote2"
| "pushPinNote1"
| "pyramids"
| "pyramidsAbove"
| "quadrants"
| "rings"
| "safari"
| "sawtooth"
| "sawtoothGray"
| "scaredCat"
| "seattle"
| "shadowedSquares"
| "sharksTeeth"
| "shorebirdTracks"
| "skyrocket"
| "snowflakeFancy"
| "snowflakes"
| "sombrero"
| "southwest"
| "stars"
| "starsTop"
| "stars3d"
| "starsBlack"
| "starsShadowed"
| "sun"
| "swirligig"
| "tornPaper"
| "tornPaperBlack"
| "trees"
| "triangleParty"
| "triangles"
| "triangle1"
| "triangle2"
| "triangleCircle1"
| "triangleCircle2"
| "shapes1"
| "shapes2"
| "twistedLines1"
| "twistedLines2"
| "vine"
| "waveline"
| "weavingAngles"
| "weavingBraid"
| "weavingRibbon"
| "weavingStrips"
| "whiteFlowers"
| "woodwork"
| "xIllusions"
| "zanyTriangles"
| "zigZag"
| "zigZagStitch"
| "custom"
<h2 id="item23">Paragraph formatting</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_PPr">
w_CT_PPr =
<a href="#w_CT_PPrBase">w_CT_PPrBase</a>,
element rPr { <a href="#w_CT_ParaRPr">w_CT_ParaRPr</a> }?,
element sectPr { <a href="#w_CT_SectPr">w_CT_SectPr</a> }?,
element pPrChange { <a href="#w_CT_PPrChange">w_CT_PPrChange</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_PPrBase">
w_CT_PPrBase =
element pStyle { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element keepNext { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element keepLines { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element pageBreakBefore { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element framePr { <a href="#w_CT_FramePr">w_CT_FramePr</a> }?,
element widowControl { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element numPr { <a href="#w_CT_NumPr">w_CT_NumPr</a> }?,
element suppressLineNumbers { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element pBdr { <a href="#w_CT_PBdr">w_CT_PBdr</a> }?,
element shd { <a href="#w_CT_Shd">w_CT_Shd</a> }?,
element tabs { <a href="#w_CT_Tabs">w_CT_Tabs</a> }?,
element suppressAutoHyphens { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element kinsoku { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element wordWrap { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element overflowPunct { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element topLinePunct { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element autoSpaceDE { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element autoSpaceDN { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element bidi { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element adjustRightInd { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element snapToGrid { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element spacing { <a href="#w_CT_Spacing">w_CT_Spacing</a> }?,
element ind { <a href="#w_CT_Ind">w_CT_Ind</a> }?,
element contextualSpacing { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element mirrorIndents { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element suppressOverlap { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element jc { <a href="#w_CT_Jc">w_CT_Jc</a> }?,
element textDirection { <a href="#w_CT_TextDirection">w_CT_TextDirection</a> }?,
element textAlignment { <a href="#w_CT_TextAlignment">w_CT_TextAlignment</a> }?,
element textboxTightWrap { <a href="#w_CT_TextboxTightWrap">w_CT_TextboxTightWrap</a> }?,
element outlineLvl { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element divId { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element cnfStyle { <a href="#w_CT_Cnf">w_CT_Cnf</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_TextboxTightWrap">
w_CT_TextboxTightWrap = attribute w:val {
"none" | "allLines" | "firstAndLastLine" | "firstLineOnly" | "lastLineOnly"
<pre id="w_CT_TextAlignment">
w_CT_TextAlignment = attribute w:val {
"top" | "center" | "baseline" | "bottom" | "auto"
<pre id="w_CT_Ind">
w_CT_Ind =
attribute w:start { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:startChars { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:end { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:endChars { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:left { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:leftChars { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:right { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:rightChars { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:hanging { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:hangingChars { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:firstLine { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:firstLineChars { xsd:integer }?
<pre id="w_CT_Spacing">
w_CT_Spacing =
attribute w:before { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:beforeLines { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:beforeAutospacing { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:after { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:afterLines { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:afterAutospacing { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:line { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:lineRule { "auto" | "exact" | "atLeast" }?
<pre id="w_CT_Tabs">
w_CT_Tabs = element tab { <a href="#w_CT_TabStop">w_CT_TabStop</a> }+
<pre id="w_CT_TabStop">
w_CT_TabStop =
attribute w:val {
"clear" | "start" | "center" | "end" | "decimal" | "bar" | "num" | "left" | "right"
attribute w:leader {
"none" | "dot" | "hyphen" | "underscore" | "heavy" | "middleDot"
attribute w:pos { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure }
<pre id="w_CT_FramePr">
w_CT_FramePr =
attribute w:dropCap { "none" | "drop" | "margin" }?,
attribute w:lines { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:w { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:h { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:vSpace { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:hSpace { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:wrap { "auto" | "notBeside" | "around" | "tight" | "through" | "none" }?,
attribute w:hAnchor { "text" | "margin" | "page" }?,
attribute w:vAnchor { "text" | "margin" | "page" }?,
attribute w:x { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:xAlign { s_ST_XAlign }?,
attribute w:y { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:yAlign { s_ST_YAlign }?,
attribute w:hRule { "auto" | "exact" | "atLeast" }?,
attribute w:anchorLock { s_ST_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_PBdr">
w_CT_PBdr =
element top { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element left { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element bottom { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element right { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element between { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element bar { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_ParaRPr">
w_CT_ParaRPr =
<a href="#w_EG_ParaRPrTrackChanges">w_EG_ParaRPrTrackChanges</a>?,
<a href="#w_EG_RPrBase">w_EG_RPrBase</a>?,
element rPrChange { <a href="#w_CT_ParaRPrChange">w_CT_ParaRPrChange</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_NumPr">
w_CT_NumPr =
element ilvl { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element numId { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element numberingChange { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChangeNumbering">w_CT_TrackChangeNumbering</a> }?,
element ins { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_PPrGeneral">
w_CT_PPrGeneral =
<a href="#w_CT_PPrBase">w_CT_PPrBase</a>,
element pPrChange { <a href="#w_CT_PPrChange">w_CT_PPrChange</a> }?
<h2 id="item24">Run formatting</h2>
<pre id="w_EG_RPrBase">
w_EG_RPrBase =
element rStyle { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?
element rFonts { <a href="#w_CT_Fonts">w_CT_Fonts</a> }?
element b { w_CT_OnOff }?
element bCs { w_CT_OnOff }?
element i { w_CT_OnOff }?
element iCs { w_CT_OnOff }?
element caps { w_CT_OnOff }?
element smallCaps { w_CT_OnOff }?
element strike { w_CT_OnOff }?
element dstrike { w_CT_OnOff }?
element outline { w_CT_OnOff }?
element shadow { w_CT_OnOff }?
element emboss { w_CT_OnOff }?
element imprint { w_CT_OnOff }?
element noProof { w_CT_OnOff }?
element snapToGrid { w_CT_OnOff }?
element vanish { w_CT_OnOff }?
element webHidden { w_CT_OnOff }?
element color { <a href="#w_CT_Color">w_CT_Color</a> }?
element spacing { w_CT_SignedTwipsMeasure }?
element w { <a href="#w_CT_TextScale">w_CT_TextScale</a> }?
element kern { attribute w:val { w_ST_HpsMeasure } }?
element position { w_CT_SignedHpsMeasure }?
element sz { attribute w:val { w_ST_HpsMeasure } }?
element szCs { attribute w:val { w_ST_HpsMeasure } }?
element highlight { <a href="#w_CT_Highlight">w_CT_Highlight</a> }?
element u { <a href="#w_CT_Underline">w_CT_Underline</a> }?
element effect { <a href="#w_CT_TextEffect">w_CT_TextEffect</a> }?
element bdr { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?
element shd { <a href="#w_CT_Shd">w_CT_Shd</a> }?
element fitText { <a href="#w_CT_FitText">w_CT_FitText</a> }?
element vertAlign { <a href="#w_CT_VerticalAlignRun">w_CT_VerticalAlignRun</a> }?
element rtl { w_CT_OnOff }?
element cs { w_CT_OnOff }?
element em { <a href="#w_CT_Em">w_CT_Em</a> }?
element lang { <a href="#w_CT_Language">w_CT_Language</a> }?
element eastAsianLayout { <a href="#w_CT_EastAsianLayout">w_CT_EastAsianLayout</a> }?
element specVanish { w_CT_OnOff }?
element oMath { w_CT_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_Fonts">
w_CT_Fonts =
attribute w:hint { "default" | "eastAsia" | "cs" }?,
attribute w:ascii { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:hAnsi { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:eastAsia { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:cs { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:asciiTheme { w_ST_Theme }?,
attribute w:hAnsiTheme { w_ST_Theme }?,
attribute w:eastAsiaTheme { w_ST_Theme }?,
attribute w:cstheme { w_ST_Theme }?
