Flat: Build Grammar object from parsed PEG file

Introduce the ability to construct a new Grammar object from the results
of parsing a grammar file in the PEG syntax. This allows us to write
custom grammars to support arbitrary text-based file formats.

The grammar building process works by traversing a tree of Term objects
produced as a result of a parse. As each instance of the Definition
production is constructed, an Expression object is created for its body
based corresponding portion of the parse tree, and a new definition is
added to the Grammar object being built.

The resulting grammar can then be used to parse a file in the syntax
defined by that grammar - though this is not yet supported as a
command-line option.

Currently, a large number of assert statements are used when processing
the Term tree. These sanity checks ensure that the terms match what we
expect from the grammar. It is anticipated that in the future it will be
possible to write processing code in a more type-safe manner, both to a
limited extent in C, and using a dedicated tree-transformation language
to be integrated with the parsing process. The current parser is
essentially an interpreter which we can extend with additional language
constructs to support this transformation.
6 files changed
tree: 1007fcc4010c61b5031d272b3afdfae61868c8c9
  1. consumers/
  2. DocFormats/
  3. Editor/
  4. experiments/
  5. external/
  6. sample/
  7. schemas/
  8. scripts/
  9. .gitattributes
  10. .gitignore
  11. CMakeLists.txt
  12. CorinthiaDirectoryTree.html
  13. LICENSE.txt
  14. NOTICE.txt
  15. README.md

About Apache Corinthia (incubating)

Corinthia is a library for converting between different word-processing file formats. Initially, it supports .docx (part of the OOXML specification), HTML, and LaTeX (export-only). The Corinthia project also provides convenience executables. The library has shipped as part of UX Write since February 2013.

On December 8, 2014, Corinthia entered the Apache Software Foundation incubator. The accepted proposal and incubation status provide incubation background and progress information.

The communication hub of the project is the development mailing list,

dev @ corinthia.incubator.apache.org

To receive list postings and interact on the list, simply send a message to

dev-subscribe @ corinthia.incubator.apache.org

from the email address to receive list messages at. The reply from the list robot to that address provides confirmation instructions and information on managing the subscription.

There are a Corinthia incubator web site, a project wiki, and a JIRA issue tracker.

The sites and documentation for this project are at a preliminary stage. Content will be moved to Apache and improved as incubation moves along.

Meanwhile, there is a Facebook page and a Twitter account, @ApacheCorinthia.


Corinthia is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0; see LICENSE.txt for details.

What the library can do

  1. Create new HTML files from a .docx source
  2. Create new .docx files from a HTML source
  3. Update existing .docx files based on a modified HTML file produced in (1)
  4. Convert .docx or HTML files to LaTeX
  5. Provide access to document structure, in terms of a DOM-like API for manipulating XML trees, and an object model for working with CSS stylesheets


There are three major components, in their respective directories:

  • DocFormats - the library itself
  • dfutil - a driver program used for running [...]
  • automated tests (located in the tests directory)

Run dfutil without any command-line arguments to see a list of operations. Here is an example of converting a .docx file to HTML, modifying it, and then updating the original .docx. Note that it is important, due to how internal mapping works, that the .docx file being written is the same file as the original; using a new file won't work.

dfutil filename.docx filename.html
vi filename.html # Make some changes
dfutil filename.html filename.docx

If you examine the convertFile function in dfutil/Commands.c, you will see the main entry points to perform these conversions, which you can call from your own program.

Platforms and dependencies

Corinthia builds and runs on iOS, OS X, and Linux. Windows support is in the works.

To build DocFormats, you will need to have the following installed:

Build instructions

Corinthia currently builds on Linux and OS X (mac). See the build instructions.


Contributors are welcome and prized. Details on how to participate on the project will be posted soon.

Meanwhile, the easiest way to contribute is by subscribing to the development list and asking your questions and offering suggestions there.