
Amaterasu Deployments are a combination of yaml deployments definition (usually defined in the maki.yml or maki.yaml file), the environment configuration (described in the configuration section) and artifacts to be deployed.

The Deployments DSL

The deployment DSL, allows developers to define Actions to be deployed, their order of deployment and execution using a simple YAML definition. The following example:

job-name:    amaterasu-test
    - name: start
          group: spark
          type: jar        
          groupId: io.shinto
          artifactId: amaterasu-simple-spark
          version: 0.3
          id: packagecloud
          type: default
          url: https://packagecloud.io/yanivr/amaterasu-demo/maven2
      class: DataGenerator
    - name: step2
          group: spark
          type: pyspark
      file: file.py

The above deployment, defines two actions which will run sequantially. Each action, defines a framework runner to be used and an executable to be run.


Cureently, Amaterasu actions can define two types of executables:

  • Files

File executables can be located inside the Amaterasu repo, under the src folder, for example, in the following action definition:

job-name:    amaterasu-test
    - name: step1
         group: spark
         type: pyspark
      file: file.py

the executable file.py would be located under the src folder as follows:

+-- src/
|   +-- file.py
+-- maki.yaml

Files can also be specified as URLs, where currently the http, https and s3a schemas are supported at this time for example:

job-name:    amaterasu-test
    - name: step1
         group: spark
         type: pyspark
      file: s3a://my-source-bucket/file.py
  • Artifacts

Currently, the artifact directive supports only artifacts stored in Maven repositories. In addition to the artifact details, you will need to specify the details of the repository where the artifact is available. The following example, fetches an artifact to be submitted as a spark job:

job-name:    amaterasu-test
    - name: start
          group: spark
          type: jar        
          groupId: io.shinto
          artifactId: amaterasu-simple-spark
          version: 0.3
          id: packagecloud
          type: default
          url: https://packagecloud.io/yanivr/amaterasu-demo/maven2
      class: DataGenerator

Error Handling Actions

When an action fails, Amaterasu will re-queue that action for execution a configurable number of times. If the action continues to fail, Amaterasu allows for the definition of error handling actions that will execute when an action fails repeatedly. The following deployment defines an error handling action.

job-name:    amaterasu-sample
    - name: start
         group: spark
         type: pyspark
      file: file.py
         name: error
            group: spark
            type: pyspark
         file: error.py        


In addition to defining executables, Amaterasu jobs and actions can define dependencies to be deployed in the containers and used in runtime. Dependencies can be defined either globally for a job, under the deps folder, or per action in the action folder:

+-- deps/
|   +-- jars.yaml          #contains golbal depenedencies which are deployed in all action containers
+-- src/
|   +-- start/
|   |   +-- jars.yaml      #contains depenedencies which are deployed only in the start action container
|   +-- file.py
+-- maki.yaml 

  • Java/JVM Dependencies

JVM dependencies are defined in the jars.yaml file, the file defines a set of dependencies and repositories where those dependencies are available. THe following example shows a simple jars.yaml file:

  - id: maven-central
    type: default
    url: http://central.maven.org/maven2/
  - groupId: com.flyberrycapital
    artifactId: scala-slack_2.10
    version: 0.3.0

  • Python Dependencies