<pre id="w_ST_Theme">
w_ST_Theme =
| "majorBidi"
| "majorAscii"
| "majorHAnsi"
| "minorEastAsia"
| "minorBidi"
| "minorAscii"
| "minorHAnsi"
<pre id="w_EG_RPrContent">
w_EG_RPrContent =
<a href="#w_EG_RPrBase">w_EG_RPrBase</a>?,
element rPrChange { <a href="#w_CT_RPrChange">w_CT_RPrChange</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_RPr">
w_CT_RPr = <a href="#w_EG_RPrContent">w_EG_RPrContent</a>?
<pre id="w_EG_RPr">
w_EG_RPr = element rPr { <a href="#w_CT_RPr">w_CT_RPr</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_Highlight">
w_CT_Highlight = attribute w:val {
| "blue"
| "cyan"
| "green"
| "magenta"
| "red"
| "yellow"
| "white"
| "darkBlue"
| "darkCyan"
| "darkGreen"
| "darkMagenta"
| "darkRed"
| "darkYellow"
| "darkGray"
| "lightGray"
| "none"
<pre id="w_CT_Underline">
w_CT_Underline =
attribute w:val { w_ST_Underline }?,
attribute w:color { w_ST_HexColor }?,
attribute w:themeColor { w_ST_ThemeColor }?,
attribute w:themeTint { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?,
attribute w:themeShade { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?
<pre id="w_ST_Underline">
w_ST_Underline =
| "words"
| "double"
| "thick"
| "dotted"
| "dottedHeavy"
| "dash"
| "dashedHeavy"
| "dashLong"
| "dashLongHeavy"
| "dotDash"
| "dashDotHeavy"
| "dotDotDash"
| "dashDotDotHeavy"
| "wave"
| "wavyHeavy"
| "wavyDouble"
| "none"
<pre id="w_CT_TextEffect">
w_CT_TextEffect = attribute w:val {
| "lights"
| "antsBlack"
| "antsRed"
| "shimmer"
| "sparkle"
| "none"
<pre id="w_CT_FitText">
w_CT_FitText =
attribute w:val { s_ST_TwipsMeasure },
attribute w:id { xsd:integer }?
<pre id="w_CT_VerticalAlignRun">
w_CT_VerticalAlignRun = attribute w:val { s_ST_VerticalAlignRun }
<pre id="w_CT_Em">
w_CT_Em = attribute w:val {
| "dot"
| "comma"
| "circle"
| "underDot"
<pre id="w_CT_EastAsianLayout">
w_CT_EastAsianLayout =
attribute w:id { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:combine { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:combineBrackets { "none" | "round" | "square" | "angle" | "curly" }?,
attribute w:vert { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:vertCompress { s_ST_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_EG_RPrMath">
w_EG_RPrMath =
<a href="#w_EG_RPr">w_EG_RPr</a>
| element ins { <a href="#w_CT_MathCtrlIns">w_CT_MathCtrlIns</a> }
| element del { <a href="#w_CT_MathCtrlDel">w_CT_MathCtrlDel</a> }
<h2 id="item25">Table formatting</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_TrPrBase">
w_CT_TrPrBase =
(element cnfStyle { <a href="#w_CT_Cnf">w_CT_Cnf</a> }?
| element divId { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?
| element gridBefore { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?
| element gridAfter { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?
| element wBefore { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?
| element wAfter { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?
| element cantSplit { w_CT_OnOff }?
| element trHeight { w_CT_Height }?
| element tblHeader { w_CT_OnOff }?
| element tblCellSpacing { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?
| element jc { attribute w:val { "center" | "end" | "left" | "right" | "start" } }?
| element hidden { w_CT_OnOff }?)+
<pre id="w_CT_Height">
w_CT_Height =
attribute w:val { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:hRule { "auto" | "exact" | "atLeast" }?
<pre id="w_CT_TrPr">
w_CT_TrPr =
<a href="#w_CT_TrPrBase">w_CT_TrPrBase</a>,
element ins { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> }?,
element del { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> }?,
element trPrChange { <a href="#w_CT_TrPrChange">w_CT_TrPrChange</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_TblPPr">
w_CT_TblPPr =
attribute w:leftFromText { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:rightFromText { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:topFromText { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:bottomFromText { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:vertAnchor { "text" | "margin" | "page" }?,
attribute w:horzAnchor { "text" | "margin" | "page" }?,
attribute w:tblpXSpec { s_ST_XAlign }?,
attribute w:tblpX { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:tblpYSpec { s_ST_YAlign }?,
attribute w:tblpY { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure }?
<pre id="w_CT_TblCellMar">
w_CT_TblCellMar =
element top { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element start { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element left { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element bottom { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element end { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element right { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_TblBorders">
w_CT_TblBorders =
element top { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element start { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element left { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element bottom { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element end { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element right { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element insideH { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element insideV { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_TblPrBase">
w_CT_TblPrBase =
element tblStyle { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element tblpPr { <a href="#w_CT_TblPPr">w_CT_TblPPr</a> }?,
element tblOverlap { attribute w:val { "never" | "overlap" } }?,
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element tblStyleColBandSize { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element tblW { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element jc { attribute w:val { "center" | "end" | "left" | "right" | "start" } }?,
element tblCellSpacing { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element tblInd { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element tblBorders { <a href="#w_CT_TblBorders">w_CT_TblBorders</a> }?,
element shd { <a href="#w_CT_Shd">w_CT_Shd</a> }?,
element tblLayout { attribute w:type { "fixed" | "autofit" }? }?,
element tblCellMar { <a href="#w_CT_TblCellMar">w_CT_TblCellMar</a> }?,
element tblLook { <a href="#w_CT_TblLook">w_CT_TblLook</a> }?,
element tblCaption { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element tblDescription { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?
<pre id="w_CT_TblPr">
w_CT_TblPr =
<a href="#w_CT_TblPrBase">w_CT_TblPrBase</a>,
element tblPrChange { <a href="#w_CT_TblPrChange">w_CT_TblPrChange</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_TblPrExBase">
w_CT_TblPrExBase =
element tblW { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element jc { attribute w:val { "center" | "end" | "left" | "right" | "start" } }?,
element tblCellSpacing { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element tblInd { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element tblBorders { <a href="#w_CT_TblBorders">w_CT_TblBorders</a> }?,
element shd { <a href="#w_CT_Shd">w_CT_Shd</a> }?,
element tblLayout { attribute w:type { "fixed" | "autofit" }? }?,
element tblCellMar { <a href="#w_CT_TblCellMar">w_CT_TblCellMar</a> }?,
element tblLook { <a href="#w_CT_TblLook">w_CT_TblLook</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_TblPrEx">
w_CT_TblPrEx =
<a href="#w_CT_TblPrExBase">w_CT_TblPrExBase</a>,
element tblPrExChange { <a href="#w_CT_TblPrExChange">w_CT_TblPrExChange</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_TblLook">
w_CT_TblLook =
attribute w:firstRow { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:lastRow { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:firstColumn { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:lastColumn { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:noHBand { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:noVBand { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:val { w_ST_ShortHexNumber }?
<pre id="w_CT_TblWidth">
w_CT_TblWidth =
attribute w:w { w_ST_MeasurementOrPercent }?,
attribute w:type { "nil" | "pct" | "dxa" | "auto" }?
<pre id="w_CT_TblGridCol">
w_CT_TblGridCol = attribute w:w { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?
<pre id="w_CT_TblGridBase">
w_CT_TblGridBase = element gridCol { <a href="#w_CT_TblGridCol">w_CT_TblGridCol</a> }*
<pre id="w_CT_TblGrid">
w_CT_TblGrid =
<a href="#w_CT_TblGridBase">w_CT_TblGridBase</a>,
element tblGridChange { <a href="#w_CT_TblGridChange">w_CT_TblGridChange</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_TcBorders">
w_CT_TcBorders =
element top { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element start { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element left { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element bottom { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element end { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element right { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element insideH { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element insideV { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element tl2br { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element tr2bl { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_TcMar">
w_CT_TcMar =
element top { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element start { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element left { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element bottom { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element end { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element right { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_TcPrBase">
w_CT_TcPrBase =
element cnfStyle { <a href="#w_CT_Cnf">w_CT_Cnf</a> }?,
element tcW { <a href="#w_CT_TblWidth">w_CT_TblWidth</a> }?,
element gridSpan { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element hMerge { attribute w:val { "continue" | "restart" }? }?,
element vMerge { attribute w:val { "continue" | "restart" }? }?,
element tcBorders { <a href="#w_CT_TcBorders">w_CT_TcBorders</a> }?,
element shd { <a href="#w_CT_Shd">w_CT_Shd</a> }?,
element noWrap { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element tcMar { <a href="#w_CT_TcMar">w_CT_TcMar</a> }?,
element textDirection { <a href="#w_CT_TextDirection">w_CT_TextDirection</a> }?,
element tcFitText { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element vAlign { w_CT_VerticalJc }?,
element hideMark { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element headers { <a href="#w_CT_Headers">w_CT_Headers</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_Headers">
w_CT_Headers = element header { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }*
<pre id="w_CT_TcPr">
w_CT_TcPr =
<a href="#w_CT_TcPrInner">w_CT_TcPrInner</a>,
element tcPrChange { <a href="#w_CT_TcPrChange">w_CT_TcPrChange</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_TcPrInner">
w_CT_TcPrInner = <a href="#w_CT_TcPrBase">w_CT_TcPrBase</a>, <a href="#w_EG_CellMarkupElements">w_EG_CellMarkupElements</a>?
