blob: 94b8056f4047b66ccf0ce3e069f941aec778f4ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.amaterasu.executor.execution.actions.runners.spark.PySpark
import{File, PrintWriter, StringWriter}
import java.util
import org.apache.amaterasu.common.configuration.ClusterConfig
import org.apache.amaterasu.common.execution.actions.Notifier
import org.apache.amaterasu.common.execution.dependencies.{PythonDependencies, PythonPackage}
import org.apache.amaterasu.common.logging.Logging
import org.apache.amaterasu.common.runtime.Environment
import org.apache.amaterasu.sdk.AmaterasuRunner
import org.apache.spark.SparkEnv
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import scala.sys.process.Process
class PySparkRunner extends AmaterasuRunner with Logging {
var proc: Process = _
var notifier: Notifier = _
override def getIdentifier: String = "pyspark"
override def executeSource(actionSource: String, actionName: String, exports: util.Map[String, String]): Unit = {
interpretSources(actionSource, actionName, exports)
def interpretSources(source: String, actionName: String, exports: util.Map[String, String]): Unit = {
PySparkEntryPoint.getExecutionQueue.setForExec((source, actionName, exports))
val resQueue = PySparkEntryPoint.getResultQueue(actionName)"================= started action $actionName =================")
var res: PySparkResult = null
do {
res = resQueue.getNext()
res.resultType match {
case ResultType.success =>
case ResultType.error =>
notifier.error(res.statement, res.message)
throw new Exception(res.message)
case ResultType.completion =>"================= finished action $actionName =================")
} while (res != null && res.resultType != ResultType.completion)
object PySparkRunner {
def apply(env: Environment,
jobId: String,
notifier: Notifier,
spark: SparkSession,
pypath: String,
pyDeps: PythonDependencies,
config: ClusterConfig): PySparkRunner = {
//TODO: can we make this less ugly?
var pysparkPython = "/usr/bin/python"
if (pyDeps != null &&
pyDeps.packages.nonEmpty) {
loadPythonDependencies(pyDeps, notifier)
pysparkPython = "miniconda/bin/python"
val result = new PySparkRunner
PySparkEntryPoint.start(spark, jobId, env, SparkEnv.get)
val port = PySparkEntryPoint.getPort
var intpPath = ""
if (env.configuration.contains("cwd")) {
val cwd = new File(env.configuration("cwd"))
intpPath = s"${cwd.getAbsolutePath}/" // This is to support test environment
} else {
intpPath = s""
var pysparkPath = ""
if (env.configuration.contains("pysparkPath")) {
pysparkPath = env.configuration("pysparkPath")
} else {
pysparkPath = s"${config.spark.home}/bin/spark-submit"
val proc = Process(Seq(pysparkPath, intpPath, port.toString), None,
"PYTHONPATH" -> pypath,
"PYSPARK_PYTHON" -> pysparkPython,
"PYTHONHASHSEED" -> 0.toString) #> System.out
result.notifier = notifier
* This installs the required python dependencies.
* We basically need 2 packages to make pyspark work with customer's scripts:
* 1. py4j - supplied by spark, for communication between Python and Java runtimes.
* 2. codegen - for dynamically parsing and converting customer's scripts into executable Python code objects.
* Currently we only know how to install packages using Anaconda, the reason is 3rd party OS libraries, e.g. libevent
* Anaconda has the capabilities to automatically resolve the required OS libraries per Python package and install them.
* TODO - figure out if we really want to support pip directly, or if Anaconda is enough.
* @param deps All of the customer's supplied Python dependencies, this currently comes from job-repo/deps/python.yml
* @param notifier
private def loadPythonDependencies(deps: PythonDependencies, notifier: Notifier): Unit = {"loading anaconda evn")
val codegenPackage = PythonPackage("codegen", channel = Option("auto"))
try {
deps.packages.foreach(pack => {
pack.index.getOrElse("anaconda").toLowerCase match {
case "anaconda" => installAnacondaPackage(pack)
// case "pypi" => installPyPiPackage(pack) TODO: See if we can support this
catch {
case rte: RuntimeException =>
val sw = new StringWriter
rte.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw))
notifier.error("", s"Failed to activate environment (runtime) - cause: ${rte.getCause}, message: ${rte.getMessage}, Stack: \n${sw.toString}")
case e: Exception =>
val sw = new StringWriter
e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw))
notifier.error("", s"Failed to activate environment (other) - type: ${e.getClass.getName}, cause: ${e.getCause}, message: ${e.getMessage}, Stack: \n${sw.toString}")
* Installs one python package using Anaconda.
* Anaconda works with multiple channels, or better called, repositories.
* Normally, if a channel isn't specified, Anaconda will fetch the package from the default conda channel.
* The reason we need to use channels, is that sometimes the required package doesn't exist on the default channel.
* @param pythonPackage This comes from parsing the python.yml dep file.
private def installAnacondaPackage(pythonPackage: PythonPackage): Unit = {
val channel ="anaconda")
if (channel == "anaconda") {
Seq("bash", "-c", s"$$PWD/miniconda/bin/python -m conda install -y ${pythonPackage.packageId}")
} else {
Seq("bash", "-c", s"$$PWD/miniconda/bin/python -m conda install -y -c $channel ${pythonPackage.packageId}")
* Installs Anaconda and then links it with the local spark that was installed on the executor.
private def installAnacondaOnNode(): Unit = {
Seq("bash", "-c", "sh -b -p $PWD/miniconda")
Seq("bash", "-c", "$PWD/miniconda/bin/python -m conda install -y conda-build")
Seq("bash", "-c", "ln -s $PWD/spark-2.2.1-bin-hadoop2.7/python/pyspark $PWD/miniconda/pkgs/pyspark")