<h1 id="item1">General</h1>
<h2 id="item9">Settings</h2>
<pre id="w_settings">
w_settings = element settings {
element writeProtection { <a href="#w_CT_WriteProtection">w_CT_WriteProtection</a> }?,
element view { <a href="#w_CT_View">w_CT_View</a> }?,
element zoom { <a href="#w_CT_Zoom">w_CT_Zoom</a> }?,
element removePersonalInformation { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element removeDateAndTime { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotDisplayPageBoundaries { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element displayBackgroundShape { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element printPostScriptOverText { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element printFractionalCharacterWidth { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element printFormsData { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element embedTrueTypeFonts { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element embedSystemFonts { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element saveSubsetFonts { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element saveFormsData { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element mirrorMargins { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element alignBordersAndEdges { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element bordersDoNotSurroundHeader { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element bordersDoNotSurroundFooter { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element gutterAtTop { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element hideSpellingErrors { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element hideGrammaticalErrors { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element activeWritingStyle { <a href="#w_CT_WritingStyle">w_CT_WritingStyle</a> }*,
element proofState { <a href="#w_CT_Proof">w_CT_Proof</a> }?,
element formsDesign { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element attachedTemplate { <a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a> }?,
element linkStyles { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element stylePaneFormatFilter { <a href="#w_CT_StylePaneFilter">w_CT_StylePaneFilter</a> }?,
element stylePaneSortMethod { <a href="#w_CT_StyleSort">w_CT_StyleSort</a> }?,
element documentType { <a href="#w_CT_DocType">w_CT_DocType</a> }?,
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element revisionView { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChangesView">w_CT_TrackChangesView</a> }?,
element trackRevisions { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotTrackMoves { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotTrackFormatting { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element documentProtection { <a href="#w_CT_DocProtect">w_CT_DocProtect</a> }?,
element autoFormatOverride { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element styleLockTheme { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element styleLockQFSet { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element defaultTabStop { w_CT_TwipsMeasure }?,
element autoHyphenation { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element consecutiveHyphenLimit { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element hyphenationZone { w_CT_TwipsMeasure }?,
element doNotHyphenateCaps { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element showEnvelope { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element summaryLength { w_CT_DecimalNumberOrPrecent }?,
element clickAndTypeStyle { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element defaultTableStyle { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element evenAndOddHeaders { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element bookFoldRevPrinting { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element bookFoldPrinting { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element bookFoldPrintingSheets { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element drawingGridHorizontalSpacing { w_CT_TwipsMeasure }?,
element drawingGridVerticalSpacing { w_CT_TwipsMeasure }?,
element displayHorizontalDrawingGridEvery { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element displayVerticalDrawingGridEvery { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element doNotUseMarginsForDrawingGridOrigin { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element drawingGridHorizontalOrigin { w_CT_TwipsMeasure }?,
element drawingGridVerticalOrigin { w_CT_TwipsMeasure }?,
element doNotShadeFormData { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element noPunctuationKerning { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element characterSpacingControl { <a href="#w_CT_CharacterSpacing">w_CT_CharacterSpacing</a> }?,
element printTwoOnOne { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element strictFirstAndLastChars { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element noLineBreaksAfter { <a href="#w_CT_Kinsoku">w_CT_Kinsoku</a> }?,
element noLineBreaksBefore { <a href="#w_CT_Kinsoku">w_CT_Kinsoku</a> }?,
element savePreviewPicture { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotValidateAgainstSchema { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element saveInvalidXml { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element ignoreMixedContent { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element alwaysShowPlaceholderText { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotDemarcateInvalidXml { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element saveXmlDataOnly { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element useXSLTWhenSaving { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element saveThroughXslt { w_CT_SaveThroughXslt }?,
element showXMLTags { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element alwaysMergeEmptyNamespace { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element updateFields { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element hdrShapeDefaults { <a href="#w_CT_ShapeDefaults">w_CT_ShapeDefaults</a> }?,
element footnotePr { <a href="#w_CT_FtnDocProps">w_CT_FtnDocProps</a> }?,
element endnotePr { <a href="#w_CT_EdnDocProps">w_CT_EdnDocProps</a> }?,
element compat { <a href="#w_CT_Compat">w_CT_Compat</a> }?,
element docVars { <a href="#w_CT_DocVars">w_CT_DocVars</a> }?,
element rsids { <a href="#w_CT_DocRsids">w_CT_DocRsids</a> }?,
element attachedSchema { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }*,
element themeFontLang { <a href="#w_CT_Language">w_CT_Language</a> }?,
element clrSchemeMapping { <a href="#w_CT_ColorSchemeMapping">w_CT_ColorSchemeMapping</a> }?,
element doNotIncludeSubdocsInStats { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotAutoCompressPictures { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element forceUpgrade { w_CT_Empty }?,
element captions { <a href="#w_CT_Captions">w_CT_Captions</a> }?,
element readModeInkLockDown { <a href="#w_CT_ReadingModeInkLockDown">w_CT_ReadingModeInkLockDown</a> }?,
element smartTagType { <a href="#w_CT_SmartTagType">w_CT_SmartTagType</a> }*,
element shapeDefaults { <a href="#w_CT_ShapeDefaults">w_CT_ShapeDefaults</a> }?,
element doNotEmbedSmartTags { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element decimalSymbol { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element listSeparator { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?
<pre id="w_CT_WriteProtection">
w_CT_WriteProtection =
attribute w:recommended { s_ST_OnOff }?,
<pre id="w_CT_DocProtect">
w_CT_DocProtect =
attribute w:edit { "none" | "readOnly" | "comments" | "trackedChanges" | "forms" }?,
attribute w:formatting { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:enforcement { s_ST_OnOff }?,
<pre id="w_AG_Password">
w_AG_Password =
attribute w:algorithmName { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:hashValue { xsd:base64Binary }?,
attribute w:saltValue { xsd:base64Binary }?,
attribute w:spinCount { xsd:integer }?
<pre id="w_AG_TransitionalPassword">
w_AG_TransitionalPassword =
attribute w:cryptProviderType { s_ST_CryptProv }?,
attribute w:cryptAlgorithmClass { s_ST_AlgClass }?,
attribute w:cryptAlgorithmType { s_ST_AlgType }?,
attribute w:cryptAlgorithmSid { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:cryptSpinCount { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:cryptProvider { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:algIdExt { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:algIdExtSource { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:cryptProviderTypeExt { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:cryptProviderTypeExtSource { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:hash { xsd:base64Binary }?,
attribute w:salt { xsd:base64Binary }?
<pre id="w_CT_View">
w_CT_View = attribute w:val { "none" | "print" | "outline" | "masterPages" | "normal" | "web" }
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w_CT_Zoom =
attribute w:val { "none" | "fullPage" | "bestFit" | "textFit" }?,
attribute w:percent { w_ST_DecimalNumberOrPercent }
<pre id="w_CT_WritingStyle">
w_CT_WritingStyle =
attribute w:lang { s_ST_Lang },
attribute w:vendorID { s_ST_String },
attribute w:dllVersion { s_ST_String },
attribute w:nlCheck { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:checkStyle { s_ST_OnOff },
attribute w:appName { s_ST_String }
<pre id="w_CT_Proof">
w_CT_Proof =
attribute w:spelling { "clean" | "dirty" }?,
attribute w:grammar { "clean" | "dirty" }?
<pre id="w_CT_StylePaneFilter">
w_CT_StylePaneFilter =
attribute w:allStyles { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:customStyles { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:latentStyles { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:stylesInUse { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:headingStyles { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:numberingStyles { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:tableStyles { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:directFormattingOnRuns { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:directFormattingOnParagraphs { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:directFormattingOnNumbering { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:directFormattingOnTables { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:clearFormatting { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:top3HeadingStyles { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:visibleStyles { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:alternateStyleNames { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:val { w_ST_ShortHexNumber }?
<pre id="w_CT_StyleSort">
w_CT_StyleSort = attribute w:val {
"name" | "priority" | "default" | "font" | "basedOn" | "type"
| "0000" | "0001" | "0002" | "0003" | "0004" | "0005"
<pre id="w_CT_DocType">
w_CT_DocType = attribute w:val { xsd:string }
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w_CT_TrackChangesView =
attribute w:markup { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:comments { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:insDel { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:formatting { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:inkAnnotations { s_ST_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_CharacterSpacing">
w_CT_CharacterSpacing = attribute w:val {
"doNotCompress" | "compressPunctuation" | "compressPunctuationAndJapaneseKana"
<pre id="w_CT_Kinsoku">
w_CT_Kinsoku =
attribute w:lang { s_ST_Lang },
attribute w:val { s_ST_String }
<pre id="w_CT_SaveThroughXslt">
w_CT_SaveThroughXslt =
attribute w:solutionID { s_ST_String }?
<pre id="w_CT_ShapeDefaults">
w_CT_ShapeDefaults = (<a href="#w_any_vml_office">w_any_vml_office</a>*)+
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w_CT_FtnDocProps =
<a href="#w_CT_FtnProps">w_CT_FtnProps</a>,
element footnote { w_CT_FtnEdnSepRef }*
<pre id="w_CT_EdnDocProps">
w_CT_EdnDocProps =
<a href="#w_CT_EdnProps">w_CT_EdnProps</a>,
element endnote { w_CT_FtnEdnSepRef }*
<pre id="w_CT_FtnEdnSepRef">
w_CT_FtnEdnSepRef = attribute w:id { xsd:integer }
<pre id="w_CT_Compat">
w_CT_Compat =
element useSingleBorderforContiguousCells { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element wpJustification { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element noTabHangInd { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element noLeading { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element spaceForUL { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element noColumnBalance { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element noExtraLineSpacing { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotLeaveBackslashAlone { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element ulTrailSpace { w_CT_OnOff }?,
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element spacingInWholePoints { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element lineWrapLikeWord6 { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element printBodyTextBeforeHeader { w_CT_OnOff }?,
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element wpSpaceWidth { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element showBreaksInFrames { w_CT_OnOff }?,
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element convMailMergeEsc { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element truncateFontHeightsLikeWP6 { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element mwSmallCaps { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element usePrinterMetrics { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotSuppressParagraphBorders { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element wrapTrailSpaces { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element footnoteLayoutLikeWW8 { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element shapeLayoutLikeWW8 { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element alignTablesRowByRow { w_CT_OnOff }?,
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element adjustLineHeightInTable { w_CT_OnOff }?,
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element layoutRawTableWidth { w_CT_OnOff }?,
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element useWord97LineBreakRules { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotBreakWrappedTables { w_CT_OnOff }?,
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element selectFldWithFirstOrLastChar { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element applyBreakingRules { w_CT_OnOff }?,
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element useWord2002TableStyleRules { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element growAutofit { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element useFELayout { w_CT_OnOff }?,
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element useAltKinsokuLineBreakRules { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element allowSpaceOfSameStyleInTable { w_CT_OnOff }?,
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element useAnsiKerningPairs { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element cachedColBalance { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element compatSetting { w_CT_CompatSetting }*
<pre id="w_CT_CompatSetting">
w_CT_CompatSetting =
attribute w:name { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:uri { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:val { s_ST_String }?
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w_CT_DocVar =
attribute w:name { s_ST_String },
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<pre id="w_CT_DocVars">
w_CT_DocVars = element docVar { w_CT_DocVar }*
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element rsidRoot { w_CT_LongHexNumber }?,
element rsid { w_CT_LongHexNumber }*
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attribute w:bg2 { w_ST_WmlColorSchemeIndex }?,
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attribute w:accent3 { w_ST_WmlColorSchemeIndex }?,
attribute w:accent4 { w_ST_WmlColorSchemeIndex }?,
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attribute w:accent6 { w_ST_WmlColorSchemeIndex }?,
attribute w:hyperlink { w_ST_WmlColorSchemeIndex }?,
attribute w:followedHyperlink { w_ST_WmlColorSchemeIndex }?
<pre id="w_ST_WmlColorSchemeIndex">
w_ST_WmlColorSchemeIndex =
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attribute w:name { s_ST_String },
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attribute w:numFmt { w_ST_NumberFormat }?,
attribute w:sep { "hyphen" | "period" | "colon" | "emDash" | "enDash" }?
<pre id="w_CT_AutoCaption">
w_CT_AutoCaption =
attribute w:name { s_ST_String },
attribute w:caption { s_ST_String }
<pre id="w_CT_AutoCaptions">
w_CT_AutoCaptions = element autoCaption { w_CT_AutoCaption }+
<pre id="w_CT_Captions">
w_CT_Captions =
element caption { w_CT_Caption }+,
element autoCaptions { w_CT_AutoCaptions }?
<pre id="w_CT_ReadingModeInkLockDown">
w_CT_ReadingModeInkLockDown =
attribute w:actualPg { s_ST_OnOff },
attribute w:w { w_ST_PixelsMeasure },
attribute w:h { w_ST_PixelsMeasure },
attribute w:fontSz { w_ST_DecimalNumberOrPercent }
<pre id="w_CT_SmartTagType">
w_CT_SmartTagType =
attribute w:namespaceuri { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:name { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:url { s_ST_String }?
<h2 id="item6">Section properties</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_SectPr">
w_CT_SectPr =
<a href="#w_AG_SectPrAttributes">w_AG_SectPrAttributes</a>,
<a href="#w_EG_HdrFtrReferences">w_EG_HdrFtrReferences</a>*,
<a href="#w_EG_SectPrContents">w_EG_SectPrContents</a>?,
element sectPrChange { <a href="#w_CT_SectPrChange">w_CT_SectPrChange</a> }?
<pre id="w_AG_SectPrAttributes">
w_AG_SectPrAttributes =
attribute w:rsidRPr { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:rsidDel { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:rsidR { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:rsidSect { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?
<pre id="w_EG_HdrFtrReferences">
w_EG_HdrFtrReferences =
element headerReference { <a href="#w_CT_HdrFtrRef">w_CT_HdrFtrRef</a> }?
| element footerReference { <a href="#w_CT_HdrFtrRef">w_CT_HdrFtrRef</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_HdrFtrRef">
w_CT_HdrFtrRef =
<a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a>,
attribute w:type { "even" | "default" | "first" }
<pre id="w_EG_SectPrContents">
w_EG_SectPrContents =
element footnotePr { <a href="#w_CT_FtnProps">w_CT_FtnProps</a> }?,
element endnotePr { <a href="#w_CT_EdnProps">w_CT_EdnProps</a> }?,
element type { <a href="#w_CT_SectType">w_CT_SectType</a> }?,
element pgSz { <a href="#w_CT_PageSz">w_CT_PageSz</a> }?,
element pgMar { <a href="#w_CT_PageMar">w_CT_PageMar</a> }?,
element paperSrc { <a href="#w_CT_PaperSource">w_CT_PaperSource</a> }?,
element pgBorders { <a href="#w_CT_PageBorders">w_CT_PageBorders</a> }?,
element lnNumType { <a href="#w_CT_LineNumber">w_CT_LineNumber</a> }?,
element pgNumType { <a href="#w_CT_PageNumber">w_CT_PageNumber</a> }?,
element cols { <a href="#w_CT_Columns">w_CT_Columns</a> }?,
element formProt { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element vAlign { w_CT_VerticalJc }?,
element noEndnote { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element titlePg { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element textDirection { <a href="#w_CT_TextDirection">w_CT_TextDirection</a> }?,
element bidi { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element rtlGutter { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element docGrid { <a href="#w_CT_DocGrid">w_CT_DocGrid</a> }?,
element printerSettings { <a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_SectType">
w_CT_SectType = attribute w:val {
"nextPage" | "nextColumn" | "continuous" | "evenPage" | "oddPage"
<pre id="w_CT_PageSz">
w_CT_PageSz =
attribute w:w { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:h { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:orient { "portrait" | "landscape" }?,
attribute w:code { xsd:integer }?
<pre id="w_CT_PageMar">
w_CT_PageMar =
attribute w:top { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure },
attribute w:right { s_ST_TwipsMeasure },
attribute w:bottom { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure },
attribute w:left { s_ST_TwipsMeasure },
attribute w:header { s_ST_TwipsMeasure },
attribute w:footer { s_ST_TwipsMeasure },
attribute w:gutter { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }
<pre id="w_CT_PaperSource">
w_CT_PaperSource =
attribute w:first { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:other { xsd:integer }?
<pre id="w_CT_PageBorders">
w_CT_PageBorders =
attribute w:zOrder { "front" | "back" }?,
attribute w:display { "allPages" | "firstPage" | "notFirstPage" }?,
attribute w:offsetFrom { "page" | "text" }?,
element top { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a>, r_id?, r_topLeft?, r_topRight? }?,
element left { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a>, r_id? }?,
element bottom { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a>, r_id?, r_bottomLeft?, r_bottomRight? }?,
element right { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a>, r_id? }?
<pre id="w_CT_LineNumber">
w_CT_LineNumber =
attribute w:countBy { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:start { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:distance { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:restart { "newPage" | "newSection" | "continuous" }?
<pre id="w_CT_PageNumber">
w_CT_PageNumber =
attribute w:fmt { w_ST_NumberFormat }?,
attribute w:start { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:chapStyle { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:chapSep { "hyphen" | "period" | "colon" | "emDash" | "enDash" }?
<pre id="w_CT_Columns">
w_CT_Columns =
attribute w:equalWidth { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:space { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:num { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:sep { s_ST_OnOff }?,
element col { w_CT_Column }*
<pre id="w_CT_Column">
w_CT_Column =
attribute w:w { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:space { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?
<pre id="w_CT_DocGrid">
w_CT_DocGrid =
attribute w:type { "default" | "lines" | "linesAndChars" | "snapToChars" }?,
attribute w:linePitch { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:charSpace { xsd:integer }?
<h2 id="item4">Numbering</h2>
<pre id="w_numbering">
w_numbering = element numbering {
element numPicBullet { <a href="#w_CT_NumPicBullet">w_CT_NumPicBullet</a> }*,
element abstractNum { <a href="#w_CT_AbstractNum">w_CT_AbstractNum</a> }*,
element num { <a href="#w_CT_Num">w_CT_Num</a> }*,
element numIdMacAtCleanup { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?
<pre id="w_CT_NumPicBullet">
w_CT_NumPicBullet =
attribute w:numPicBulletId { xsd:integer },
(element pict { <a href="#w_CT_Picture">w_CT_Picture</a> } | element drawing { <a href="#w_CT_Drawing">w_CT_Drawing</a> })
<pre id="w_CT_AbstractNum">
w_CT_AbstractNum =
attribute w:abstractNumId { xsd:integer },
element nsid { w_CT_LongHexNumber }?,
element multiLevelType { attribute w:val { "singleLevel" | "multilevel" | "hybridMultilevel" } }?,
element tmpl { w_CT_LongHexNumber }?,
element name { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element styleLink { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element numStyleLink { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element lvl { <a href="#w_CT_Lvl">w_CT_Lvl</a> }*
<pre id="w_CT_Num">
w_CT_Num =
attribute w:numId { xsd:integer },
element abstractNumId { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } },
element lvlOverride { <a href="#w_CT_NumLvl">w_CT_NumLvl</a> }*
<pre id="w_CT_NumLvl">
w_CT_NumLvl =
attribute w:ilvl { xsd:integer },
element startOverride { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element lvl { <a href="#w_CT_Lvl">w_CT_Lvl</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_Lvl">
w_CT_Lvl =
attribute w:ilvl { xsd:integer },
attribute w:tplc { w_ST_LongHexNumber }?,
attribute w:tentative { s_ST_OnOff }?,
element start { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element numFmt { <a href="#w_CT_NumFmt">w_CT_NumFmt</a> }?,
element lvlRestart { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element pStyle { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element isLgl { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element suff { attribute w:val { "tab" | "space" | "nothing" } }?,
element lvlText {
attribute w:val { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:null { s_ST_OnOff }?
element lvlPicBulletId { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element legacy {
attribute w:legacy { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:legacySpace { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }?,
attribute w:legacyIndent { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure }?
element lvlJc { <a href="#w_CT_Jc">w_CT_Jc</a> }?,
element pPr { <a href="#w_CT_PPrGeneral">w_CT_PPrGeneral</a> }?,
element rPr { <a href="#w_CT_RPr">w_CT_RPr</a> }?
<h2 id="item7">Fonts</h2>
<pre id="w_fonts">
w_fonts = element fonts { element font { <a href="#w_CT_Font">w_CT_Font</a> }* }
<pre id="w_CT_Font">
w_CT_Font =
attribute w:name { s_ST_String },
element altName { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element panose1 { <a href="#w_CT_Panose">w_CT_Panose</a> }?,
element charset { <a href="#w_CT_Charset">w_CT_Charset</a> }?,
element family { <a href="#w_CT_FontFamily">w_CT_FontFamily</a> }?,
element notTrueType { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element pitch { <a href="#w_CT_Pitch">w_CT_Pitch</a> }?,
element sig { <a href="#w_CT_FontSig">w_CT_FontSig</a> }?,
element embedRegular { <a href="#w_CT_FontRel">w_CT_FontRel</a> }?,
element embedBold { <a href="#w_CT_FontRel">w_CT_FontRel</a> }?,
element embedItalic { <a href="#w_CT_FontRel">w_CT_FontRel</a> }?,
element embedBoldItalic { <a href="#w_CT_FontRel">w_CT_FontRel</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_Panose">
w_CT_Panose = attribute w:val { s_ST_Panose }
<pre id="w_CT_Charset">
w_CT_Charset =
attribute w:val { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?,
attribute w:characterSet { s_ST_String }?
<pre id="w_CT_FontFamily">
w_CT_FontFamily = attribute w:val {
"decorative" | "modern" | "roman" | "script" | "swiss" | "auto"
<pre id="w_CT_Pitch">
w_CT_Pitch = attribute w:val { "fixed" | "variable" | "default" }
<pre id="w_CT_FontSig">
w_CT_FontSig =
attribute w:usb0 { w_ST_LongHexNumber },
attribute w:usb1 { w_ST_LongHexNumber },
attribute w:usb2 { w_ST_LongHexNumber },
attribute w:usb3 { w_ST_LongHexNumber },
attribute w:csb0 { w_ST_LongHexNumber },
attribute w:csb1 { w_ST_LongHexNumber }
<pre id="w_CT_FontRel">
w_CT_FontRel =
attribute w:fontKey { s_ST_Guid }?,
attribute w:subsetted { s_ST_OnOff }?
<h2 id="item2">Comments</h2>
<pre id="w_comments">
w_comments =
element comments {
element comment { <a href="#w_CT_Comment">w_CT_Comment</a> }*
<pre id="w_CT_Comment">
w_CT_Comment =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
<a href="#w_EG_BlockLevelElts">w_EG_BlockLevelElts</a>*,
attribute w:initials { s_ST_String }?
<h2 id="item8">Change tracking</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_TrackChange">
w_CT_TrackChange =
attribute w:id { xsd:integer },
attribute w:author { s_ST_String },
attribute w:date { w_ST_DateTime }?
<pre id="w_CT_CellMergeTrackChange">
w_CT_CellMergeTrackChange =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
attribute w:vMerge { "cont" | "rest" }?,
attribute w:vMergeOrig { "cont" | "rest" }?
<pre id="w_CT_TrackChangeRange">
w_CT_TrackChangeRange =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
attribute w:displacedByCustomXml { "next" | "prev" }?
<pre id="w_CT_TrackChangeNumbering">
w_CT_TrackChangeNumbering =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
attribute w:original { s_ST_String }?
<pre id="w_CT_TblPrExChange">
w_CT_TblPrExChange =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
element tblPrEx { <a href="#w_CT_TblPrExBase">w_CT_TblPrExBase</a> }
<pre id="w_CT_TcPrChange">
w_CT_TcPrChange =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
element tcPr { <a href="#w_CT_TcPrInner">w_CT_TcPrInner</a> }
<pre id="w_CT_TrPrChange">
w_CT_TrPrChange =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
element trPr { <a href="#w_CT_TrPrBase">w_CT_TrPrBase</a> }
<pre id="w_CT_TblGridChange">
w_CT_TblGridChange =
attribute w:id { xsd:integer },
element tblGrid { <a href="#w_CT_TblGridBase">w_CT_TblGridBase</a> }
<pre id="w_CT_TblPrChange">
w_CT_TblPrChange =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
element tblPr { <a href="#w_CT_TblPrBase">w_CT_TblPrBase</a> }
<pre id="w_CT_SectPrChange">
w_CT_SectPrChange =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
element sectPr {
<a href="#w_AG_SectPrAttributes">w_AG_SectPrAttributes</a>,
<a href="#w_EG_SectPrContents">w_EG_SectPrContents</a>?
<pre id="w_CT_PPrChange">
w_CT_PPrChange =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
element pPr { <a href="#w_CT_PPrBase">w_CT_PPrBase</a> }
<pre id="w_CT_RPrChange">
w_CT_RPrChange =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
element rPr { <a href="#w_CT_RPrOriginal">w_CT_RPrOriginal</a> }
<pre id="w_CT_RPrOriginal">
w_CT_RPrOriginal = <a href="#w_EG_RPrBase">w_EG_RPrBase</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_ParaRPrChange">
w_CT_ParaRPrChange =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
element rPr { <a href="#w_CT_ParaRPrOriginal">w_CT_ParaRPrOriginal</a> }
<pre id="w_CT_ParaRPrOriginal">
w_CT_ParaRPrOriginal = <a href="#w_EG_ParaRPrTrackChanges">w_EG_ParaRPrTrackChanges</a>?, <a href="#w_EG_RPrBase">w_EG_RPrBase</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_RunTrackChange">
w_CT_RunTrackChange =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
(<a href="#w_EG_ContentRunContent">w_EG_ContentRunContent</a> | m_EG_OMathMathElements)*
<pre id="w_CT_MathCtrlIns">
w_CT_MathCtrlIns =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
(element del { <a href="#w_CT_RPrChange">w_CT_RPrChange</a> }
| element rPr { <a href="#w_CT_RPr">w_CT_RPr</a> })?
<pre id="w_CT_MathCtrlDel">
w_CT_MathCtrlDel =
<a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a>,
(element rPr { <a href="#w_CT_RPr">w_CT_RPr</a> })?
<pre id="w_EG_ParaRPrTrackChanges">
w_EG_ParaRPrTrackChanges =
element ins { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> }?,
element del { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> }?,
element moveFrom { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> }?,
element moveTo { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> }?
<h1 id="item26">Special features</h1>
<h2 id="item27">Glossary</h2>
<pre id="w_glossaryDocument">
w_glossaryDocument = element glossaryDocument { w_CT_GlossaryDocument }
<pre id="w_CT_GlossaryDocument">
w_CT_GlossaryDocument =
element background { <a href="#w_CT_Background">w_CT_Background</a> }?,
element docParts { <a href="#w_CT_DocParts">w_CT_DocParts</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_DocParts">
w_CT_DocParts = element docPart { <a href="#w_CT_DocPart">w_CT_DocPart</a> }+
<pre id="w_CT_DocPart">
w_CT_DocPart =
element docPartPr { <a href="#w_CT_DocPartPr">w_CT_DocPartPr</a> }?,
element docPartBody { <a href="#w_CT_Body">w_CT_Body</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_DocPartPr">
w_CT_DocPartPr =
element name {
attribute w:val { s_ST_String },
attribute w:decorated { s_ST_OnOff }?
element style { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?
element category {
element name { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } },
element gallery { <a href="#w_CT_DocPartGallery">w_CT_DocPartGallery</a> }
element types {
attribute w:all { s_ST_OnOff }?,
(element type { <a href="#w_CT_DocPartType">w_CT_DocPartType</a> }+)
element behaviors {
element behavior { attribute w:val { "content" | "p" | "pg" } }+
element description { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?
element guid { w_CT_Guid }?
<pre id="w_CT_DocPartType">
w_CT_DocPartType = attribute w:val {
"none" | "normal" | "autoExp" | "toolbar" | "speller" | "formFld" | "bbPlcHdr"
<pre id="w_ST_DocPartGallery">
w_ST_DocPartGallery =
| "any"
| "default"
| "docParts"
| "coverPg"
| "eq"
| "ftrs"
| "hdrs"
| "pgNum"
| "tbls"
| "watermarks"
| "autoTxt"
| "txtBox"
| "pgNumT"
| "pgNumB"
| "pgNumMargins"
| "tblOfContents"
| "bib"
| "custQuickParts"
| "custCoverPg"
| "custEq"
| "custFtrs"
| "custHdrs"
| "custPgNum"
| "custTbls"
| "custWatermarks"
| "custAutoTxt"
| "custTxtBox"
| "custPgNumT"
| "custPgNumB"
| "custPgNumMargins"
| "custTblOfContents"
| "custBib"
| "custom1"
| "custom2"
| "custom3"
| "custom4"
| "custom5"
<pre id="w_CT_DocPartGallery">
w_CT_DocPartGallery = attribute w:val { w_ST_DocPartGallery }
<h2 id="item28">Custom XML</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_CustomXmlRun">
w_CT_CustomXmlRun =
attribute w:uri { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:element { s_ST_XmlName },
element customXmlPr { <a href="#w_CT_CustomXmlPr">w_CT_CustomXmlPr</a> }?,
<a href="#w_EG_PContent">w_EG_PContent</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_CustomXmlBlock">
w_CT_CustomXmlBlock =
attribute w:uri { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:element { s_ST_XmlName },
element customXmlPr { <a href="#w_CT_CustomXmlPr">w_CT_CustomXmlPr</a> }?,
<a href="#w_EG_ContentBlockContent">w_EG_ContentBlockContent</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_CustomXmlPr">
w_CT_CustomXmlPr =
element placeholder { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element attr { <a href="#w_CT_Attr">w_CT_Attr</a> }*
<pre id="w_CT_Attr">
w_CT_Attr =
attribute w:uri { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:name { s_ST_String },
attribute w:val { s_ST_String }
<pre id="w_CT_CustomXmlRow">
w_CT_CustomXmlRow =
attribute w:uri { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:element { s_ST_XmlName },
element customXmlPr { <a href="#w_CT_CustomXmlPr">w_CT_CustomXmlPr</a> }?,
<a href="#w_EG_ContentRowContent">w_EG_ContentRowContent</a>*
<pre id=w_CT_CustomXmlCell">
w_CT_CustomXmlCell =
attribute w:uri { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:element { s_ST_XmlName },
element customXmlPr { <a href="#w_CT_CustomXmlPr">w_CT_CustomXmlPr</a> }?,
<a href="#w_EG_ContentCellContent">w_EG_ContentCellContent</a>*
<h2 id="item29">Web settings</h2>
<pre id="w_webSettings">
w_webSettings = element webSettings { w_CT_WebSettings }
<pre id="w_CT_WebSettings">
w_CT_WebSettings =
element frameset { w_CT_Frameset }?,
element divs { w_CT_Divs }?,
element encoding { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element optimizeForBrowser { w_CT_OptimizeForBrowser }?,
element relyOnVML { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element allowPNG { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotRelyOnCSS { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotSaveAsSingleFile { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotOrganizeInFolder { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element doNotUseLongFileNames { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element pixelsPerInch { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element targetScreenSz { w_CT_TargetScreenSz }?,
element saveSmartTagsAsXml { w_CT_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_FramesetSplitbar">
w_CT_FramesetSplitbar =
element w { w_CT_TwipsMeasure }?,
element color { <a href="#w_CT_Color">w_CT_Color</a> }?,
element noBorder { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element flatBorders { w_CT_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_Frameset">
w_CT_Frameset =
element sz { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element framesetSplitbar { w_CT_FramesetSplitbar }?,
element frameLayout { w_CT_FrameLayout }?,
element title { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
(element frameset { w_CT_Frameset }*
| element frame { w_CT_Frame }*)*
<pre id="w_CT_Frame">
w_CT_Frame =
element sz { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element name { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element title { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element longDesc { <a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a> }?,
element sourceFileName { <a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a> }?,
element marW { w_CT_PixelsMeasure }?,
element marH { w_CT_PixelsMeasure }?,
element scrollbar { w_CT_FrameScrollbar }?,
element noResizeAllowed { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element linkedToFile { w_CT_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_FrameScrollbar">
w_CT_FrameScrollbar = attribute w:val { "on" | "off" | "auto" }
<pre id="w_CT_FrameLayout">
w_CT_FrameLayout = attribute w:val { "rows" | "cols" | "none" }
<pre id="w_CT_Divs">
w_CT_Divs = element div { w_CT_Div }+
<pre id="w_CT_Div">
w_CT_Div =
attribute w:id { xsd:integer },
element blockQuote { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element bodyDiv { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element marLeft { w_CT_SignedTwipsMeasure },
element marRight { w_CT_SignedTwipsMeasure },
element marTop { w_CT_SignedTwipsMeasure },
element marBottom { w_CT_SignedTwipsMeasure },
element divBdr { w_CT_DivBdr }?,
element divsChild { w_CT_Divs }*
<pre id="w_CT_DivBdr">
w_CT_DivBdr =
element top { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element left { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element bottom { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?,
element right { <a href="#w_CT_Border">w_CT_Border</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_OptimizeForBrowser">
w_CT_OptimizeForBrowser =
attribute w:target { s_ST_String }?
<pre id="w_CT_TargetScreenSz">
w_CT_TargetScreenSz = attribute w:val {
| "640x480"
| "720x512"
| "800x600"
| "1024x768"
| "1152x882"
| "1152x900"
| "1280x1024"
| "1600x1200"
| "1800x1440"
| "1920x1200"
<h2 id="item30">Structured data</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_SdtListItem">
w_CT_SdtListItem =
attribute w:displayText { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:value { s_ST_String }?
<pre id="w_CT_CalendarType">
w_CT_CalendarType = attribute w:val { s_ST_CalendarType }?
<pre id="w_CT_SdtDate">
w_CT_SdtDate =
attribute w:fullDate { w_ST_DateTime }?,
element dateFormat { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element lid { attribute w:val { s_ST_Lang } }?,
element storeMappedDataAs { <a href="#w_CT_SdtDateMappingType">w_CT_SdtDateMappingType</a> }?,
element calendar { <a href="#w_CT_CalendarType">w_CT_CalendarType</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_SdtDateMappingType">
w_CT_SdtDateMappingType = attribute w:val { "text" | "date" | "dateTime" }?
<pre id="w_CT_SdtComboBox">
w_CT_SdtComboBox =
attribute w:lastValue { s_ST_String }?,
element listItem { <a href="#w_CT_SdtListItem">w_CT_SdtListItem</a> }*
<pre id="w_CT_SdtDocPart">
w_CT_SdtDocPart =
element docPartGallery { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element docPartCategory { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element docPartUnique { w_CT_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_SdtDropDownList">
w_CT_SdtDropDownList =
attribute w:lastValue { s_ST_String }?,
element listItem { <a href="#w_CT_SdtListItem">w_CT_SdtListItem</a> }*
<pre id="w_CT_SdtPr">
w_CT_SdtPr =
element rPr { <a href="#w_CT_RPr">w_CT_RPr</a> }?,
element alias { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element tag { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element id { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element lock { attribute w:val { "sdtLocked" | "contentLocked" | "unlocked" | "sdtContentLocked" }? }?,
element placeholder { element docPart { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } } }?,
element temporary { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element showingPlcHdr { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element dataBinding { <a href="#w_CT_DataBinding">w_CT_DataBinding</a> }?,
element label { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element tabIndex { w_CT_UnsignedDecimalNumber }?,
(element equation { w_CT_Empty }
| element comboBox { <a href="#w_CT_SdtComboBox">w_CT_SdtComboBox</a> }
| element date { <a href="#w_CT_SdtDate">w_CT_SdtDate</a> }
| element docPartObj { <a href="#w_CT_SdtDocPart">w_CT_SdtDocPart</a> }
| element docPartList { <a href="#w_CT_SdtDocPart">w_CT_SdtDocPart</a> }
| element dropDownList { <a href="#w_CT_SdtDropDownList">w_CT_SdtDropDownList</a> }
| element picture { w_CT_Empty }
| element richText { w_CT_Empty }
| element text { w_CT_SdtText }
| element citation { w_CT_Empty }
| element group { w_CT_Empty }
| element bibliography { w_CT_Empty })?
<pre id="w_CT_DataBinding">
w_CT_DataBinding =
attribute w:prefixMappings { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:xpath { s_ST_String },
attribute w:storeItemID { s_ST_String }
<pre id="w_CT_SdtText">
w_CT_SdtText = attribute w:multiLine { s_ST_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_SdtEndPr">
w_CT_SdtEndPr = (element rPr { <a href="#w_CT_RPr">w_CT_RPr</a> }?)+
<pre id="w_CT_SdtContentRun">
w_CT_SdtContentRun = <a href="#w_EG_PContent">w_EG_PContent</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_SdtContentBlock">
w_CT_SdtContentBlock = <a href="#w_EG_ContentBlockContent">w_EG_ContentBlockContent</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_SdtContentRow">
w_CT_SdtContentRow = <a href="#w_EG_ContentRowContent">w_EG_ContentRowContent</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_SdtContentCell">
w_CT_SdtContentCell = <a href="#w_EG_ContentCellContent">w_EG_ContentCellContent</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_SdtBlock">
w_CT_SdtBlock =
element sdtPr { <a href="#w_CT_SdtPr">w_CT_SdtPr</a> }?,
element sdtEndPr { <a href="#w_CT_SdtEndPr">w_CT_SdtEndPr</a> }?,
element sdtContent { <a href="#w_CT_SdtContentBlock">w_CT_SdtContentBlock</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_SdtRun">
w_CT_SdtRun =
element sdtPr { <a href="#w_CT_SdtPr">w_CT_SdtPr</a> }?,
element sdtEndPr { <a href="#w_CT_SdtEndPr">w_CT_SdtEndPr</a> }?,
element sdtContent { <a href="#w_CT_SdtContentRun">w_CT_SdtContentRun</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_SdtCell">
w_CT_SdtCell =
element sdtPr { <a href="#w_CT_SdtPr">w_CT_SdtPr</a> }?,
element sdtEndPr { <a href="#w_CT_SdtEndPr">w_CT_SdtEndPr</a> }?,
element sdtContent { <a href="#w_CT_SdtContentCell">w_CT_SdtContentCell</a> }?
<pre id="w_CT_SdtRow">
w_CT_SdtRow =
element sdtPr { <a href="#w_CT_SdtPr">w_CT_SdtPr</a> }?,
element sdtEndPr { <a href="#w_CT_SdtEndPr">w_CT_SdtEndPr</a> }?,
element sdtContent { <a href="#w_CT_SdtContentRow">w_CT_SdtContentRow</a> }?
<h2 id="item31">Mail merge</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_MailMerge">
w_CT_MailMerge =
element mainDocumentType {
attribute w:val {
"catalog" | "envelopes" | "mailingLabels" | "formLetters" | "email" | "fax"
element linkToQuery { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element dataType { attribute w:val { xsd:string } },
element connectString { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element query { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element dataSource { <a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a> }?,
element headerSource { <a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a> }?,
element doNotSuppressBlankLines { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element destination { "newDocument" | "printer" | "email" | "fax" }?,
element addressFieldName { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element mailSubject { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element mailAsAttachment { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element viewMergedData { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element activeRecord { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element checkErrors { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element odso { w_CT_Odso }?
<pre id="w_CT_Odso">
w_CT_Odso =
element udl { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element table { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element src { <a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a> }?,
element colDelim { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element type { w_CT_MailMergeSourceType }?,
element fHdr { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element fieldMapData { w_CT_OdsoFieldMapData }*,
element recipientData { <a href="#w_CT_Rel">w_CT_Rel</a> }*
<pre id="w_CT_OdsoFieldMapData">
w_CT_OdsoFieldMapData =
element type { attribute w:val { "null" | "dbColumn" } }?,
element name { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element mappedName { attribute w:val { s_ST_String } }?,
element column { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } }?,
element lid { attribute w:val { s_ST_Lang } }?,
element dynamicAddress { w_CT_OnOff }?
<pre id="w_CT_MailMergeSourceType">
w_CT_MailMergeSourceType = attribute w:val {
"database" | "addressBook" | "document1" | "document2" |
"text" | "email" | "native" | "legacy" | "master"
<pre id="w_recipients">
w_recipients = element recipients {
element recipientData {
element active { w_CT_OnOff }?,
element column { attribute w:val { xsd:integer } },
element uniqueTag { w_CT_Base64Binary }
<h2 id="item32">Conditional formatting</h2>
w_CT_Cnf =
attribute w:val { xsd:string { length = "12" pattern = "[01]*" } }?,
attribute w:firstRow { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:lastRow { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:firstColumn { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:lastColumn { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:oddVBand { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:evenVBand { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:oddHBand { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:evenHBand { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:firstRowFirstColumn { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:firstRowLastColumn { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:lastRowFirstColumn { s_ST_OnOff }?,
attribute w:lastRowLastColumn { s_ST_OnOff }?
<h2 id="item33">Annotations</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_MarkupRange">
w_CT_MarkupRange =
attribute w:id { xsd:integer },
attribute w:displacedByCustomXml { "next" | "prev" }?
<pre id="w_CT_BookmarkRange">
w_CT_BookmarkRange =
<a href="#w_CT_MarkupRange">w_CT_MarkupRange</a>,
attribute w:colFirst { xsd:integer }?,
attribute w:colLast { xsd:integer }?
<pre id="w_CT_Bookmark">
w_CT_Bookmark =
<a href="#w_CT_BookmarkRange">w_CT_BookmarkRange</a>,
attribute w:name { s_ST_String }
<pre id="w_CT_MoveBookmark">
w_CT_MoveBookmark =
<a href="#w_CT_Bookmark">w_CT_Bookmark</a>,
attribute w:author { s_ST_String },
attribute w:date { w_ST_DateTime }
<pre id="w_CT_SmartTagRun">
w_CT_SmartTagRun =
attribute w:uri { s_ST_String }?,
attribute w:element { s_ST_XmlName },
element smartTagPr { <a href="#w_CT_SmartTagPr">w_CT_SmartTagPr</a> }?,
<a href="#w_EG_PContent">w_EG_PContent</a>*
<pre id="w_CT_SmartTagPr">
w_CT_SmartTagPr = element attr { <a href="#w_CT_Attr">w_CT_Attr</a> }*
<pre id="w_EG_CellMarkupElements">
w_EG_CellMarkupElements =
element cellIns { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> }?
| element cellDel { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> }?
| element cellMerge { <a href="#w_CT_CellMergeTrackChange">w_CT_CellMergeTrackChange</a> }?
<pre id="w_EG_RangeMarkupElements">
w_EG_RangeMarkupElements =
element bookmarkStart { <a href="#w_CT_Bookmark">w_CT_Bookmark</a> } |
element bookmarkEnd { <a href="#w_CT_MarkupRange">w_CT_MarkupRange</a> } |
element moveFromRangeStart { <a href="#w_CT_MoveBookmark">w_CT_MoveBookmark</a> } |
element moveFromRangeEnd { <a href="#w_CT_MarkupRange">w_CT_MarkupRange</a> } |
element moveToRangeStart { <a href="#w_CT_MoveBookmark">w_CT_MoveBookmark</a> } |
element moveToRangeEnd { <a href="#w_CT_MarkupRange">w_CT_MarkupRange</a> } |
element commentRangeStart { <a href="#w_CT_MarkupRange">w_CT_MarkupRange</a> } |
element commentRangeEnd { <a href="#w_CT_MarkupRange">w_CT_MarkupRange</a> } |
element customXmlInsRangeStart { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> } |
element customXmlInsRangeEnd { attribute w:id { xsd:integer } } |
element customXmlDelRangeStart { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> } |
element customXmlDelRangeEnd { attribute w:id { xsd:integer } } |
element customXmlMoveFromRangeStart { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> } |
element customXmlMoveFromRangeEnd { attribute w:id { xsd:integer } } |
element customXmlMoveToRangeStart { <a href="#w_CT_TrackChange">w_CT_TrackChange</a> } |
element customXmlMoveToRangeEnd { attribute w:id { xsd:integer } }
<h1 id="item34">Common types</h1>
<h2 id="item35">Numeric types</h2>
w_CT_OnOff = attribute w:val { s_ST_OnOff }?
w_ST_LongHexNumber = xsd:hexBinary { length = "4" }
w_CT_LongHexNumber = attribute w:val { w_ST_LongHexNumber }
w_ST_ShortHexNumber = xsd:hexBinary { length = "2" }
w_ST_UcharHexNumber = xsd:hexBinary { length = "1" }
w_ST_DecimalNumberOrPercent =
w_ST_UnqualifiedPercentage | s_ST_Percentage
w_ST_UnqualifiedPercentage = xsd:integer
w_CT_UnsignedDecimalNumber =
attribute w:val { s_ST_UnsignedDecimalNumber }
w_CT_DecimalNumberOrPrecent =
attribute w:val { w_ST_DecimalNumberOrPercent }
w_CT_TwipsMeasure = attribute w:val { s_ST_TwipsMeasure }
w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure = xsd:integer | s_ST_UniversalMeasure
w_CT_SignedTwipsMeasure = attribute w:val { w_ST_SignedTwipsMeasure }
w_ST_PixelsMeasure = s_ST_UnsignedDecimalNumber
w_CT_PixelsMeasure = attribute w:val { w_ST_PixelsMeasure }
w_ST_HpsMeasure =
s_ST_UnsignedDecimalNumber | s_ST_PositiveUniversalMeasure
w_ST_SignedHpsMeasure = xsd:integer | s_ST_UniversalMeasure
w_CT_SignedHpsMeasure = attribute w:val { w_ST_SignedHpsMeasure }
w_ST_DateTime = xsd:dateTime
w_ST_EighthPointMeasure = s_ST_UnsignedDecimalNumber
w_ST_PointMeasure = s_ST_UnsignedDecimalNumber
w_ST_TextScale = w_ST_TextScalePercent | w_ST_TextScaleDecimal
w_ST_TextScalePercent =
xsd:string { pattern = "0*(600|([0-5]?[0-9]?[0-9]))%" }
w_ST_TextScaleDecimal =
xsd:integer { minInclusive = "0" maxInclusive = "600" }
w_CT_TextScale = attribute w:val { w_ST_TextScale }?
w_CT_Base64Binary = attribute w:val { xsd:base64Binary }
w_ST_MeasurementOrPercent =
w_ST_DecimalNumberOrPercent | s_ST_UniversalMeasure
<h2 id="item36">Non-numeric types</h2>
<pre id="w_CT_Empty">
w_CT_Empty = empty
<pre id="w_ST_HexColorAuto">
w_ST_HexColorAuto = "auto"
<pre id="w_ST_HexColor">
w_ST_HexColor = w_ST_HexColorAuto | s_ST_HexColorRGB
<pre id="w_CT_Color">
w_CT_Color =
attribute w:val { w_ST_HexColor },
attribute w:themeColor { w_ST_ThemeColor }?,
attribute w:themeTint { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?,
attribute w:themeShade { w_ST_UcharHexNumber }?
<pre id="w_ST_ThemeColor">
w_ST_ThemeColor =
| "light1"
| "dark2"
| "light2"
| "accent1"
| "accent2"
| "accent3"
| "accent4"
| "accent5"
| "accent6"
| "hyperlink"
| "followedHyperlink"
| "none"
| "background1"
| "text1"
| "background2"
| "text2"
<pre id="w_CT_Guid">
w_CT_Guid = attribute w:val { s_ST_Guid }?
<pre id="w_CT_Language">
w_CT_Language =
attribute w:val { s_ST_Lang }?,
attribute w:eastAsia { s_ST_Lang }?,
attribute w:bidi { s_ST_Lang }?
<pre id="w_CT_Rel">
w_CT_Rel = r_id
<pre id="w_CT_VerticalJc">
w_CT_VerticalJc = attribute w:val { "top" | "center" | "both" | "bottom" }
<pre id="w_CT_Jc">
w_CT_Jc = attribute w:val {
"start" | "center" | "end" | "both" | "left" | "right"
"mediumKashida" | "distribute" | "numTab" | "highKashida" |
"lowKashida" | "thaiDistribute"
<pre id="w_CT_TextDirection">
w_CT_TextDirection = attribute w:val {
"tb" | "rl" | "lr" | "tbV" | "rlV" | "lrV" |
"btLr" | "lrTb" | "lrTbV" |"tbLrV" | "tbRl" | "tbRlV"
<pre id="w_CT_NumFmt">
w_CT_NumFmt =
attribute w:val { w_ST_NumberFormat },
attribute w:format { s_ST_String }?
<pre id="w_ST_NumberFormat">
w_ST_NumberFormat =
| "upperRoman"
| "lowerRoman"
| "upperLetter"
| "lowerLetter"
| "ordinal"
| "cardinalText"
| "ordinalText"
| "hex"
| "chicago"
| "ideographDigital"
| "japaneseCounting"
| "aiueo"
| "iroha"
| "decimalFullWidth"
| "decimalHalfWidth"
| "japaneseLegal"
| "japaneseDigitalTenThousand"
| "decimalEnclosedCircle"
| "decimalFullWidth2"
| "aiueoFullWidth"
| "irohaFullWidth"
| "decimalZero"
| "bullet"
| "ganada"
| "chosung"
| "decimalEnclosedFullstop"
| "decimalEnclosedParen"
| "decimalEnclosedCircleChinese"
| "ideographEnclosedCircle"
| "ideographTraditional"
| "ideographZodiac"
| "ideographZodiacTraditional"
| "taiwaneseCounting"
| "ideographLegalTraditional"
| "taiwaneseCountingThousand"
| "taiwaneseDigital"
| "chineseCounting"
| "chineseLegalSimplified"
| "chineseCountingThousand"
| "koreanDigital"
| "koreanCounting"
| "koreanLegal"
| "koreanDigital2"
| "vietnameseCounting"
| "russianLower"
| "russianUpper"
| "none"
| "numberInDash"
| "hebrew1"
| "hebrew2"
| "arabicAlpha"
| "arabicAbjad"
| "hindiVowels"
| "hindiConsonants"
| "hindiNumbers"
| "hindiCounting"
| "thaiLetters"
| "thaiNumbers"
| "thaiCounting"
| "bahtText"
| "dollarText"
| "custom"
<h1 id="item37">Uncategorised</h1>
<pre id="w_txbxContent">
w_txbxContent =
element txbxContent {
<a href="#w_EG_BlockLevelElts">w_EG_BlockLevelElts</a>+
<pre id="w_any_vml_office">
w_any_vml_office =
| o_shapelayout
| o_signatureline
| o_ink
| o_diagram
| o_skew
| o_extrusion
| o_callout
| o_lock
| o_OLEObject
| o_complex
| o_left
| o_top
| o_right
| o_bottom
| o_column
| o_clippath
| o_fill
<pre id="w_any_vml_vml">
w_any_vml_vml =
| v_shapetype
| v_group
| v_background
| v_fill
| v_formulas
| v_handles
| v_imagedata
| v_path
| v_textbox
| v_shadow
| v_stroke
| v_textpath
| v_arc
| v_curve
| v_image
| v_line
| v_oval
| v_polyline
| v_rect
| v_roundrect